An PLUS for the START UPs of the Northwest Region (Q3097161): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 23:04, 7 October 2021

Project Q3097161 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
An PLUS for the START UPs of the Northwest Region
Project Q3097161 in Romania


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    7,534,576.487 Romanian Leu
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    1,506,915.2974 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    8,900,412.34 Romanian Leu
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    1,780,082.468 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    84.65 percent
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    10 January 2018
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    30 April 2021
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    47°39'23.62"N, 23°34'19.13"E
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    47°7'57.72"N, 24°29'47.00"E
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    46°46'9.77"N, 23°35'23.82"E
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    47°3'17.71"N, 21°55'42.67"E
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    47°47'21.05"N, 22°52'21.22"E
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    47°10'54.98"N, 23°3'22.36"E
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    Obiectivul general al proictului este reprezentat de cresterea ocuparii in Regiunea Nord-Vest prin formarea antreprenoriala a 307 persoane si sustinerea infiintarii a 38 de intreprinderi cu profil nonagricol in zona urbana. In vederea asigurarii unei dezvoltari omogene la nivelul regiunii, proiectul va avea in vedere cuprinderea in activitatile de formare a cel putin 20 de persoane din fiecare din cele 6 judete, respectiv Satu Mare, Maramures, Salaj, Bistrita-Nasaud, Cluj, Bihor. De asemenea, prin proiect se va urmari sprijinirea infiintarii si dezvoltarii a cel putin 2 intreprinderi in fiecare dintre cele 6 judete si crearea a cel putin doua locuri de munca la nivelul fiecarei intreprinderi. Interventiile de ocupare antreprenoriala in cadrul proiectului vor avea la baza o abordare centrata pe beneficiari in domeniul antreprenoriatului. Proiectul va genera efecte pozitive pe termen lung in mai multe directii: 1 - La nivel individual, pentru fiecare categorie de GT in parte, prin pachetele de sprijin acordate (sprijin in formare antrprenoriala pentru 307 anagajati/someri/persoane inactive care vor putea valorifica cunostintele acumulate si planurile de afaceri dezvoltate, chiar daca nu vor fi selectati in concursul de planuri de afaceri). In cazul BENEFICIARILOR DE MASURII de formare, efectele pozitive pe termen lung vor fi legate de cresterea valorii, competitivitatii si angajabilitatii pe piata formala a muncii, de mentinere a stimei de sine, de formarea si mentinerea unei atitudini pozitive si proactive fata de antreprenoriat si ocupare pe cont propriu, de reducerea sentimentul de marginalizare pentru aceste persoane, precum si de cresterea nivelului de trai. Abilitatile dezvoltate, cunostintele si competentele dobandite vor facilita integrarea si mentinerea pe piata muncii, in conditii de egalitate de sanse. 2- In cazul BENEFICIARILOR care vor fi selectati in cadrul competitiei de planuri de afaceri, competentele antreprenoriale dobandite si abilitatile dezvoltate vor ajuta aceste persoane sa devina antreprenori de succes, dezvoltand intreprinderi sustenabile. In cazul acestor persoane serviciile de antreprenoriat vor conduce la cresterea independentei financiare, la schimbarea statutului in comunitate, la cultivarea increderii si a respectului de sine, precum si la imbunatatirea calitatii vietii atat la nivel individual cat si la nivelul familie. Persoanele sprijinte in a deveni antreprenori vor fi exemple de buna practica in cadrul comunitatilor, constituind inspiratie si modele de urmat pentru alti membri ai comunitatilor. 3 - La nivelul comunitatilor locale in care se vor infiinta afacerile, se va sprijini cresterea economica locala si reducerea nivelului de somaj prin crearea locurilor de munca aferente afacerilor infiintate. Proiectul va contribui la CRESTEREA NUMARULUI DE AFACERI locale in comunitatatile din cele 6 judete, ceea ce va creste capacitatea de creare de locuri de munca la nivelul comunitatilor vizate. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase employment in the North-West Region through entrepreneurial training of 307 people and support the establishment of 38 non-agricultural enterprises in the urban area. In order to ensure a homogeneous development in the region, the project will consider including in the training activities of at least 20 people from each of the 6 counties, namely Satu Mare, Maramures, Salaj, Bistrita-Nasaud, Cluj, Bihor. Also, the project will aim to support the establishment and development of at least 2 enterprises in each of the 6 counties and create at least two jobs at the level of each enterprise. The entrepreneurial employment interventions within the project will be based on a beneficiary-centred approach in the field of entrepreneurship. The project will generate long-term positive effects in several directions: 1 – At an individual level, for each category of GT, through the support packages provided (support in training for 307 employees/inactive persons who will be able to capitalise on the accumulated knowledge and business plans developed, even if they will not be selected in the contest of business plans). In the case of beneficiaries of training measures, the positive long-term effects will be related to increasing the value, competitiveness and employability on the formal labour market, maintaining self-esteem, training and maintaining a positive and proactive attitude towards entrepreneurship and self-employment, reducing the feeling of marginalisation for these people, as well as increasing living standards. Developed skills, knowledge and skills acquired will facilitate integration and maintenance on the labour market, in conditions of equal chances. 2- In case of beneficiaries who will be selected in the competition of business plans, acquired entrepreneurial skills and developed skills will help these people to become successful entrepreneurs, developing sustainable enterprises. In the case of these people, entrepreneurship services will lead to increased financial independence, changing status in the community, cultivating self-esteem and self-esteem, as well as improving the quality of life at both individual and family level. People supported in becoming entrepreneurs will be examples of good practice within communities, being inspiration and role models for other community members. 3 – At the level of the local communities where business will be established, local economic growth and reduction of unemployment will be supported by creating jobs related to established businesses. The project will contribute to CRESTERING the number of local businesses in the communities in the 6 counties, which will increase the capacity to create jobs at the level of the communities concerned. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Oradea, Romania
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    Municipiul Zalău, Romania
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    Municipiul Satu Mare, Romania
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    Municipiul Baia Mare, Romania
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    Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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    Municipiul Bistriţa, Romania
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