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Revision as of 19:44, 6 October 2021

Project Q3097917 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Top – Social Start Up
Project Q3097917 in Romania


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    11,333,774.67 Romanian Leu
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    2,266,754.934 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    13,333,852.49 Romanian Leu
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    2,666,770.498 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    18 November 2019
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    17 November 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in dezvoltarea comunitatilor locale si crearea de 96 de locuri de munca in regiunile Sud-Vest Oltenia, Sud Muntenia, Sud Est, Vest prin incurajarea si sustinerea antreprenoriatului social ca urmare a activitatilor de formare si consiliere antreprenoriala oferite catre 105 persoane, infiintarii si sprijinirii a 24 de intreprinderi sociale pentru a deveni auto-sustenabile. Proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific AP 4/PI 9.v/OS 4.16 prin activitati de sprijin oferite entitatilor de economie sociale precum consiliere antreprenoriala, consultanta juridica, creare de parteneriate, diseminare de bune practici, marketing si aplicare a principiilor de dezvoltare durabila si nediscriminare, dar si prin strategii personalizate de dezvoltare, pentru asigurarea auto-sustenabilitatii financiare pe o perioada de minim 6 luni de la finalizarea implementarii proiectului. Obiectivul general contribuie la indeplinirea obiectivelor Strategiei Naționale pentru Incluziunea Socială și Reducerea Sărăciei, Strategiei Naționale privind Îmbătrânirea Activă, Strategiei Naționale privind Incluziunea Socială a Persoanelor cu Dizabilități 2014-2020 si Strategiei naționale de ocupare a forței de muncă 2014-2020 asa cum este descris in sectiunea Context. La nivel european, întreprinderile sociale sunt considerate foarte importante pentru succesul Strategiei Europa 2020 deoarece ele contribuie la creştere inteligentă răspunzând cu inovare socială nevoilor sociale care nu sunt satisfăcute, ele creează creştere durabilă prin impactul lor pozitiv asupra mediului şi prin viziunea lor pe termen lung, şi totodată ele sunt în centrul procesului de creştere incluzivă datorită accentului pus pe oameni şi pe coeziunea socială. Proiectul are in vedere abordarea problematicii locale si a celei specifice economiei sociale, integrat, pe mai multe paliere, astfel incat intreprinderile sociale sprijinite sa poata functiona ulterior intr-o maniera sustenabila si sa produca efecte pozitive pe termen lung: - selectarea persoanelor interesate de domeniul economiei sociale si instruirea lor, contribuind astfel la cresterea competentelor necesare in domeniul antreprenoriatului social; - consilierea personalizata a castigatorilor competitiei de planuri de afaceri, astfel incat fiecare persoana sa beneficieze de indrumare strategica adaptata domeniului entitatii, fapt ce creste sansele de succes pe termen lung a afacerii infiintate; - sprijinirea infiintarii si obtinerii statutului de intreprindere sociala; - acordarea suportului necesar pe perioada de implementare si de sustenabilitate, astfel incat beneficiarii sa primeasca sprijinul necesar pe perioada critica de la infiintarea intreprinderii sociale, contribuind la succesul pe termen lung al intreprinderii sociale; Efectele pozitive ale proiectului vizate pe termen lung sunt: - combaterea saraciei si dezvoltarea serviciilor sociale cel putin in comunitatile locale in care se vor i (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is the development of local communities and the creation of 96 jobs in the regions South-West Oltenia, South Muntenia, South East, West by encouraging and supporting social entrepreneurship as a result of training and entrepreneurial counselling activities offered to 105 people, setting up and supporting 24 social enterprises to become self-sustainable. The project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective AP 4/PI 9.v/OS 4.16 through support activities offered to social economy entities such as entrepreneurial counselling, legal consultancy, partnership creation, dissemination of good practices, marketing and application of the principles of sustainable development and non-discrimination, but also through personalised development strategies to ensure financial self-sustainability for a minimum period of 6 months from the completion of the project implementation. The general objective contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction, the National Strategy on Active Ageing, the National Strategy on Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities 2014-2020 and the National Employment Strategy 2014-2020 as described in the Context section. At European level, social enterprises are considered very important for the success of the Europe 2020 strategy because they contribute to smart growth by responding with social innovation to unmet social needs, create sustainable growth through their positive environmental impact and long-term vision, and are at the heart of inclusive growth due to the focus on people and social cohesion. The project aims to address local and social economy issues, integrated, on several levels, so that the supported social enterprises can subsequently operate in a sustainable manner and produce positive long-term effects: — the selection of persons interested in social economy and their training, thus contributing to the increase of the necessary skills in the field of social entrepreneurship; — personalised counseling of the winners of the business plan competition, so that each person will benefit from strategic guidance adapted to the entity’s field, which increases the chances of long-term success of the established business; — supporting the establishment and obtaining of the status of social enterprise; providing the necessary support during the implementation and sustainability period, so that the beneficiaries receive the necessary support during the critical period from the establishment of the social enterprise, contributing to the long-term success of the social enterprise; The positive effects of the project concerned in the long term are: — combating poverty and developing social services in at least the local communities where they will be (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Caraş-Severin, Romania
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