Collection and evaluation of BRO and DSO of the town of Brezno (Q3108191): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 0.85 percent) |
(Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage) |
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||
85.0 percent
| |||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank | |||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 14:37, 27 September 2021
Project Q3108191 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Collection and evaluation of BRO and DSO of the town of Brezno |
Project Q3108191 in Slovakia |
905,348.26 Euro
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1,065,115.6 Euro
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85.0 percent
0 references
3 January 2017
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11 January 2019
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Mesto Brezno
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Strategickým cieľom odpadového hospodárstva mesta Brezno je odklonenie odpadov od skládkovania, resp. znižovanie množstva odpadov ukladaných na skládky. V súčasnosti je v meste zavedený systém separovaného zberu, množstvového alebo vrecového zberu komunálnych odpadov ako aj kalendárové zbery so zameraním predovšetkým na nebezpečné odpady. Činnosti nakladania s odpadom - zber, prepravu, zneškodňovanie a zhodnocovanie komunálneho odpadu majú na starosti Technické služby mesta Brezno.Hlavným cieľom predkladaného projektu je zavedenie systému separácie drobného stavebného odpadu(DSO), a navýšenie už zavedeného systému separácie biologicky rozložiteľných komunálnych odpadov v meste Brezno. K naplneniu takto stanoveného cieľa je potrebné obstaranie technológií na zber a odvoz DSO a BRO. Obstaranie potrebných technológií na zber a odvoz odpadov by pre mesto znamenalo skompletizovanie odpadového servisu a vyriešila by sa tak súčasná situácia nakladania s DSO (nelegálne skládkovanie) a zefektívnil by sa systém zberu BRO (naplnená kapacita existujúcej kompostárne na 100%). (Slovak)
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The strategic objective of the waste management of the city of Brezno is to divert waste from landfilling or to reduce the amount of waste deposited in landfills. Currently, a separate collection system, quantity or bag collection of municipal waste is in place in the city, as well as calendar collections focusing primarily on hazardous waste. Waste management activities – collection, transport, disposal and recovery of municipal waste are in charge of the Technical Services of the City of Brezno.The main objective of the proposed project is to introduce a system of separation of small-scale construction waste (DSO), and to increase the already established system of separation of biodegradable municipal waste in Brezno. In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to procure technologies for the collection and removal of DSOs and BROs. The acquisition of the necessary technologies for the collection and disposal of waste would mean completing the waste service for the city and would solve the current situation of DSO management (illegal landfilling) and make the collection system of the BRO (fulfilled capacity of the existing composting plant 100 %) more efficient. (English)
15 September 2021
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0 references