Center of innovation and excellence in the field of public youth policies (Q3096071): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
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46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E
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Property / coordinate location: 46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 09:52, 7 October 2021
Project Q3096071 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Center of innovation and excellence in the field of public youth policies |
Project Q3096071 in Romania |
789,905.5703 Romanian Leu
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157,981.11406000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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953,954.51 Romanian Leu
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82.8 percent
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7 May 2018
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7 September 2019
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Obiectiv general al proiectului/Scopul proiectului: Formularea si promovarea de propuneri alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern in domeniul tineretului, la nivel national, prin facilitarea dialogului social si civic intre diversi actori ai societati (organizatii neguvernamentale, parteneri sociali, personal din autoritatile si institutiile publice locale, regionale si nationale, cetateni). In Europa, preocuparile pentru dezvoltarea si coordonarea politicilor nationale s-au accentuat in ultimii 10 - 15 ani, in special in domeniul tineretului. Conform SCAP 2014-2020, viziunea Administratiei Publice din Romania pentru 2020 este aceea de a consolida o administratie publica eficienta si receptiva la nevoile societatii; o spirala a increderii in raport cu societatea, in care beneficiarii sa se bucure de servicii publice integrate, oportune si de calitate, furnizate, dupa o testare riguroasa a optiunilor, de catre autoritati si institutii publice proactive si receptive la schimbare. Relatia dintre administratia publica si beneficiari va fi orientata pe solutii care sa se armonizeze cu reformele din domeniile social, cultural-educational, economico-financiar, justitie si democratie. Obiectivele strategice nationale in domeniul politicii de tineret 2015-2020, se bazeaza pe doua abordari: investitia in tineret, care inseamna alocarea de resurse sporite pentru dezvoltarea unor domenii ale politicii de tineret care afecteaza tinerii in viata lor de zi cu zi, si cresterea capacitatii tinerilor, care se refera la promovarea potentialului pe care tinerii il au pentru reinnoirea societatii si contribuirea la valorile si obiectivele Uniunii Europene. Proiectul propus este un proiect care contribuie la eliminarea principalelor puncte slabe din administratia publica si sistemul judiciar si creeaza premisele pentru implementarea cu succes a reformelor in domeniul tineretului, impactul national generand pe termen lung: a) sprijinirea ONG-urilor si partenerilor sociali (organizatii sindicale, organizatii patronale, precum si formele de asociere ale acestora cu personalitate juridica) care lucreaza cu si pentru tineri, atat din regiunea mai dezvoltata (Bucuresti-Ilfov), cat si din regiunile mai putin dezvoltate, pentru a formula si promova propuneri alternative la politicile publice de tineret initiate de Guvern - retea tematica de cooperare nationala in domeniul tineretului creata si functionala cu minim 300 de membrii; editarea de materiale cu privire la politicile publice din domeniul tineretului evaluate si dezbatute in cadrul retelei de cooperare nationala; 1 Manual/tool kit de dezvoltare al ONG-urilor de tineret si partenerilor sociali in vederea formularii si promovarii de propuneri alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern realizat; 1 Manual de advocacy/lobby in domeniul tineretului, negociere in dialogul civic realizat; 150 de beneficiari (120 reprezentanti ai ONG-urilor, inclusiv reprezentanti ai structurilor asociative ale aut (Romanian)
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General objective of the project/Project goal: Formulating and promoting alternative proposals to public policies initiated by the Government in the field of youth, at national level, by facilitating social and civic dialogue between various actors of companies (non-governmental organisations, social partners, staff from local, regional and national public authorities and institutions, citizens). In Europe, concerns for the development and coordination of national policies have increased over the last 10-15 years, especially in the field of youth. According to SCAP 2014-2020, the vision of the Romanian Public Administration for 2020 is to strengthen an efficient and responsive public administration to the needs of the society; a spiral of trust in relation to society, in which beneficiaries enjoy integrated, timely and quality public services, provided, after rigorous testing of options, by proactive and responsive public authorities and institutions. The relationship between the public administration and the beneficiaries will be oriented on solutions that harmonise with reforms in the social, cultural-educational, economic and financial fields, justice and democracy. The national strategic objectives in the field of youth policy 2015-2020 are based on two approaches: investing in youth, which means allocating increased resources to develop areas of youth policy that affect young people in their daily lives, and increasing the capacity of young people, which refers to promoting the potential that young people have for renewing their society and contributing to the values and objectives of the European Union. The proposed project is a project that contributes to eliminating the main weaknesses in the public administration and the judiciary and creates the prerequisites for the successful implementation of reforms in the youth field, the national impact generating in the long term: a) supporting NGOs and social partners (trade unions, employers’ organisations, as well as their forms of association with legal personality) working with and for young people, both in the more developed region (Bucharest-Ilfov) and in less developed regions, to formulate and promote alternative proposals to public youth policies initiated by the Government – the thematic network of national cooperation in the youth field created and functional with at least 300 members; editing materials on public policies in the youth field evaluated and debated within the national cooperation network; 1 Manual/tool development kit of youth NGOs and social partners in order to formulate and promote alternative proposals to public policies initiated by the Government; 1 Manual of advocacy/lobby in youth field, negotiation in civic dialogue achieved; 150 beneficiaries (120 representatives of NGOs, including representatives of aut associative structures (English)
16 September 2021
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