Innovative data center at Tennis Arena Dealu SRL (Q2742168): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage) |
(Changed an Item) |
Property / intervention field | |||
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 14:08, 5 October 2021
Project Q2742168 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Innovative data center at Tennis Arena Dealu SRL |
Project Q2742168 in Romania |
741,516.03 Romanian Leu
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969,302.0 Romanian Leu
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193,860.40000000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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76.5 percent
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1 November 2018
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31 December 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este dat de cresterea competitivitatii economice a societatii Tenis Arena Dealu SRL prin crearea unui centru de date inovativ si asigurarea unor servicii de gazduire web la standarde inalte de calitate. Nevoia de adaptare la o piata competitiva si intr-o continua evolutie a generat indreptarea firmei catre o piata noua, ca un raspuns la tenditele actuale din domeniul tehnologiei informatiei oferind servicii de inalta calitate pentru potentialii clienti la preturi rezonabile. Acest deziderat este asigurat de o serie de factori interdependenti: - profitabilitatea – capacitatea de a castiga bani; - investirea profiturilor în perfectionarea si dezvoltarea activitatilor; - extinderea pietelor – datorita unui raport pret/calitate avantajos pentru consumator; - adaptarea serviciilor la cerintele în schimbare ale clientilor, conceperea si lansarea pe piata a unor servicii noi. Aprecierea competitivitatii firmei se poate face numai prin raportarea la întreprinderile concurente. În activitatea practica competitivitatea unei firme este judecata prin prisma a doi indicatori - profitul obtinut si impactul serviciilor asupra pietei. Scopul prezentului proiect este cresterea competitivatii economice a societatii Tenis Arena Dealu SRL, ceea ce implica cresterea profitului si patrunderea pe piata tehnologiei informatiilor. Realizarea cu succes a activitatilor proiectului va conduce la realizarea celor doua obiective specifice, fapt ce va duce la atingerea scopului proiectului, respectiv cresterea competitivitatii economice a societatii Tenis Arena Dealu SRL. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to increase the economic competitiveness of the company Tennis Arena Dealu SRL by creating an innovative data center and providing web hosting services at high quality standards. The need to adapt to a competitive market and in a continuous evolution has generated the company’s move towards a new market, as a response to the current trends in the field of information technology providing high quality services for potential customers at reasonable prices. This is ensured by a number of interdependent factors: — profitability – the ability to earn money; — investing profits in perfecting and developing activities; — market expansion – due to a price/quality ratio advantageous to the consumer; — adapting services to changing customer requirements, designing and launching new services on the market. The assessment of the company’s competitiveness can only be made by reference to competing companies. In the practical activity the competitiveness of a company is judged by two indicators – the profit obtained and the impact of the services on the market. The aim of this project is to increase the economic competitiveness of the company Tennis Arena Dealu SRL, which implies increasing profit and entering the information technology market. The successful realisation of the project activities will lead to the achievement of the two specific objectives, which will lead to the achievement of the project’s goal, namely to increase the economic competitiveness of the company Tennis Arena Dealu SRL. (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Măcin, Romania
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