EuroStart in Social Economy (Q3098074): Difference between revisions
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46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E
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Property / coordinate location: 46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E / rank | |||||||||||
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Revision as of 12:22, 7 October 2021
Project Q3098074 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | EuroStart in Social Economy |
Project Q3098074 in Romania |
11,334,012.05 Romanian Leu
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13,440,552.95 Romanian Leu
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84.33 percent
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1 April 2019
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30 November 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in promovarea antreprenoriatului social și a integrării vocaționale în întreprinderile sociale și economia socială din Regiunea Centru si Sud Vest Oltenia in scopul facilitarii accesul la ocuparea forței de muncă prin infiintarea a minim 22 intreprinderi sociale pe parcursul a 24 de luni. Va avea loc astfel asigurarea contributiei la promovarea unei societati incluzive si coezive in regiunea tinta prin dezvoltarea si mentinerea întreprinderile sociale in vederea facilitarii integrarii sociale si profesionale a persoanelor nou angajate in structurile nou create, precum si prin oferirea catre beneficiarii proiectului a unui suport integrat cuprinzand servicii de consiliere, formare profesionala, consultanta si asistenta. Urmarim diminuarea efectelor incertitudinilor create de o legislatie nationala insuficient dezvoltata in domeniul economiei sociale printr-un exemplu de impementare efectiva a principiilor acesteia asa cum au fost si sunt de multi ani promovate si implementate cu succes la nivelul altor state din UE. In acest sens OG al proiectului vizeaza nu doar crearea locurilor de munca in cadrul intreprinderilor ci si obtinerea consecintelor pozitive, la nivel de comunitate pe care aceasta le creeaza. La nivel practic, proiectul, in parteneriatul sau de ansamblu, va genera minim 22 intreprinderi sociale care vor avea propria identitate si un sediu propriu si 6 locuri de munca create in cadrul fiecareia. De asemenea, prin proiect se va asigura suportul necesar pentru dezvoltarea competentelor membrilor in toate domeniile necesare initierii dar mai ales mentinerii unei activitati independte, inclusiv in marketing si promovare. Toate acestea vor genera efecte pe termen lung avand in vedere ca inca de la inceput se asigura premisele si cadrul necesar functionarii intreprinderilor ceea ce conduce la stabilitatea mijloacelor de sustinere a activititatilor, si mai ales prin actiunile desfasurate de catre acestea, deoarece vom urmari ca cel putin 15% din planurile de afaceri finanțate prin intermediul schemei de minimis să propună activități ce vor promova concret sprijinirea tranziției către o economie cu emisii scăzute de dioxid de carbon și eficientă din punctul de vedere al utilizării resurselor si să propună măsuri ce vor promova concret inovarea sociala si nediscriminarea. De asemenea, ne dorim ca odata create, intreprinderile sa furnizeze pe piata, bunuri si servicii in varianta antreprenoriala inovatoare, utilizandu-se cu predilectie excedentele in scopuri sociale si pentru autosustinere conducand la o gestionare responsabila si transparenta, ducand pana la asocieri intre angajati, clienti sau a altor parti interesate. Implementarea acestui proiect, coroborata cu alte politici la nivel regional, cu investitiile realizate pr (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to promote social entrepreneurship and vocational integration in social enterprises and social economy in the Central and South West Oltenia Region in order to facilitate access to employment by establishing a minimum of 22 social enterprises during 24 months. This will ensure the contribution to the promotion of an inclusive and cohesive society in the target region by developing and maintaining social enterprises in order to facilitate the social and professional integration of people newly employed in the newly created structures, as well as by providing the project beneficiaries with integrated support including advisory services, professional training, consultancy and assistance. We aim to mitigate the effects of uncertainties created by an insufficiently developed national legislation in the field of social economy through an example of effective implementation of its principles as they have been and have been successfully promoted and implemented in other EU countries for many years. In this sense, the GO of the project aims not only at creating jobs within companies, but also at achieving the positive consequences, at community level that it creates. On a practical level, the project, in its overall partnership, will generate a minimum of 22 social enterprises that will have their own identity and headquarters and 6 jobs created within each. Also, the project will provide the necessary support for the development of the competences of the members in all areas necessary to initiate but especially to maintain an independent activity, including in marketing and promotion. All these will generate long-term effects, considering that from the very beginning the necessary premises and framework for the operation of enterprises are ensured, which leads to the stability of the means of supporting the activities, and especially through the actions carried out by them, because we will aim for at least 15 % of the business plans financed through the de minimis scheme to propose activities that will effectively promote the support of the transition to a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy and propose measures that will effectively promote social innovation and non-discrimination. We also want companies to provide on the market, goods and services in the innovative entrepreneurial version, using surpluses for social and self-sustaining purposes, leading to responsible and transparent management, leading to associations between employees, customers or other interested parties. Implementation of this project, in conjunction with other policies at regional level, with investments made (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Alba, Romania
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Judeţul Vâlcea, Romania
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Judeţul Mehedinţi, Romania
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Judeţul Gorj, Romania
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Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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