Effective Inclusive Education in Z Bobrovec (Q3103930): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Základná kola / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Realizácia projektu je pre ciežovú skupinu vhodná a dôleitá z hžadiska emočného a sociálneho rozvoja iakov a následne ich úspenú sebarealizáciu a začlenenie sa do miestnej komunity a do spoločnosti, nielen z hžadiska primeraného a efektívneho vzdelanostného progresu iakov. Včasná a dostupná odborná pomoc, u v procese výučby iakov, dáva predpoklad progresu v lepej kvalite a rozsahu osvojených vedomostí, čo sa dlhodobo prejaví, nielen na osobnostných predpokladoch integrovaných iakov a ich ďalej perspektívy v budúcnosti, ale aj v lepej kvalite interakcie a zlepení emočných vzahov v rovesníckej skupine a sekundárne z dlhodobého hžadiska, a následne aj v miestnej komunite občanov. Hlavným ciežom projektu je zlepenie tudijných výsledkov vo vzdelaní vetkých iakov, vrátane iakov so VVP a vytvorenie vhodných podmienok pre vzdelávanie s dôrazom uplatňovania rovnakého prístupu ku vzdelaniu, čo povedie ku zabráneniu predčasného ukončovania kolskej dochádzky. Hlavný ciež bude napĺňaný prostredníctvom vytvoreného tímu odborníkov zloeného zo: peciálneho pedagóga a pedagogického asistenta. Títo odborníci budú pomáha beným iakom a iakom so VVP integrova sa a tak sa sta súčasou kolského prostredia, odstraňova sociálno-patologické javy, skvalitnia diagnostikovanie a rediagnostikovanie iakov s ciežom predchádza a zmierňova negatívny vplyv vývinových porúch a iného znevýhodnenia, ktoré by mohlo ma za následok kolskú neúspenos iakov. Ciežovou skupinou predkladaného projektu sú vetci iaci Z vrátane iakov so VVP. Stanovené meratežné ukazovatele priamo nadväzujú na hlavný ciež projektu. Projekt bude realizovaný prostredníctvom 2 hlavných aktivít:Vytvorenie a obsadenie 1 miesta peciálny pedagógVytvorenie a obsadenie 1 miesta pedagogický asistent (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The realisation of the project is suitable and important for the target group from the needs of emotional and social development of the chicks and consequently their successful self-realisation and inclusion in the local community and society, not only from the need for adequate and effective educational progression. Timely and accessible professional assistance, in the process of teaching students, provides a prerequisite for progression in better quality and extent of acquired knowledge, which will manifest itself in the long term, not only on the personality preconditions of integrated chicks and their prospects in the future, but also in the better quality of interaction and improvement of emotional relations in the peer group and secondary from the long-term demand, and consequently in the local community of citizens. The main objective of the project is to improve the track record in education of all pupils, including those with VET and to create the right conditions for education, with the emphasis on the application of equal access to education, which will lead to the prevention of early school leaving. The main objective will be pursued through a team of experts composed of: Special pedagogue and pedagogical assistant. These professionals will be helping regular students and patients with VVP integration and thus become a contemporary school environment, eliminate socio-pathological phenomena, improve diagnosis and re-diagnosis of the disease in order to prevent and mitigate the negative impact of developmental disorders and other disadvantages that could result in school failures. The objective group of the present project is all Z, including VVPs. The measurement indicators established are directly linked to the main objective of the project. The project will be implemented through 2 main aktivít:Vytvorenie and occupation of 1 post special pedagogueCreation and occupation of 1 post pedagogical assistant (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The realisation of the project is suitable and important for the target group from the needs of emotional and social development of the chicks and consequently their successful self-realisation and inclusion in the local community and society, not only from the need for adequate and effective educational progression. Timely and accessible professional assistance, in the process of teaching students, provides a prerequisite for progression in better quality and extent of acquired knowledge, which will manifest itself in the long term, not only on the personality preconditions of integrated chicks and their prospects in the future, but also in the better quality of interaction and improvement of emotional relations in the peer group and secondary from the long-term demand, and consequently in the local community of citizens. The main objective of the project is to improve the track record in education of all pupils, including those with VET and to create the right conditions for education, with the emphasis on the application of equal access to education, which will lead to the prevention of early school leaving. The main objective will be pursued through a team of experts composed of: Special pedagogue and pedagogical assistant. These professionals will be helping regular students and patients with VVP integration and thus become a contemporary school environment, eliminate socio-pathological phenomena, improve diagnosis and re-diagnosis of the disease in order to prevent and mitigate the negative impact of developmental disorders and other disadvantages that could result in school failures. The objective group of the present project is all Z, including VVPs. The measurement indicators established are directly linked to the main objective of the project. The project will be implemented through 2 main aktivít:Vytvorenie and occupation of 1 post special pedagogueCreation and occupation of 1 post pedagogical assistant (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 13:09, 27 September 2021
Project Q3103930 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Effective Inclusive Education in Z Bobrovec |
Project Q3103930 in Slovakia |
74,817.0 Euro
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88,020.0 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 September 2019
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1 August 2022
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0 references