Improving the level of knowledge, skills and skills of employees in the milling, bakery and flour products industry (Q3097193): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||
45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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Property / coordinate location: 45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 09:36, 8 October 2021
Project Q3097193 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Improving the level of knowledge, skills and skills of employees in the milling, bakery and flour products industry |
Project Q3097193 in Romania |
3,789,265.46 Romanian Leu
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4,457,959.37 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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16 October 2019
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15 July 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este de a contribui la cresterea competitivitatii profesionale prin dezvoltarea resurselor umane, prin facilitarea accesului la servicii de formare profesionala continua si servicii de evaluare si certificare a competentelor profesionale obtinute pe alte cai decat cele formale pentru 537 persoane - angajati din industria de morarit, panificatie si produse fainoase din regiunile Nord Est, Sud Est, Sud Muntenia, Sud Vest Oltenia si Centru, in vederea cresterii performantelor in plan profesional, in concordanta cu cerintele locurilor de munca din sectorul de morarit, panificatie si produse fainoase. De asemenea, proiectul vizeaza sprijinirea a minim 36 de IMM-uri din sectorul de morarit, panificatie si produse fainoase in scopul imbunatatirii continue a activitatii angajatilor, cresterii competitivitatii lor si adaptarii eficiente la conditiile de piata si la exigentele consumatorilor. Efectul pozitiv pe termen lung urmarit prin realizarea obiectivelor proiectului consta in dezvoltarea competentelor angajatilor din sectorul morarit-panificatie precum si dezvoltarea de mecanisme care sa anticipeze nevoile viitoare de competente atat la nivel de sector, cat si la nivel de angajator ca instrument de inovare sociala. Activitatile si rezultatele cuantificate ale proiectului contribuie la indeplinirea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului prin promovarea accesului angajatilor la programele de formare profesionala continua, in vederea obtinerii unei calificari complete precum si prin promovarea beneficiilor dezvoltarii competentelor profesionale ale angajatilor din industria de morarit-panificatie. Din aceasta perspectiva, proiectul implementeaza o abordare integrata, la nivelul agentilor economici si angajatilor, a masurilor de constientizare si de dezvoltare a resurselor umane, cu impact asupra asigurarii calitatii muncii prin asigurarea accesului la masuri de invatare pe intreg parcursul vietii. Cresterea performantelor profesionale a angajatilor din cadrul intreprinderilor din domeniul morarit/panificatie, ca urmare a participarii la programele de formare profesionala si la programul de evaluare si certificare a competentelor profesionale pentru calificarile specifice sectorului de morarit-panificatie organizate prin proiect, creaza premisele necesare sporirii capacitatii de insertie profesionala si adaptabilitatii la dinamica sectorului in care activeaza. In acest fel, proiectul contribuie in mod direct la realizarea obiectivului specific al apelului „imbunatatirea nivelului de cunostinte/competente/aptitudini aferente sectoarelor economice/domeniilor identificate conform SNC si SNCDI ale angajatilor”. Proiectul urmareste cresterea adaptabilitatii IMM-urilor din industria de morarit si panificatie la dinamica sectorului economic cu potential competitiv din care fac parte in contextul cresterii concurentei mondiale si a avantajelor pe care care le pot avea firmele. Constientizarea angajatorilor privi (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to contribute to increasing professional competitiveness through the development of human resources, by facilitating access to continuous professional training services and services of assessment and certification of professional skills obtained on other than formal paths for 537 people – employees in the milling, bakery and flour products industry in the regions of North East, South East, South Muntenia, South West Oltenia and Center, in order to increase performance in terms of professional performance, in accordance with the job requirements of the milling, bakery and floury products sector. The project also aims to support a minimum of 36 SMEs in the milling, bakery and flour products sector in order to continuously improve employees’ activity, increase their competitiveness and adapt efficiently to market conditions and consumer demands. The long-term positive effect pursued by the achievement of the project’s objectives consists of developing the skills of employees in the milling-breading sector as well as developing mechanisms that anticipate future skills needs at both sector and employer level as a social innovation tool. The quantified activities and results of the project contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call by promoting employees’ access to continuous training programs, in order to achieve a complete qualification as well as by promoting the benefits of developing the professional skills of employees in the milling-breading industry. From this perspective, the project implements an integrated approach, at the level of economic agents and employees, of measures of awareness and development of human resources, with impact on ensuring quality of work by ensuring access to lifelong learning measures. Increasing the professional performance of employees in the milling/breading sector, as a result of participation in professional training programs and in the program of assessment and certification of professional competencies for the specific qualifications of the milling-breading sector organised through the project, creates the necessary prerequisites to increase the capacity of professional insertion and adaptability to the dynamics of the sector in which it operates. In this way, the project directly contributes to the achievement of the specific objective of the call “improving the level of knowledge/competence/skills related to the economic sectors/areas identified according to the SNC and SNCDI of employees”. The project aims to increase the adaptability of SMEs in the milling and bakery industry to the dynamics of the economic sector with competitive potential of which they are part in the context of increasing global competition and the advantages that companies can have. Raising Employers’ Awareness Watch (English)
16 September 2021
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