From Coperník in Hlohovec – a good tart for all (Q3101670): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The project “Elementary School Copernicus in Hlohovec – a good start for all” is aimed at strengthening inclusiveness and equal access to quality education at the Koperníkova Elementary School in Hlohovec. The main activities of the project will be the provision of 1.5 special pedagogues and 4 teachers’ assistants available to pupils of the school as well as to the teaching staff. The main activities of the project will be the pupils of the Kope...)
Property / summary
The project “Elementary School Copernicus in Hlohovec – a good start for all” is aimed at strengthening inclusiveness and equal access to quality education at the Koperníkova Elementary School in Hlohovec. The main activities of the project will be the provision of 1.5 special pedagogues and 4 teachers’ assistants available to pupils of the school as well as to the teaching staff. The main activities of the project will be the pupils of the Koperníkova school in Hlohovec, especially pupils with special educational needs (ŠVVP), as well as pupils from a low incentive environment.The project will be implemented at the primary school, which is located on the street Koperníkova No. 24 in Hlohovec.Merivable ukazovatele:Pre activity No. 1: teachers’ assistants, we provide the following measurable ukazovatele:P0421: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0606: initial value: 0; target value: 6P0314: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0605: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0052: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0053: initial value: 0; target value: 0 For Activity 2: special pedagogue, we set the following measurable ukazovatele:P0421: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0606: initial value: 0; target value: 6P0314: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0605: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0052: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0053: initial value: 0; target value: 0 (English)
Property / summary: The project “Elementary School Copernicus in Hlohovec – a good start for all” is aimed at strengthening inclusiveness and equal access to quality education at the Koperníkova Elementary School in Hlohovec. The main activities of the project will be the provision of 1.5 special pedagogues and 4 teachers’ assistants available to pupils of the school as well as to the teaching staff. The main activities of the project will be the pupils of the Koperníkova school in Hlohovec, especially pupils with special educational needs (ŠVVP), as well as pupils from a low incentive environment.The project will be implemented at the primary school, which is located on the street Koperníkova No. 24 in Hlohovec.Merivable ukazovatele:Pre activity No. 1: teachers’ assistants, we provide the following measurable ukazovatele:P0421: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0606: initial value: 0; target value: 6P0314: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0605: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0052: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0053: initial value: 0; target value: 0 For Activity 2: special pedagogue, we set the following measurable ukazovatele:P0421: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0606: initial value: 0; target value: 6P0314: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0605: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0052: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0053: initial value: 0; target value: 0 (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The project “Elementary School Copernicus in Hlohovec – a good start for all” is aimed at strengthening inclusiveness and equal access to quality education at the Koperníkova Elementary School in Hlohovec. The main activities of the project will be the provision of 1.5 special pedagogues and 4 teachers’ assistants available to pupils of the school as well as to the teaching staff. The main activities of the project will be the pupils of the Koperníkova school in Hlohovec, especially pupils with special educational needs (ŠVVP), as well as pupils from a low incentive environment.The project will be implemented at the primary school, which is located on the street Koperníkova No. 24 in Hlohovec.Merivable ukazovatele:Pre activity No. 1: teachers’ assistants, we provide the following measurable ukazovatele:P0421: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0606: initial value: 0; target value: 6P0314: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0605: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0052: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0053: initial value: 0; target value: 0 For Activity 2: special pedagogue, we set the following measurable ukazovatele:P0421: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0606: initial value: 0; target value: 6P0314: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0605: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0052: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0053: initial value: 0; target value: 0 (English) / qualifier
point in time: 28 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:00, 28 September 2021

Project Q3101670 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
From Coperník in Hlohovec – a good tart for all
Project Q3101670 in Slovakia


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    171,972.0 Euro
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    202,320.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2018
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    1 August 2021
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    Základná škola s materskou školou, Koperníkova 24, Hlohovec
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    48°25'48.72"N, 17°47'57.80"E
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    Projekt „ZŠ Koperníkova v Hlohovci – dobrý štart pre všetkých“ je zameraný na posilnenie inkluzívnosti a rovnakého prístupu ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu na Základnej škole Koperníkova v Hlohovci. Zároveň významne prispeje k zvýšeniu kvalitných podmienok vzdelávacieho procesu pre všetkých žiakov na rovnocennom základe.Hlavnými aktivitami projektu bude zabezpečenie úväzkov 1,5 špeciálneho pedagóga a 4 asistentov učiteľa k dispozícii žiakom školy ako aj učiteľskému zboru.Cieľovou skupinou budú žiaci ZŠ Koperníkova v Hlohovci, predovšetkým však žiaci so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami (ŠVVP), ako aj žiaci z málo podnetného prostredia.Miestom realizácie projektu bude základná škola, ktorá sa nachádza na ulici Koperníkova č. 24 v Hlohovci.Merateľné ukazovatele:Pre aktivitu č. 1: asistenti učiteľa, stanovujeme nasledovné merateľné ukazovatele:P0421: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 1P0606: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 6P0314: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 1P0605: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 2P0052: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 2P0053: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 0 Pre aktivitu č. 2: špeciálny pedagóg, stanovujeme nasledovné merateľné ukazovatele:P0421: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 1P0606: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 6P0314: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 1P0605: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 2P0052: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 2P0053: počiatočná hodnota: 0; cieľová hodnota: 0 (Slovak)
    0 references
    The project “Elementary School Copernicus in Hlohovec – a good start for all” is aimed at strengthening inclusiveness and equal access to quality education at the Koperníkova Elementary School in Hlohovec. The main activities of the project will be the provision of 1.5 special pedagogues and 4 teachers’ assistants available to pupils of the school as well as to the teaching staff. The main activities of the project will be the pupils of the Koperníkova school in Hlohovec, especially pupils with special educational needs (ŠVVP), as well as pupils from a low incentive environment.The project will be implemented at the primary school, which is located on the street Koperníkova No. 24 in Hlohovec.Merivable ukazovatele:Pre activity No. 1: teachers’ assistants, we provide the following measurable ukazovatele:P0421: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0606: initial value: 0; target value: 6P0314: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0605: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0052: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0053: initial value: 0; target value: 0 For Activity 2: special pedagogue, we set the following measurable ukazovatele:P0421: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0606: initial value: 0; target value: 6P0314: initial value: 0; target value: 1P0605: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0052: initial value: 0; target value: 2P0053: initial value: 0; target value: 0 (English)
    28 September 2021
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