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44°19'8.47"N, 23°47'47.62"E
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Revision as of 09:09, 7 October 2021
Project Q2743646 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q2743646 in Romania |
615,440.799 Romanian Leu
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123,088.15980000001 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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905,060.0 Romanian Leu
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68.0 percent
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Obiectiv general al proiectului/Scopul proiectului Societatea Comercială GHEMGHE SRL este persoană juridică română, organizată şi autorizată să funcţioneze în conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 31/1990 privind înfiinţarea societăţilor comerciale în România. Societatea ComercialăGHEMGHE SRL, înregistrată la Registrul Comerţului sub nr. J16/63/2013, are forma juridică de Societate Comercială cu Răspundere Limitată şi şi a fost infiintata in scopul valorificarii oportunitatilor existente pe piata comertului alimentar si preponderent nealimentar, principalii idicatori economici demonstrand potentialul economic al intreprinderii.Desi infiintata relativ recent (anul 2013), activitatea societatii a luat amploare de la un an la altul, ajungand in prezent una din societatile importante ce isi desfasoara activitatea pe piata comertului. Incurajata de evolutia ascendenta a industriei producatoare, precum si de oportunitatea creata prin intermediul prezentului apel de proiecte,SC GHEMGHE SRL hotaraste in prezent demararea unei noi activitati, cea de fabricare a produselor de uz igienico-sanitar, deschizandu-si astfel un punct de lucru Mun. Craiova, B-dul Decebal, Nr. 85, Judet Dolj si autorizand codul caen 1722 Fabricarea produselor de uz gospodaresc si sanitar din hartie sau carton. Astfel, prin intermediul prezentului program, administratorul societatii, dl GHEORGHE MARIUS-VIRGIL urmareste cresterea indicatorilor de performanta si rentabilitate ai societatii pe baza dezvoltarii activitatii de fabricare a produselor de uz igienico-sanitar, prin achizitia unor utilaje de productie a servetelelor de masa si a batistutelor din hartie.Prin urmare, obiectivul general al societatii este acela de a creste competitivitatea si de a dezvolta activitatea acesteia pentru a deveni unul din leaderii pietei in domeniul fabricarii produselor de uz igienico-sanitar, din judetul Dolj. Pentru aceasta, compania vizeaza implementarea de strategii de crestere a competitivitatii, care sa contribuie la cresterea calitatii produselor fabricate, la optimizarea raportului cost/pret, si la cresterea productivitatii muncii, precum si la cresterea cotei de piata. Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta valorificarea sectorului productiv al activitatii companiei prin modernizarea acesteia si extinderea intr-un nou domeniu de activitate. In acest sens, firma va achizitiona utilaje de productie noi, moderne, ceea ce va conduce implicit la inovarea procesului de productie, la dezvoltarea durabila a companiei, la respectarea normelor de mediu si la cresterea competitivitatii in piata specifica.Scopul proiectuluieste cresterea nivelului tehnic de dotare al SC GHEMGHE SRL prin achizitionarea unor noi active corporale, destinate sa modernizeze si sa dezvolte activitatea de productie, utiland astfel compania cu tehnologie avansata si eficienta in scopul obtinerii unor produse de calitate superioara, executate in domeniul fabricarii produselor de hartie, in conditii de siguranta (Romanian)
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General objective of the project/Project Purpose Company GHEMGHE SRL is a Romanian legal entity, organised and authorised to operate in accordance with the provisions of Law No 31/1990 on the establishment of commercial companies in Romania. Commercial companyGHEMGHE SRL, registered at the Trade Register under no. J16/63/2013, has the legal form of a Limited Liability Commercial Company and was established in order to capitalise on the opportunities existing on the food and mainly non-food market, the main economic indicators demonstrating the economic potential of the enterprise. Although established relatively recently (2013), the company’s activity has grown from one year to the next, becoming one of the major companies operating on the trade market. Encouraged by the upward evolution of the manufacturing industry, as well as the opportunity created through this call for projects, SC GHEMGHE SRL currently decides to start a new activity, that of manufacturing products for hygienic-sanitary use, thus opening a working place for Mun. Craiova, Decebal B-dul, Nr. 85, Dolj County and authorising the code 1722 Manufacture of household and sanitary products made of paper or cardboard. Thus, through this program, the company’s manager, Mr. GHEORGHE MARIUS-VIRGIL aims to increase the performance and profitability indicators of the company based on the development of the hygienic-sanitary products production activity, by purchasing some equipment for the production of table napkins and paper handkerchiefs. Therefore, the general objective of the company is to increase its competitiveness and develop its activity in order to become one of the market leaders in the field of hygienic-sanitary products in Dolj county. For this, the company aims to implement strategies to increase competitiveness, which contribute to increasing the quality of manufactured products, optimising the cost/price ratio, and increasing labor productivity, as well as increasing the market share. The general objective of the project is to capitalise on the production sector of the company’s activity by modernising it and expanding it into a new field of activity. In this respect, the company will purchase new, modern production equipment, which will implicitly lead to the innovation of the production process, the sustainable development of the company, the respect of environmental norms and the increase of competitiveness in the specific market.The goal of the project is to increase the technical level of equipment of SC GHEMGHE SRL by acquiring new tangible assets, designed to modernise and develop the production activity, thus utilising the company with advanced technology and efficiency in order to obtain high quality products, executed in the field of paper products, safely (English)
14 September 2021
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Municipiul Craiova, Romania
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