Anticamera for life (Q3097868): Difference between revisions
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45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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Property / coordinate location: 45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E / rank | |||||||||||
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Revision as of 06:41, 8 October 2021
Project Q3097868 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Anticamera for life |
Project Q3097868 in Romania |
2,481,722.97 Romanian Leu
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496,344.59400000004 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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2,919,674.05 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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Intrarirea capacitatii DGASPC Buzau de a furniza programe de servicii integrate de sprijin pentru sustinerea procesului de tranzitie al copiilor/ tinerilor, de la sistemul institutionalizat la servicii la nivelul comunitatii, prin Serviciul de integrare socio-profesionala si vocationala din structura sa. Atingerea obiectivului general implica atingerea obiectivelor specifice ale prezentului apel de proiecte, respectiv reducerea numarului de copii si tineri plasati in institutii prin furnizarea de servicii la nivelul comunitatii (OS 4.12) si cresterea numarului tinerilor care parasesc sistemul institutionalizat (cu varsta de pana la 18 ani) pregatiti pentru a avea o viata independentă (OS 4.13). Tinerii care parasesc sistemul de protectie sunt dependenti de serviciile oferite pana la momentul revocarii masurii si chiar si dupa momentul revocarii masurii si de aceea, trebuie sa li se faciliteze o tranzitie catre viata independenta si adulta cat mai apropiate de nevoile pe care le au. Acordarea de sprijin copiilor/ tinerilor din sistemul de protectie pentru a-si dezvolta deprinderile necesare unei vieti independente este extrem de importanta din punctul de vedere al integrarii lor sustenabile si cu succes in societate. Proiectul de fata este gandit ca un tot unitar care sa acopere toate nevoile tanarului care a parasit sau urmeaza sa paraseasca sistemul de protectie, de la furnizarea unui program integrat pentru dezvoltarea deprinderilor de viata independenta (prin ateliere de viata independenta in cadrul carora sa isi dezvolte formarea deprinderile de baza, sa-si insuseasca regulile si oportunitatile pe care le ofera viata, sa-si asume initiative si responsabilitati pentru propria viata, sa gandeasca critic si creativ, sa solutioneze conflicte, sa dezvolte atitudinea toleranta si empatica fata de alte persoane, sa stabileasca usor relatii de prietenie si sa comunice eficient cu semenii lor, prin consiliere psihologica, individuala si de grup, prin activitati de tip mentorat, prin identificare si formare de speakeri motivationali din randul copiilor/ tinerilor din grupul tinta, prin sprijin pentru accesarea de servicii medicale si prin activitati de socializare si petrecere timp liber), la furnizarea unui program integrat de sprijin pentru facilitarea integrarii pe piata muncii (prin consiliere si orientare vocationala a tuturor celor 96 copii/tineri din grupul tinta, in vederea facilitarii integrarii pe piata muncii, prin servicii de formare profesionala pentru 50 copii/ tineri din grupul tinta, prin sprijin pentru reintoarcerea in sistemul de educatie pentru 20 copii/ tineri din grupul tinta, prin incheierea de parteneriate/ protocoale/acorduri cu angajatori/ ong-uri/ institutii in vederea facilitarii integrarii pe piata muncii) si la furnizarea de servicii tip prima camera ( locuinta si utilitati pentru 40 de tineri din grupul tinta). (Romanian)
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Entry of the capacity of DGASPC Buzau to provide integrated support services to support the transition process of children/young people, from the institutionalised system to community level services, through the socio-professional and vocational integration service in its structure. Achieving the general objective involves achieving the specific objectives of this call for projects, namely reducing the number of children and young people placed in institutions by providing community-wide services (OS 4.12) and increasing the number of young people leaving the institutionalised system (up to 18 years old) ready to have an independent life (OS 4.13). Young people who leave the protection system are dependent on the services offered until the measure is revoked and even after the revocation of the measure and therefore they must be facilitated a transition to independent and adult life as close as possible to their needs. Providing support to children/young people in the protection system to develop the skills needed for an independent life is extremely important in terms of their sustainable and successful integration into society. This project is thought to be a unitary whole to cover all the needs of the young person who has left or is going to leave the protection system, from providing an integrated program for the development of independent life skills (through independent life workshops where to develop the basic skills training, to acquire the rules and opportunities that life offers, to take initiatives and responsibilities for his own life, to think critically and creatively, to solve conflicts, to develop tolerance and empathy attitude towards other people, to easily establish friendship relationships and to communicate effectively with their peers, through psychological counseling, individual and group counselling, mentoring activities, identification and training of motivational speakers among children/young people in the target group, support for accessing medical services and social activities and leisure), to provide an integrated support program to facilitate integration on the labour market (through counselling and vocational guidance of all 96 children/young people from the target group, in order to facilitate integration into the labour market, through professional training services for 50 children/young people from the target group, through support for returning to the education system for 20 children/young people from the target group, by concluding partnerships/protocols/agreements with employers/ongs/institutions in order to facilitate integration into the labour market) and to provide first room services (housing and utilities for 40 young people from the target group). (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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