Improvement of educational outcomes with VET and health disadvantages in Bratislava Rusovce (Q3103915): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in sk, and other parts: Changing beneficiary name in Slovakian projects)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to improve access to quality education and improve the educational outcomes and competences of pupils in the elementary school with the kindergarten Vyvojová 228 Bratislava – Rusovce.The activities of the project, which will be implemented in the primary school Bratislava – Rusovce, will contribute to the readiness of pupils to move to the next level of education, the readiness of pupils in primary school to secondary s...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to improve access to quality education and improve the educational outcomes and competences of pupils in the elementary school with the kindergarten Vyvojová 228 Bratislava – Rusovce.The activities of the project, which will be implemented in the primary school Bratislava – Rusovce, will contribute to the readiness of pupils to move to the next level of education, the readiness of pupils in primary school to secondary school and their future activity on the labour market or the transition to the next level of education, by promoting equal access to quality and inclusive education. Specific attention will be paid to improving the school benefit of pupils with special educational needs in the primary school Bratislava – Rusovce. The main activity of the project is the activity of two assistants of the teacher, one special pedagogue and one part-time school psychologist in the Elementary School Bratislava – Rusovce. The role of teachers‘assistants will be the individual activities aimed at equalising pupils’ disadvantages and ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process, helping to improve the teaching process of pupils with disabilities. It will contribute to creating equal opportunities in education and training, overcoming architectural, information, language, health, social or cultural barriers. It will also develop cooperation with parents and the community. The task of a special educator will be individual activities focused on professional activities within the framework of special pedagogical diagnostics, special pedagogical counselling and consultation by the legal representatives of pupils and teaching staff of the school. It will cooperate with the Pedagogical-Pychological Advice and Prevention Centre, will carry out specialist special-pedagogical care for pupils with learning and behavioural difficulties, disabled pupils. It will contribute to equalising pupils’ disadvantages and ensuring equal opportunities in education, creation, innovation, implementation of educational programmes aimed at promoting inclusive education, activities aimed at creating the right conditions for joint learning of pupils with SCE with other pupils. Through its work, she will seek to improve the school success of pupils with special educational needs. As part of the project, the school psychologist will carry out professional activities within indicative psychological diagnostics, psychological counselling, psychotherapy with special regard to the process of education and education in primary school. It will provide professional psychological care to pupils with learning and behavioural difficulties, to disadvantaged pupils.  Individual activities carried out by teachers’ assistants, special educators and school psychologists in primary school Bratislava – Rusovce will take place:-in the educational process,-in leisure activities organised by the school, in cooperation with the family, in the field of educational activities. The target groups of the project are: Students of elementary school with SVK in Elementary School Bratislava – Rusovce (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to improve access to quality education and improve the educational outcomes and competences of pupils in the elementary school with the kindergarten Vyvojová 228 Bratislava – Rusovce.The activities of the project, which will be implemented in the primary school Bratislava – Rusovce, will contribute to the readiness of pupils to move to the next level of education, the readiness of pupils in primary school to secondary school and their future activity on the labour market or the transition to the next level of education, by promoting equal access to quality and inclusive education. Specific attention will be paid to improving the school benefit of pupils with special educational needs in the primary school Bratislava – Rusovce. The main activity of the project is the activity of two assistants of the teacher, one special pedagogue and one part-time school psychologist in the Elementary School Bratislava – Rusovce. The role of teachers‘assistants will be the individual activities aimed at equalising pupils’ disadvantages and ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process, helping to improve the teaching process of pupils with disabilities. It will contribute to creating equal opportunities in education and training, overcoming architectural, information, language, health, social or cultural barriers. It will also develop cooperation with parents and the community. The task of a special educator will be individual activities focused on professional activities within the framework of special pedagogical diagnostics, special pedagogical counselling and consultation by the legal representatives of pupils and teaching staff of the school. It will cooperate with the Pedagogical-Pychological Advice and Prevention Centre, will carry out specialist special-pedagogical care for pupils with learning and behavioural difficulties, disabled pupils. It will contribute to equalising pupils’ disadvantages and ensuring equal opportunities in education, creation, innovation, implementation of educational programmes aimed at promoting inclusive education, activities aimed at creating the right conditions for joint learning of pupils with SCE with other pupils. Through its work, she will seek to improve the school success of pupils with special educational needs. As part of the project, the school psychologist will carry out professional activities within indicative psychological diagnostics, psychological counselling, psychotherapy with special regard to the process of education and education in primary school. It will provide professional psychological care to pupils with learning and behavioural difficulties, to disadvantaged pupils.  Individual activities carried out by teachers’ assistants, special educators and school psychologists in primary school Bratislava – Rusovce will take place:-in the educational process,-in leisure activities organised by the school, in cooperation with the family, in the field of educational activities. The target groups of the project are: Students of elementary school with SVK in Elementary School Bratislava – Rusovce (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to improve access to quality education and improve the educational outcomes and competences of pupils in the elementary school with the kindergarten Vyvojová 228 Bratislava – Rusovce.The activities of the project, which will be implemented in the primary school Bratislava – Rusovce, will contribute to the readiness of pupils to move to the next level of education, the readiness of pupils in primary school to secondary school and their future activity on the labour market or the transition to the next level of education, by promoting equal access to quality and inclusive education. Specific attention will be paid to improving the school benefit of pupils with special educational needs in the primary school Bratislava – Rusovce. The main activity of the project is the activity of two assistants of the teacher, one special pedagogue and one part-time school psychologist in the Elementary School Bratislava – Rusovce. The role of teachers‘assistants will be the individual activities aimed at equalising pupils’ disadvantages and ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process, helping to improve the teaching process of pupils with disabilities. It will contribute to creating equal opportunities in education and training, overcoming architectural, information, language, health, social or cultural barriers. It will also develop cooperation with parents and the community. The task of a special educator will be individual activities focused on professional activities within the framework of special pedagogical diagnostics, special pedagogical counselling and consultation by the legal representatives of pupils and teaching staff of the school. It will cooperate with the Pedagogical-Pychological Advice and Prevention Centre, will carry out specialist special-pedagogical care for pupils with learning and behavioural difficulties, disabled pupils. It will contribute to equalising pupils’ disadvantages and ensuring equal opportunities in education, creation, innovation, implementation of educational programmes aimed at promoting inclusive education, activities aimed at creating the right conditions for joint learning of pupils with SCE with other pupils. Through its work, she will seek to improve the school success of pupils with special educational needs. As part of the project, the school psychologist will carry out professional activities within indicative psychological diagnostics, psychological counselling, psychotherapy with special regard to the process of education and education in primary school. It will provide professional psychological care to pupils with learning and behavioural difficulties, to disadvantaged pupils.  Individual activities carried out by teachers’ assistants, special educators and school psychologists in primary school Bratislava – Rusovce will take place:-in the educational process,-in leisure activities organised by the school, in cooperation with the family, in the field of educational activities. The target groups of the project are: Students of elementary school with SVK in Elementary School Bratislava – Rusovce (English) / qualifier
point in time: 28 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:14, 28 September 2021

Project Q3103915 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Improvement of educational outcomes with VET and health disadvantages in Bratislava Rusovce
Project Q3103915 in Slovakia


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    71,811.0 Euro
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    1 September 2019
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    1 August 2022
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    Základná škola s materskou školou Vývojová 228 Bratislava - Rusovce
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    48°3'21.71"N, 17°8'42.14"E
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    Cieľom projektu je zlepšiť prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu a zlepšiť vzdelávacie výsledky a kompetencie žiakov v Základnej škole s materskou školou Vývojová 228 Bratislava – Rusovce.Aktivity projektu, ktorý sa bude realizovať v ZŠ Bratislava – Rusovce, prispejú k pripravenosti žiakov na prechod na nadväzujúci stupeň vzdelávania, pripravenosti žiakov v základnej škole na strednú a na ich budúce pôsobenie na pracovnom trhu, resp. na prechod na nasledujúci stupeň vzdelávania, a to podporou rovnakého prístupu ku kvalitnému a inkluzívnemu vzdelaniu. Špecifická pozornosť bude venovaná zlepšeniu školského prospechu žiakov so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami v ZŠ Bratislava – Rusovce. Hlavnou aktivitou projektu je činnosť dvoch asistentov učiteľa, jedného špeciálneho pedagóga a jedného školského psychológa na polovičný úväzok v  ZŠ Bratislava – Rusovce. Úlohou asistentov učiteľa budú jednotlivé aktivity zamerané na vyrovnávanie znevýhodnenia žiakov a zabezpečenie rovnosti príležitostí vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese, pomoc pri skvalitňovaní vyučovacieho procesu žiakov so zdravotným znevýhodnením. Bude sa podieľať na utváraní rovnosti príležitostí vo výchove a vzdelávaní, na prekonávaní architektonických, informačných, jazykových, zdravotných, sociálnych alebo kultúrnych bariér. Zároveň bude rozvíjať spoluprácu s rodičmi a komunitou. Úlohou špeciálneho pedagóga budú jednotlivé aktivity zamerané na odborné činnosti v rámci špeciálno-pedagogickej diagnostiky, špeciálno-pedagogické poradenstvo a konzultácie zákonným zástupcom žiakov a pedagogickým zamestnancom školy. Bude spolupracovať s centrom pedagogicko-psychologického poradenstva a prevencie, bude uskutočňovať odbornú špeciálno-pedagogickú starostlivosť žiakom s ťažkosťami v učení a v správaní, zdravotne znevýhodneným žiakom. Bude prispievať k vyrovnávaniu znevýhodnenia žiakov a zabezpečenie rovnosti príležitostí vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese, tvorbu, inováciu, realizáciu vzdelávacích programov zameraných na podporu inkluzívneho vzdelávania, aktivity zamerané na vytváranie vhodných podmienok pre spoločné vzdelávanie žiakov so ŠVVP s ostatnými žiakmi. Svojou prácou sa bude snažiť o zlepšenie školskej úspešnosti žiakov so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami. Školský psychológ bude v rámci projektu vykonávať odborné činnosti v rámci orientačnej psychologickej diagnostiky, psychologického poradenstva, psychoterapie s osobitným zreteľom na proces výchovy a vzdelávania v ZŠ. Bude poskytovať odbornú psychologickú starostlivosť žiakom s ťažkosťami v učení a správaní, zdravotne znevýhodneným žiakom.  Jednotlivé činnosti vykonávané asistentmi učiteľa, špeciálnym pedagógom a školským psychológom v ZŠ Bratislava – Rusovce budú prebiehať:-vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese,-vo voľnočasových aktivitách organizovaných školou,-v spolupráci s rodinou,-v oblasti vzdelávacích aktivít.. Cieľovou skupinou projektu sú:Žiaci základnej školy so ŠVVP v  ZŠ Bratislava – Rusovce (Slovak)
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    The aim of the project is to improve access to quality education and improve the educational outcomes and competences of pupils in the elementary school with the kindergarten Vyvojová 228 Bratislava – Rusovce.The activities of the project, which will be implemented in the primary school Bratislava – Rusovce, will contribute to the readiness of pupils to move to the next level of education, the readiness of pupils in primary school to secondary school and their future activity on the labour market or the transition to the next level of education, by promoting equal access to quality and inclusive education. Specific attention will be paid to improving the school benefit of pupils with special educational needs in the primary school Bratislava – Rusovce. The main activity of the project is the activity of two assistants of the teacher, one special pedagogue and one part-time school psychologist in the Elementary School Bratislava – Rusovce. The role of teachers‘assistants will be the individual activities aimed at equalising pupils’ disadvantages and ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process, helping to improve the teaching process of pupils with disabilities. It will contribute to creating equal opportunities in education and training, overcoming architectural, information, language, health, social or cultural barriers. It will also develop cooperation with parents and the community. The task of a special educator will be individual activities focused on professional activities within the framework of special pedagogical diagnostics, special pedagogical counselling and consultation by the legal representatives of pupils and teaching staff of the school. It will cooperate with the Pedagogical-Pychological Advice and Prevention Centre, will carry out specialist special-pedagogical care for pupils with learning and behavioural difficulties, disabled pupils. It will contribute to equalising pupils’ disadvantages and ensuring equal opportunities in education, creation, innovation, implementation of educational programmes aimed at promoting inclusive education, activities aimed at creating the right conditions for joint learning of pupils with SCE with other pupils. Through its work, she will seek to improve the school success of pupils with special educational needs. As part of the project, the school psychologist will carry out professional activities within indicative psychological diagnostics, psychological counselling, psychotherapy with special regard to the process of education and education in primary school. It will provide professional psychological care to pupils with learning and behavioural difficulties, to disadvantaged pupils.  Individual activities carried out by teachers’ assistants, special educators and school psychologists in primary school Bratislava – Rusovce will take place:-in the educational process,-in leisure activities organised by the school, in cooperation with the family, in the field of educational activities. The target groups of the project are: Students of elementary school with SVK in Elementary School Bratislava – Rusovce (English)
    28 September 2021
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