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Revision as of 21:56, 7 October 2021
Project Q3097008 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Business School – South East Region |
Project Q3097008 in Romania |
7,414,039.077 Romanian Leu
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8,847,796.34 Romanian Leu
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1,769,559.2680000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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83.8 percent
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1 December 2018
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31 December 2020
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Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului in Regiunea Sud-Est prin stimularea inițiativei antreprenoriale in rândul a 300 de persoane fizice (șomeri, persoane inactive, persoane care au un loc de muncă și înființează o afacere în scopul creării de noi locuri de muncă), si prin sprijinirea lor pentru înființarea de afaceri inclusiv prin oferirea lor a unui suport financiar pentru 36 de afaceri prin oferirea de micro-granturi. Prin proiect se înființează noi afaceri în regiunea de dezvoltare, lucru care este de asteptat sa genereze pe termen scurt si lung noi locuri de munca (minim 72 de locuri de munca create in proiect), fapt ce va contribui la creșterea competitivității Regiunii Sud-Est si la dezvoltarea a unui mediu economic durabil datorită asistentei si activităților de sprijin derulate in cadrul proiectului prin intermediul parteneriatului. Impactul proiectului se va reflecta direct atât la nivel individual, pentru cele 300 de persoane cuprinse in grupul țintă prin plaja de servicii de instruire și măsuri de suport de care vor beneficia prin dezvoltarea unor servicii sustenabile, prin ridicarea nivelului de competenta si a potențialului resursei umane și a spiritului antreprenorial, cât și la nivel județean având ca efect stimularea investițiilor si crearea oportunităților zonale de dezvoltare comunitare in concordanță cu strategiile naționale/ regionale/ locale existente. Efectul pozitiv pe termen lung este potentat de faptul ca in proiect se vor oferi măsuri integrate pentru grupul țintă, ce vizează sprijin prin informare, consiliere, formare antreprenoriala, dar si servicii suport privind: stagii de practica, consultanta si mentorat. Concret, la nivelul proiectului rezultatele care vor contribui la cresterea impactului sunt: - 300 de persoane din grupul tinta (someri, persoane inactive, persoane angajate), vor crea premisele pentru dezvoltarea de noi afaceri, atât in cadrul proiectului, cat si ulterior, bazate pe cunoștințele dobândite. - 72 noi locuri de munca create in mediul privat din sectorul nonagricol, vor genera prin sustenabilitatea lor un efect pozitiv in rândul familiilor angajaților dar si comunitatilor din care aceștia provin. - 36 de firme vor fi create si finantate, vor putea la randul lor un efect pozitiv la nivelul mediului de afaceri si comunitatii in care isi desfasoara activitatea; acestea pot fi sustinute ulterior prin fonduri disponibile la nivel national si/sau international pentru dezvoltarea afacerii, dar si de catre institutii financiare prin stimulente pentru companii de tip start-up si pot crea ulterior mai multe locuri de munca noi. Acest efect va fi potentat de o schimbare la nivelul mentalității colective a comunităților din regiune per ansamblu, cu efect pe termen lung, prin promovare a unei imagini pozitive a zonei, asigurând în aceleași timp accesul si tratamentul egal si nediscriminatoriu al acestora. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to develop entrepreneurship in the South-East Region by stimulating the entrepreneurial initiative among 300 individuals (unemployed, inactive persons, people who have a job and set up a business in order to create new jobs), and by supporting them for setting up business including by providing them with financial support for 36 businesses by offering micro-grants. The project establishes new businesses in the development region, which is expected to generate in the short and long term new jobs (minimum 72 jobs created in the project), which will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the South-East Region and to the development of a sustainable economic environment thanks to the assistance and support activities carried out within the project through the partnership. The impact of the project will be directly reflected both at individual level, for the 300 people included in the target group through the range of training services and support measures that will benefit from the development of sustainable services, by raising the level of competence and potential of human resources and entrepreneurship, as well as at county level, with the effect of stimulating investments and creating community development area opportunities in line with existing national/regional/local strategies. The long-term positive effect is enhanced by the fact that the project will provide integrated measures for the target group, aimed at support through information, counselling, entrepreneurial training, but also support services regarding: internships, consulting and mentoring. Concretely, at the project level, the results that will contribute to increasing the impact are: — 300 people from the target group (somers, inactive persons, employed persons), will create the premises for the development of new businesses, both within the project and later, based on the acquired knowledge. 72 new jobs created in the private sector in the non-agricultural sector will generate a positive effect among the families of employees and the communities from which they come from through their sustainability. 36 companies will be created and financed, they will also be able to have a positive effect on the business environment and the community in which they operate; they can then be supported by funds available at national and/or international level for business development, but also by financial institutions through incentives for start-up companies and can then create more new jobs. This effect will be enhanced by a change in the collective mentality of the communities in the region as a whole, with long-term effect, by promoting a positive image of the area, while ensuring their equal and non-discriminatory access and treatment. (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Tulcea, Romania
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Municipiul Galaţi, Romania
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Municipiul Constanţa, Romania
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Municipiul Buzău, Romania
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Municipiul Brăila, Romania
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Municipiul Focşani, Romania
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