A.C.T.I.V. (Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Technology for Future Initiatives) in SUD MUNTENIA region (Q3097039): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||
44°43'14.56"N, 25°19'10.09"E
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Property / coordinate location: 44°43'14.56"N, 25°19'10.09"E / rank | |||||||||||
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Revision as of 09:38, 7 October 2021
Project Q3097039 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | A.C.T.I.V. (Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Technology for Future Initiatives) in SUD MUNTENIA region |
Project Q3097039 in Romania |
11,202,003.53 Romanian Leu
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13,256,013.98 Romanian Leu
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84.51 percent
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2 December 2017
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30 November 2020
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OG: Obiectivul general al pr consta in sprijinirea antreprenoriatului in domeniul non-agricol din zonele urbane din regiunea Sud-Muntenia prin cresterea competentelor manageriale si antreprenoriale pentru un numar de 450 de persoane care vor fi selectate din cei 600 participanti la cele 20 seminarii de informare derulate in cadrul pr. Proiectul contribuie la promovarea culturii antreprenoriale şi la optimizarea abilitatilor membrilor GT de a identifica in mod realist si de a aplica in practica idei de afaceri, generand efecte pozitive pe termen lung, in mod concret, prin masuri profesioniste de formare in domeniul antreprenoriatului pt 450 persoane membre ale grupului tinta-persoane fizice (someri, persoane inactive, inclusiv studenti, persoane care au un loc de munca si infiinteaza o afacere in scopul crearii de noi locuri de munca) care indeplinesc cumulativ urmatoarele conditii: -intentioneaza sa infiinteze o afacere non-agricola in mediul urban; -isi au resedinta sau domiciliul in mediul rural sau in cel urban din regiunea Sud-Muntenia; In cadrul pr se vizeaza cresterea nivelului de ocupare si cresterea directa a nivelului de trai al membrilor GT-ului, obiectivul general fiind in conformitate cu Obiectivul tematic 8 din cadrul Axei Prioritare 3, si anume promovarea unor locuri de munca durabile si de calitate si sprijinirea mobilitatii lucratorilor prin crearea unui numar minim de 108 locuri de munca si implicit in conformitate cu Obiectivul specific 3.7 Cresterea Ocuparii prin sustinerea intreprinderilor cu profil non-agricol din zona urbana. Mai mult, obiectivul general al pr contribuie la realizarea obiectivelor Programului Operational Capital Uman 2014-2020 prin valorificarea potentialului fortei de munca si prin stimularea antreprenoriatului in domenii non-agricole. Planul de Dezvoltare Regionala Sud-Muntenia prevede printre obiectivele sale, concretizarea unor politici la nivel regional care sa sustina antreprenoriatul autohton, diversificarea economiei si a sistemelor de productie locala cat si pregatirea adecvata a pietei fortei de munca. Proiectul prin obiectivele sale contribuie la realizarea liniilor trasate in cadrul Planului de Dezvoltare Regionala SM. Mai mult, proiectul prin obiectivele sale se inscrie in liniile Strategiei Nationale pentru Competitivitate 2014-2020, indeplinind criteriile specificate in Prioritatea nr. 4-Cele 10 sectoare de viitor cat si criteriile trasate in cadrul Prioritatii nr. 5 din Strategie si anume: Pregatirea Generatiei 2050 si provocari societale prin sustinerea dezvoltarii unor afaceri in cele 10 sectoare cu potential de dezvoltare si prin imbunatatirea competitivitatii de la nivel regional. Strategia guvernamentala pentru dezvoltarea sectorului intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii si imbunatatirea mediului de afaceri din Romania-Orizont 2020 se focalizeaza pe cinci directii de actiune, dintre care prima se refera la sprijinirea si promovarea antreprenoriatului. Obiectivul general al pr se pliaza (Romanian)
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OG: The general objective of the project is to support entrepreneurship in the non-agricultural field in urban areas in the South-Muntenia region by increasing managerial and entrepreneurial skills for a number of 450 people who will be selected from the 600 participants in the 20 information seminars conducted within the pr. The project contributes to promoting the entrepreneurial culture and optimising the abilities of GT members to realistically identify and apply business ideas in practice, generating positive long-term effects, concretely, through professional training measures in the field of entrepreneurship for 450 members of the target group-individuals (individuals, inactive persons, including students, people who have a job and set up a business in order to create new jobs) who cumulatively meet the following conditions: intends to set up a non-agricultural business in the urban environment; have their residence or domicile in rural or urban areas in the South-Muntenia region; The aim is to increase the level of employment and to directly increase the living standards of the GT members, the general objective being in line with the thematic objective 8 of Priority Axis 3, namely promoting sustainable and quality jobs and supporting workers’ mobility by creating a minimum of 108 jobs and implicitly in accordance with Specific Objective 3.7 Increase employment by supporting non-agricultural enterprises in the urban area. Moreover, the general objective of the program contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020 by capitalising on the potential of the workforce and by stimulating entrepreneurship in non-agricultural areas. The South-Muntenia Regional Development Plan provides among its objectives, the implementation of policies at regional level to support domestic entrepreneurship, the diversification of the economy and local production systems and the proper preparation of the labour market. The project through its objectives contributes to the realisation of the lines outlined in the MS Regional Development Plan. Moreover, the project through its objectives is part of the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2014-2020, meeting the criteria specified in Priority no. 4 – The 10 sectors of the future and the criteria outlined in Priority no. 5 of the Strategy, namely: Preparing Generation 2050 and societal challenges by supporting business development in the 10 sectors with development potential and by improving regional competitiveness. The governmental strategy for the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises sector and the improvement of the business environment in Romania-Horizon 2020 focuses on five directions of action, the first of which is to support and promote entrepreneurship. The general objective of the pr folds (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Feteşti, Romania
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Municipiul Olteniţa, Romania
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Municipiul Călăraşi, Romania
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Oraş Topoloveni, Romania
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Oraş Mioveni, Romania
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Municipiul Piteşti, Romania
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Municipiul Câmpulung, Romania
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Municipiul Curtea de Arges, Romania
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Oraş Vălenii de Munte, Romania
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Oraş Sinaia, Romania
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Municipiul Câmpina, Romania
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