Program of prevention, early detection, diagnosis and early treatment of cervical cancer – Center region (Q3097427): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 0.85 percent)
(‎Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage)
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 12:48, 27 September 2021

Project Q3097427 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Program of prevention, early detection, diagnosis and early treatment of cervical cancer – Center region
Project Q3097427 in Romania


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    43,226,493.18 Romanian Leu
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    8,645,298.636 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    50,854,697.81 Romanian Leu
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    10,170,939.562 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    1 October 2020
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    29 December 2023
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    44°25'26.36"N, 26°7'59.52"E
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    45°36'15.05"N, 26°18'39.92"E
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    46°21'41.00"N, 25°48'5.04"E
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    Obiectivul general: Promovarea incluziunii sociale, combaterea saraciei si a oricarei forme de discriminare, prin cresterea accesului la servicii accesibile, durabile si de inalta calitate, inclusiv asistenta medicala si servicii sociale de interes general, prin organizarea de programe de sanatate si servicii orientate catre preventie, depistare precoce (screening) diagnostic si tratament precoce al cancerului de col uterin pentru 170.200 de femei din regiunea Centru, dintre care minim 50% apartin grupurilor vulnerabile. Impactul pe termen lung • Reducerea mortalitatii prin cancerul de col uterin • Schimbarea comportamentelor populatiei, prin promovarea celor favorabile sanatatii si reducerea celor care cresc riscul de boala • Prelungirea duratei de viata activa, in care persoanele isi pot derula activitatea profesionala si indeplini atributiile familiale in mod independent • Scaderea numarului de cazuri noi de cancer de col uterin (incidenta) • Scaderea gravitatii cazurilor de cancer de col uterin, reducerea numarului si severitatii complicatiilor acestora avand drept consecinta reducerea nevoilor de ingrijiri spitalicesti, a costurilor legate de acestea si a dizabilitatilor provocate de complicatii • Cresterea cererii de servicii preventive, dezvoltand in populatie asteptarea de a primi asemenea servicii si nu doar servicii curative Beneficiile grupului tinta – persoane care vor beneficia de programe de sprijin (screening) – obtinute prin participarea la activitatile proiectului: 1. Acces crescut la servicii medicale de calitate, in contextul in care persoanele care locuiesc in zonele rurale si grupurile vulnerabile au acces limitat la serviciile de asistenta medicala, ceea ce, la randul sau, are un impact negativ asupra starii de sanatate a populatiei. 2. Mai puține cazuri de cancer de col uterin: deoarece detectează leziunile precanceroase, procedura de screening scade sau chiar elimină riscul de a dezvolta cancer de col uterin. 3. Mai puține cazuri de cancer avansat: screeningul detectează cancerul in faza timpurie, inainte de a metastaza. 4. Mai puține decese in urma cancerului: deoarece cancerul in faza precoce beneficiază de tratamente eficiente, cu șanse crescute de vindecare, depistarea lui in aceasta faza incipienta conduce la diminuarea riscului de deces (anual se pierd din cauza decesului prematur prin CCU in medie 2.6 ani potentiali de viata/100.000 femei (~ 260 ani de viață). Toate activitatile proiectului vin ca un raspuns fata de nevoile identificate ale grupului tinta, contribuind la solutionarea problemelor identificate. Conform studiilor si documentelor publicate, mentionate in sectiunea Justificare, printre motivele pentru care acest proiect este necesar grupului tinta se numara: - Proiectul actual intereseaza un domeniu prioritar de sanatate – boli netransmisibile majore, iar cancerul reprezinta o prioritate de sanatate publica in Romania, fiind una din cele cinci patologii cronice la nivel na (Romanian)
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    General objective: Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any form of discrimination, by increasing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including healthcare and social services of general interest, by organising health programs and services oriented towards prevention, early detection (screening) diagnosis and early treatment of cervical cancer for 170,200 women in the Centre region, of whom at least 50 % belong to vulnerable groups. Long-term impact • Reducing mortality through cervical cancer • Change the behaviors of the population by promoting those favourable to health and reducing those who increase the risk of disease • Extension of active lifespan, where people can carry out their professional activity and perform family duties independently • Decrease the number of new cases of cervical cancer (incident) • Lower severity of cervical cancer cases, reducing the number and severity of their complications with the consequence of reducing the needs of hospital care, costs related to them and the disabilities caused by the needs of such services – increasing the benefits of such services, increasing the number and severity of their complications with the consequence of reducing the needs of hospital care, the costs related to them and the disabilities caused by the needs of the cervical cancer • Increasing the benefits of such services – increasing the number and severity of their complications, with the consequence of reducing the needs of hospital care, the costs related to them and the disabilities caused by the needs of the cervical cancer – increasing the benefits of such services – increasing the number and severity of their complications, with the consequence of reducing the needs for hospital care, the costs related to them and the disabilities caused by the needs of such services – increasing the benefits of such services – increasing the number and severity of their complications, with the consequence of reducing the needs for hospital care, the costs related to them and the disabilities caused by the needs of such services – increasing the benefits of such services • 1. Increased access to quality healthcare services, given that people living in rural areas and vulnerable groups have limited access to healthcare services, which in turn has a negative impact on the health of the population. 2. Fewer cases of cervical cancer: as it detects precancerous lesions, the screening procedure decreases or even eliminates the risk of developing cervical cancer. 3. Fewer cases of advanced cancer: screening detects early cancer before metastasis. 4. Fewer deaths from cancer: because early cancer benefits from effective treatments, with increased chances of healing, its detection in this early phase leads to a reduction of the risk of death (yearly they are lost due to premature death by CCU on average 2.6 years of life potential 100,000 women (~ 260 years of life). All project activities come as a response to the identified needs of the target group, contributing to solving the identified problems. According to the published studies and documents mentioned in the Justification section, among the reasons why this project is necessary for the target group are: — The current project interests a priority area of health – major non-communicable diseases, and cancer is a public health priority in Romania, being one of the five chronic pathologies at national level (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Alba, Romania
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