Modernisation of material and technical equipment of professional workplaces at the Private Secondary Professional Round DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava (Q3103308): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string): Deutsch-Slowakische Akademien, a.s. / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Predmetom projektu je obstaranie a modernizácia materiálno-technického vybavenia odborných pracovísk na Súkromnej strednej odbornej kole DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava. Miestom realizácie projektu je MFO Trnava. Celkovým ciežom projektu je zvýenie počtu iakov Súkromnej strednej odbornej koly DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava na praktickom vyučovaní. pecifickým ciežom projektu je zvýenie kvality odborného vzdelávania a prípravy, praktických zručností iakov pre potreby trhu práce. Podporou materiálno-technického vybavenia na Súkromnej strednej odbornej kole DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava sa dosiahne pecifický ciež Prioritnej osi č.2 Zvýenie počtu iakov stredných odborných kôl na praktickom vyučovaní a tematický ciež IROP Investovanie do vzdelania, zručností a celoivotného vzdelávania, čo bude ma pozitívny dopad na rozvoj kvality ivota a žudských zdrojov. Realizáciou projektu sa prispeje k zlepeniu kvality ivota a zabezpečí sa žahí prístup k efektívnym a kvalitnejím verejným slubám, čím bude naplnená Prioritná os 2. Zabezpečí sa udratežné poskytovanie verejných sluieb s dopadom na vyváený a udratežný územný rozvoj, hospodársku, územnú a sociálnu súdrnos regiónov, miest a obcí, čo je v súlade s globálnym ciežom a stratégiou IROP. Vytvoria sa podmienky pre kvalitné vzdelávanie, zlepí sa kvalita ivota obyvatežstva. Pre iakov v procese vzdelávania a odbornej prípravy a pre osoby zúčastnené na celoivotnom vzdelávaní, sa posilnia ich sociálne a odborné kompetencie a takéto vzdelávanie im umoní úspenú integráciu do spoločnosti z hžadiska sociálnych a pracovných väzieb. Tým sa naplní Investičná priorita a Tematický ciež 10 IROP: Investovanie do vzdelania, kolení a odbornej prípravy, ako aj zručností a celoivotného vzdelávania. Stanovené ciele sú meratežné prostredníctvom vybraných ukazovatežov a to:- Kapacita podporenej kolskej infratruktúry stredných odborných kôl, kde ciežovou hodnotou je 118 iakov a - Počet podporených SO, H, SPV, SOP (nie COVP), kde ciežovou hodnotou je 1 SO. V rámci projektu sa zakúpi materiálno-technické vybavenie odborných pracovísk Súkromnej strednej odbornej koly DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava, ktoré predstavuje tyri hlavné aktivity projektu a to: -hlavná aktivita projektu č. 1 Materiálno-technické vybavenie CAD/CAM učebne, pozostávajúce zo súboru viacerých Výučbových panelov pre automobilovú mechatroniku: LD-CR Common-Rail diesel vstrekovací systém, LD-MPI MPI benzínový vstrekovací systém, LD-ABS ABS (Bosch 5.3 - osobné auto), LD-HDM Hybrid drive management (hybridné pohony), LD-CAN CAN-BUS Multiplex, LD-LT Osvetlenie vozidla, LD Pneumatický brzdový systém + príprava stl. vzduchu, hlavná aktivita projektu č. 2 Materiálno-technické vybavenie IKT učebne, pozostávajúce z Interaktívneho projektora s ovládaním dvoma interaktívnymi perami, s podporou 3D zobrazenia, projekčnej tabule, učitežské PC vrátane základného vybavenia, PC set pre iaka klientská stanica 16 ks, 3D tlačiareň, zázemie pre učiteža 2 ks notebook + multifunkčná tlačiareň, operačný systém + kancelársky balík 17 ks balík MS Office 2016 pre koly, kolský server, iacky jednomiestny stôl 16 ks, stolička pre iaka 16 ks, pracovisko učiteža nábytok katedra učiteža, stolička,hlavná aktivita projektu č. 3 Materiálno-technické vybavenie Jazykovej učebne, pozostávajúce z Interaktívneho projektora s ovládaním dvoma interaktívnymi perami, s podporou 3D zobrazenia, projekčnej tabule, učitežská stanica - NB, iacka klientská stanica pre 2 iakov + audioadaptér NB 10 ks, digitálne jazykové laboratórium, stolička pre iaka 20 ks, iacky stôl 10 ks, pracovisko učiteža nábytok - katedra učiteža, stolička,hlavná aktivita projektu č. 4 Materiálno-technické vybavenie Dielne, pozostávajúce z dvoch kusov CNC sústruhu + frézy, dvoch kusov CNC sústruhu s vodorovným lôkom a riadiacim systémom, CNC router, gravírovací a vyrezávací laser, kompresor, vysokozdviný vozík, paletový vozík. Kadé uvedené materiálno-technické vybavenie bude slúi na vzdelávanie a odbornú prípravu iakov Súkromnej strednej odbornej koly DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava. Zvolený súbor je nevyhnutný na zabezpečenie stanovených ciežov v oblasti vzdelávania a odbornej prípravy iakov. V dôsledku realizácie projektu sa zabezpečí podpora Súkromnej strednej odbornej koly DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava a zabezpečí sa, aby 118 iakov koly v skupine odborov Strojárstvo a ostatná kovospracúvacia výroba, konkrétne v odboroch mechanik strojov a zariadení, strojárstvovýroba, montá a oprava prístrojov, strojov a zariadení, mechanik hasičskej techniky, mechanik opravár - stroje a zariadenia, autoopravár - mechanik mohlo pouíva nové alebo zlepené zariadenia koly. (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The subject of the project is the acquisition and modernisation of material and technical equipment of professional workplaces at the Private Secondary Professional Round DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava. The place of implementation of the project is MFO Trnava. The overall objective of the project is to increase the number of students of the Private Secondary School of Experts DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava in practical teaching. The specific objective of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education and training, the practical skills of the discs for the needs of the labour market. By supporting material and technical equipment at the Private Secondary Professional Round DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava will achieve the specific objective of Priority Axis No.2 to increase the number of secondary professional rounds in practical teaching and the thematic objective of IROP Investing in education, skills and life-long education, which will have a positive impact on the development of quality of life and human resources. The implementation of the project will contribute to improving the quality of life and ensure easy access to efficient and high-quality public undertakings, thus fulfilling Priority Axis 2. The provision of public services with an impact on well-balanced and breathtaking territorial development, the economic, territorial and social justice of regions, cities and municipalities will be ensured, in line with the IROP’s global objective and strategy. Conditions for quality education will be created, the quality of life of the population is poor. For students in education and training and for those involved in life-long learning, their social and professional competences will be strengthened and their successful integration into society from the backdrop of social and occupational ties will be undermined by such education. This will fulfil the Investment Priority and Thematic Objective 10 IROP: Investing in education, training and training as well as skills and life-long learning. The objectives set are measured by selected indicators, namely:- Capacity of the supported school infrastructure of medium professional rounds, where the target value is 118 yakers a – Number of supported SO, H, SPV, SOP (not COVP), where the target value is 1 SO. The project will purchase the material and technical equipment of the professional workplaces of the Private Secondary Professional School DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava, which represents the four main activities of the project, namely: —the main activity of project no. 1 material and technical equipment CAD/CAM classrooms, consisting of a set of multiple teaching panels for automotive mechatronics: LD-CR Common-Rail diesel injection system, LD-MPI MPI gasoline injection system, LD-ABS ABS (Bosch 5.3 – passenger car), LD-HDM Hybrid drive management, LD-CAN CAN-BUS Multiplex, LD-LT Vehicle lighting, LD-HDM Pneumatic braking system + airtight preparation, main activity of project no. 2 material and technical equipment ICT classroom, consisting of Interactive projector with control of two interactive pens, with support of 3D display, projection board, Teach PC including basic equipment, PC set for iaka client station 16 pcs, 3D printer, background for the teacher 2 pcs laptop + multifunction printer, operating system + office package 17 pcs MS Office 2016 package for schools, school server, one-seat table 16 pcs, chair for iaka 16 pcs, workplace teach furniture department teacher, chair, main activity of project no. 3 material-technical equipment Language classroom, consisting of Interactive projector with control of two interactive pens, with the support of 3D display, projection board, Teacher station – NB,iac client station for 2 students + audio adapter NB 10 pcs, digital language laboratory, chair for iaka 20 pcs, desk 10 pcs, workplace teach furniture – Chair, chair, main activity of project no. 4 material and technical equipment Workshop, consisting of two pieces of CNC lathe + milling machines, two pieces of CNC lathe with horizontal bench and control system, CNC router, engraving and sculpting laser, compressor, forklift, pallet truck. Each of the mentioned material and technical equipment will be used for education and training of students of the Private Secondary Vocational School DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava. The chosen set is essential to ensure the stated objectives in the field of education and training of the pupils. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The subject of the project is the acquisition and modernisation of material and technical equipment of professional workplaces at the Private Secondary Professional Round DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava. The place of implementation of the project is MFO Trnava. The overall objective of the project is to increase the number of students of the Private Secondary School of Experts DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava in practical teaching. The specific objective of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education and training, the practical skills of the discs for the needs of the labour market. By supporting material and technical equipment at the Private Secondary Professional Round DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava will achieve the specific objective of Priority Axis No.2 to increase the number of secondary professional rounds in practical teaching and the thematic objective of IROP Investing in education, skills and life-long education, which will have a positive impact on the development of quality of life and human resources. The implementation of the project will contribute to improving the quality of life and ensure easy access to efficient and high-quality public undertakings, thus fulfilling Priority Axis 2. The provision of public services with an impact on well-balanced and breathtaking territorial development, the economic, territorial and social justice of regions, cities and municipalities will be ensured, in line with the IROP’s global objective and strategy. Conditions for quality education will be created, the quality of life of the population is poor. For students in education and training and for those involved in life-long learning, their social and professional competences will be strengthened and their successful integration into society from the backdrop of social and occupational ties will be undermined by such education. This will fulfil the Investment Priority and Thematic Objective 10 IROP: Investing in education, training and training as well as skills and life-long learning. The objectives set are measured by selected indicators, namely:- Capacity of the supported school infrastructure of medium professional rounds, where the target value is 118 yakers a – Number of supported SO, H, SPV, SOP (not COVP), where the target value is 1 SO. The project will purchase the material and technical equipment of the professional workplaces of the Private Secondary Professional School DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava, which represents the four main activities of the project, namely: —the main activity of project no. 1 material and technical equipment CAD/CAM classrooms, consisting of a set of multiple teaching panels for automotive mechatronics: LD-CR Common-Rail diesel injection system, LD-MPI MPI gasoline injection system, LD-ABS ABS (Bosch 5.3 – passenger car), LD-HDM Hybrid drive management, LD-CAN CAN-BUS Multiplex, LD-LT Vehicle lighting, LD-HDM Pneumatic braking system + airtight preparation, main activity of project no. 2 material and technical equipment ICT classroom, consisting of Interactive projector with control of two interactive pens, with support of 3D display, projection board, Teach PC including basic equipment, PC set for iaka client station 16 pcs, 3D printer, background for the teacher 2 pcs laptop + multifunction printer, operating system + office package 17 pcs MS Office 2016 package for schools, school server, one-seat table 16 pcs, chair for iaka 16 pcs, workplace teach furniture department teacher, chair, main activity of project no. 3 material-technical equipment Language classroom, consisting of Interactive projector with control of two interactive pens, with the support of 3D display, projection board, Teacher station – NB,iac client station for 2 students + audio adapter NB 10 pcs, digital language laboratory, chair for iaka 20 pcs, desk 10 pcs, workplace teach furniture – Chair, chair, main activity of project no. 4 material and technical equipment Workshop, consisting of two pieces of CNC lathe + milling machines, two pieces of CNC lathe with horizontal bench and control system, CNC router, engraving and sculpting laser, compressor, forklift, pallet truck. Each of the mentioned material and technical equipment will be used for education and training of students of the Private Secondary Vocational School DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava. The chosen set is essential to ensure the stated objectives in the field of education and training of the pupils. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 12:55, 27 September 2021
Project Q3103308 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Modernisation of material and technical equipment of professional workplaces at the Private Secondary Professional Round DSA, Koniarekova 17, Trnava |
Project Q3103308 in Slovakia |
239,752.53 Euro
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282,061.8 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 October 2019
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1 December 2021
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