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Revision as of 20:27, 6 October 2021
Project Q3097661 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Higher competencies for employees in the Centre region |
Project Q3097661 in Romania |
3,378,587.16 Romanian Leu
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4,048,597.38 Romanian Leu
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83.45 percent
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15 October 2019
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14 April 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta imbunatatirea nivelului de cunostinte/competente/aptitudini pentru angajatii din Regiunea de Dezvoltare Centru, in vederea sporirii capacitatii de insertie profesionala si a adaptabilitatii acestora la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si in corelare cu domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI. Obiectivul general al proiectului va fi atins prin derularea in proiect a 3 etape (activitati) principale si 2 transversale/secundare (managementul de proiect si informare si publicitate). Proiectul isi propune o PRIMA ETAPA/activitatea 1 demareaza cu o informare si constientizare la nivelul angajatorilor de pe teritoriul Regiunii Centru cu privire la beneficiile si oportunitatile participarii angajatilor la programe de formare continua precum si identificarea necesitatilor de formare existente in intreprinderile pe care le gestioneaza astfel incat oferta de cursuri sa fie adaptata necesitatilor proprii ale companiilor dar si ale angajatilor. Activitatile de constientizare vor avea printre altele ca rezultat selectarea grupului tinta al proiectului care va fi format din minim 302 persoane angajate in intreprinderi din Regiunea Centru din sectoare economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si in corelare cu unul din domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI. Persoanele selectate vor face parte din cel putin 33 intreprinderi din sectoarele amintite mai sus, intreprinderi ce vor primi ulterior si sprijin in elaborarea si introducerea unor programe de invatare la locul de munca. In ETAPA A DOUA/activitatea a 2-a a proiectului, cele 302 persoane (angajati) inscrise in grupul tinta al proiectului vor fi inscrise la cursuri de formare adaptate nevoilor proprii astfel incat sa corespunda si nevoilor de la locul de munca. Din cei 302 angajati din grpul tinta vor fi un minim de 31 persoane care vor apartine categoriei de persoane varstnice astfel incat sa se ofere sanse de mentinere a locului de munca sau includere pe piata muncii a acestor categorii de persoane de cele mai multe ori greu angajabile. De asemenea, la finalizarea cursurilor, rata de promovabilitate va fi de minim 90.07% (272 persoane din 302 persoane). ETAPA A TREIA / activitatea 3 prevede oferirea de sprijin pentru 33 intreprinderi in vederea elaborarii si introducerii unor programe de invatare la locul de munca. Ca o continuare a acestei etape, in termen de 6 luni de la finalizarea perioadei de primire a sprijinului, minim 3 intreprinderi vor introduce programe de formare continuua la locul de munca. EFECTELE POZITIVE asteptate ca urmare a implementarii proiectului: - crestarea nivelului de informare, constientizare si interes privind nevoia de participare a angajatilor la programe de formare continua, la nivelul angajatorilor din Regiunea Centru - un numar de 302 persoane angajati in intreprinderi din Regiunea Centru vor dobandi cunostinte profesionale (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to improve the level of knowledge/skills/skills for employees in the Center Development Region, in order to increase their professional insertion capacity and adaptability to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and in correlation with the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI. The general objective of the project will be achieved by carrying out in the project 3 main stages (activities) and 2 transversal/secondary (project management and information and publicity). The project proposes a PRIMA ETAPA/Activity 1 starts with an information and awareness at the level of the employers in the Central Region regarding the benefits and opportunities of employee participation in continuous training programs as well as the identification of the training needs existing in the enterprises they manage so that the offer of courses is adapted to the needs of both companies and employees. Awareness-raising activities will result, among other things, in selecting the target group of the project that will consist of at least 302 persons employed in enterprises in the Central Region from economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNC and in conjunction with one of the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI. The selected persons will be part of at least 33 enterprises in the sectors mentioned above, enterprises that will subsequently receive support in developing and introducing work-based learning programs. In the second ETAPA/activity of the project, the 302 persons (employees) enrolled in the target group of the project will be enrolled in training courses adapted to their own needs so as to meet the needs of the workplace. Of the 302 employees in the target group will be a minimum of 31 persons who will belong to the category of elderly people so as to offer chances of maintaining the job or inclusion on the labour market of these categories of people most often difficult to employ. Also, upon completion of the courses, the promotion rate will be at least 90.07 % (272 people out of 302 people). Stage A TREIA/Activity 3 provides support for 33 enterprises in developing and introducing work-based learning programs. As a continuation of this phase, within 6 months of the end of the period of receipt of support, a minimum of 3 enterprises will introduce continuous on-the-job training programmes. Potential effects expected as a result of project implementation: — raising the level of information, awareness and interest regarding the need for employees to participate in continuous training programs, at the level of the employers in the Central Region – a number of 302 people employed in enterprises in the Centre Region will acquire professional knowledge (English)
14 September 2021
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Judeţul Alba, Romania
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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