Modernisation of the material and technical equipment of the School of Practice Schools (Q3103332): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): Priority axis No 2 of the Integrated Regional Operational Programme combines two thematic objectives, namely thematic objective 9 – Promoting inclusion and combating poverty and thematic objective 10 – Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning. The activities of the project make a direct contribution to the achievement of thematic objective No 10, as the objective of this objective is to develop education at each stage, i.e. it also i...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Priority axis No 2 of the Integrated Regional Operational Programme combines two thematic objectives, namely thematic objective 9 – Promoting inclusion and combating poverty and thematic objective 10 – Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning. The activities of the project make a direct contribution to the achievement of thematic objective No 10, as the objective of this objective is to develop education at each stage, i.e. it also includes building up secondary education. The target group is children, pupils in education and training, which is in complete agreement with regard to the target group of the project (students of the Secondary Industrial School of Transport). The main motive for thematic objective 10 and the project itself is to strengthen professional competences, which will ultimately enable students to successfully integrate into working life. The project is covered by Investment Priority 2.2: Investing in education, training and training, skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructure under this priority under specific objective 2.2.3 – Increasing the number of pupils in vocational secondary schools in practical teaching. The aim of the project to modernise the material and technical equipment of the school’s professional workplaces for practical teaching is to ensure an increase in the number of pupils of the Secondary Technical School of Transport in Trnava in practical teaching, thus ensuring higher practical experience of school graduates. Quality practical teaching reflects the requirements of the labour market for school graduates who, after graduation, are applied in the field of electrical engineering and transport. The main activities of the project are the provision of teaching aids and equipment for the school’s professional workplaces for the practical teaching of electrical technical subjects and the provision of computer technology to the relevant workplaces and the material and technical equipment of the school’s professional workplaces for the practical teaching of professional subjects, as well as the provision of a functional model rail track, including functional models of rolling stock to ensure the practical teaching of rail-related subjects, as well as ensuring barrier-free access in the school’s key areas for pupils with disabilities. The implementation of the project will achieve an increase in the number of pupils in practical teaching as a result of the modernisation of professional classrooms and the provision of teaching aids for practical teaching for pupils studying in selected fields of study. The implementation of the project will achieve the specified specific objective, which is to increase the number of pupils in vocational secondary schools in practical teaching, through which the overall objective of the project will also be achieved. Modernising the material and technical equipment of vocational classrooms will achieve an increase in the number of school pupils in practical teaching, as well as broadening the conditions for lifelong learning. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Priority axis No 2 of the Integrated Regional Operational Programme combines two thematic objectives, namely thematic objective 9 – Promoting inclusion and combating poverty and thematic objective 10 – Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning. The activities of the project make a direct contribution to the achievement of thematic objective No 10, as the objective of this objective is to develop education at each stage, i.e. it also includes building up secondary education. The target group is children, pupils in education and training, which is in complete agreement with regard to the target group of the project (students of the Secondary Industrial School of Transport). The main motive for thematic objective 10 and the project itself is to strengthen professional competences, which will ultimately enable students to successfully integrate into working life. The project is covered by Investment Priority 2.2: Investing in education, training and training, skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructure under this priority under specific objective 2.2.3 – Increasing the number of pupils in vocational secondary schools in practical teaching. The aim of the project to modernise the material and technical equipment of the school’s professional workplaces for practical teaching is to ensure an increase in the number of pupils of the Secondary Technical School of Transport in Trnava in practical teaching, thus ensuring higher practical experience of school graduates. Quality practical teaching reflects the requirements of the labour market for school graduates who, after graduation, are applied in the field of electrical engineering and transport. The main activities of the project are the provision of teaching aids and equipment for the school’s professional workplaces for the practical teaching of electrical technical subjects and the provision of computer technology to the relevant workplaces and the material and technical equipment of the school’s professional workplaces for the practical teaching of professional subjects, as well as the provision of a functional model rail track, including functional models of rolling stock to ensure the practical teaching of rail-related subjects, as well as ensuring barrier-free access in the school’s key areas for pupils with disabilities. The implementation of the project will achieve an increase in the number of pupils in practical teaching as a result of the modernisation of professional classrooms and the provision of teaching aids for practical teaching for pupils studying in selected fields of study. The implementation of the project will achieve the specified specific objective, which is to increase the number of pupils in vocational secondary schools in practical teaching, through which the overall objective of the project will also be achieved. Modernising the material and technical equipment of vocational classrooms will achieve an increase in the number of school pupils in practical teaching, as well as broadening the conditions for lifelong learning. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Priority axis No 2 of the Integrated Regional Operational Programme combines two thematic objectives, namely thematic objective 9 – Promoting inclusion and combating poverty and thematic objective 10 – Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning. The activities of the project make a direct contribution to the achievement of thematic objective No 10, as the objective of this objective is to develop education at each stage, i.e. it also includes building up secondary education. The target group is children, pupils in education and training, which is in complete agreement with regard to the target group of the project (students of the Secondary Industrial School of Transport). The main motive for thematic objective 10 and the project itself is to strengthen professional competences, which will ultimately enable students to successfully integrate into working life. The project is covered by Investment Priority 2.2: Investing in education, training and training, skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructure under this priority under specific objective 2.2.3 – Increasing the number of pupils in vocational secondary schools in practical teaching. The aim of the project to modernise the material and technical equipment of the school’s professional workplaces for practical teaching is to ensure an increase in the number of pupils of the Secondary Technical School of Transport in Trnava in practical teaching, thus ensuring higher practical experience of school graduates. Quality practical teaching reflects the requirements of the labour market for school graduates who, after graduation, are applied in the field of electrical engineering and transport. The main activities of the project are the provision of teaching aids and equipment for the school’s professional workplaces for the practical teaching of electrical technical subjects and the provision of computer technology to the relevant workplaces and the material and technical equipment of the school’s professional workplaces for the practical teaching of professional subjects, as well as the provision of a functional model rail track, including functional models of rolling stock to ensure the practical teaching of rail-related subjects, as well as ensuring barrier-free access in the school’s key areas for pupils with disabilities. The implementation of the project will achieve an increase in the number of pupils in practical teaching as a result of the modernisation of professional classrooms and the provision of teaching aids for practical teaching for pupils studying in selected fields of study. The implementation of the project will achieve the specified specific objective, which is to increase the number of pupils in vocational secondary schools in practical teaching, through which the overall objective of the project will also be achieved. Modernising the material and technical equipment of vocational classrooms will achieve an increase in the number of school pupils in practical teaching, as well as broadening the conditions for lifelong learning. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 28 September 2021
Revision as of 14:10, 28 September 2021
Project Q3103332 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Modernisation of the material and technical equipment of the School of Practice Schools |
Project Q3103332 in Slovakia |
414,418.51 Euro
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487,551.19 Euro
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85.0 percent
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1 February 2019
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1 May 2021
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Stredná priemyselná škola dopravná
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Prioritná os č. 2 Integrovaného regionálneho Operačného programu kombinuje dva tematické ciele, a to tematický cieľ č. 9 – Podpora začleňovania a boj proti chudobe a tematický cieľ č. 10 – Investovanie do vzdelania, zručností a celoživotného vzdelávania. Aktivity projektu predstavujú práve priamy prínos na plnenie tematického cieľa č. 10, keďže cieľom tohto cieľa je rozvoj vzdelávania na každom jeho stupni, to znamená, že zahŕňa i budovanie vzdelávania na strednom stupni vzdelávania. Cieľovou skupinou sú deti, žiaci v procese vzdelávania a odbornej prípravy, čo je vzhľadom na cieľovú skupinu projektu (študenti strednej priemyselnej školy dopravnej) v úplnej zhode. Hlavným motívom tematického cieľa 10 i samotného projektu je posilnenie odborných kompetencií, čo v konečnom dôsledku umožní úspešnú integráciu študentov do pracovného života. Projekt je zahrnutý k Investičnej priorite č. 2.2: Investovanie do vzdelania, školení a odbornej prípravy, zručností a celoživotného vzdelávania prostredníctvom vývoja vzdelávacej a výcvikovej infraštruktúry v rámci tejto priority pod špecifický cieľ 2.2.3 – Zvýšenie počtu žiakov stredných odborných škôl na praktickom vyučovaní. Cieľom projektu modernizácie materiálno-technického vybavenia odborných pracovísk školy pre praktické vyučovanie je zabezpečiť zvýšenie počtu žiakov Strednej odbornej školy dopravnej v Trnave na praktickom vyučovaní, čím sa zabezpečia vyššie praktické skúsenosti absolventov školy. Kvalitné praktické vyučovanie reflektuje požiadavky trhu práce na absolventov školy, ktorí po ukončení štúdia sa uplatňujú v oblasti elektrotechniky a dopravy. Hlavnými aktivitami projektu je zabezpečenie učebných pomôcok a vybavenia pre odborné pracoviská školy pre praktické vyučovanie elektrotechnických odborných predmetov a zabezpečenie výpočtovej techniky na príslušné pracoviská a materiálno-technické vybavenie odborných pracovísk školy pre praktické vyučovanie odborných predmetov, ďalej zabezpečenie funkčného modelového koľajiska vrátane funkčných modelov koľajových vozidiel na zabezpečenie praktickej výučby predmetov súvisiacich so železničnou dopravou, a taktiež zabezpečenie bezbariérového prístupu v kľúčových priestoroch školy pre žiakov so zdravotným postihnutím. Realizáciou projektu sa dosiahne zvýšenie počtu žiakov na praktickom vyučovaní v dôsledku modernizácie odborných učební a zabezpečenia učebných pomôcok, ktoré slúžia na praktickú výučbu pre žiakov študujúcich vo vybraných študijných odboroch. Realizáciou projektu sa dosiahne stanovený špecifický cieľ, ktorým je zvýšenie počtu žiakov stredných odborných škôl na praktickom vyučovaní, prostredníctvom ktorého bude dosiahnutý aj stanovený celkový cieľ projektu. Modernizáciou materiálno-technického vybavenia odborných učební sa dosiahne zvýšenie počtu žiakov školy na praktickom vyučovaní, a taktiež sa rozšíria podmienky pre celoživotné vzdelávanie. (Slovak)
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Priority axis No 2 of the Integrated Regional Operational Programme combines two thematic objectives, namely thematic objective 9 – Promoting inclusion and combating poverty and thematic objective 10 – Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning. The activities of the project make a direct contribution to the achievement of thematic objective No 10, as the objective of this objective is to develop education at each stage, i.e. it also includes building up secondary education. The target group is children, pupils in education and training, which is in complete agreement with regard to the target group of the project (students of the Secondary Industrial School of Transport). The main motive for thematic objective 10 and the project itself is to strengthen professional competences, which will ultimately enable students to successfully integrate into working life. The project is covered by Investment Priority 2.2: Investing in education, training and training, skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructure under this priority under specific objective 2.2.3 – Increasing the number of pupils in vocational secondary schools in practical teaching. The aim of the project to modernise the material and technical equipment of the school’s professional workplaces for practical teaching is to ensure an increase in the number of pupils of the Secondary Technical School of Transport in Trnava in practical teaching, thus ensuring higher practical experience of school graduates. Quality practical teaching reflects the requirements of the labour market for school graduates who, after graduation, are applied in the field of electrical engineering and transport. The main activities of the project are the provision of teaching aids and equipment for the school’s professional workplaces for the practical teaching of electrical technical subjects and the provision of computer technology to the relevant workplaces and the material and technical equipment of the school’s professional workplaces for the practical teaching of professional subjects, as well as the provision of a functional model rail track, including functional models of rolling stock to ensure the practical teaching of rail-related subjects, as well as ensuring barrier-free access in the school’s key areas for pupils with disabilities. The implementation of the project will achieve an increase in the number of pupils in practical teaching as a result of the modernisation of professional classrooms and the provision of teaching aids for practical teaching for pupils studying in selected fields of study. The implementation of the project will achieve the specified specific objective, which is to increase the number of pupils in vocational secondary schools in practical teaching, through which the overall objective of the project will also be achieved. Modernising the material and technical equipment of vocational classrooms will achieve an increase in the number of school pupils in practical teaching, as well as broadening the conditions for lifelong learning. (English)
28 September 2021
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