ECDL certificate for all stakes (Q3101983): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Gymnázium kolská 7 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: ECDL je medzinárodne repektovaný a prijatý systém kvalifikácie, ktorý dáva žudom monos overi si svoje základné vedomosti v informačných technológiách (IT), ako aj zručnosti pri práci s počítačom. Mimo Európy je tento systém známy pod menom International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL). Celosvetovo zaznamenal a ďalej zaznamenáva obrovský vzrast a uznanie. Systém ECDL je otvorený pre kadého bez ohžadu na vek, pohlavie, dosiahnuté vzdelanie, prax alebo prostredie. Taktie aj pre osoby so zdravotným postihnutím (napr. telesným, zrakovým, sluchovým). Predkladaný projektový zámer vznikol na základe poiadaviek zo strany zamestnávatežov z kadej oblasti (nevýrobnej aj výrobnej sféry), aby zamestnanci na takmer vetkých pracovných pozíciách viac, alebo menej ovládali výpočtovú techniku a ich znalosti s práce s výpočtovou technikov boli aspoň na tandardnej pouívatežskej úrovni. Na túto poiadavku reaguje Gymnázium kolská 7 (predkladatež iadosti o NFP), ktorá sa rozhodla pripravi projekt, ktorý umoní jej iakom v poslednom ročníku túdia získa tento vyie spomenutý celosvetovo uznávaných certifikát preukazujúci nadobudnuté zručnosti v práci s výpočtovou technikou na jednej z troch úrovní (BASE, STANDARD, ADVANCE). Predkladaný projekt je zameraný na vytvorenie podmienok pre realizáciu modulového vzdelávacieho programu zameraného na úplné nadobudnutie, alebo zvýenie kžúčových kompetencií iakov koly v oblasti práce s výpočtovou technikou. Hlavným ciežom projektu je: Realizova vzdelávacie programy s dôrazom na rozvoj kžúčových kompetencií tudentov koly v oblasti práce s výpočtovou technikou na rôznych úrovniach náročnosti, vyadovaných zamestnávatežmi vo svete. pecifické ciele projektu:zvýi monosti uplatnenia absolventov koly na trhu práce, bez nutnosti ich ďalieho vzdelávania a zakožovania v práci s výpočtovou technikou;uspokoji poiadavky zo strany zamestnávatežov po kvalifikovanej pracovnej sile;vytvori podmienky pre monos získavania certifikátu ECDL pre iakov koly aj po skončení realizácie projektu. Charakteristika ciežových skupínRealizovaný učebný program a bude zameraný na nadobudnutie a rozvoj kžúčových kompetencií iakov strednej koly v oblasti práce s výpočtovou technikou a na doplnenie, prehlbovanie a zvýenie kvalifikácie získanej v rámci vyučovacieho procesu. V rámci vo výzve stanovených ciežových skupín sa bude jedna výlučne o skupinu: Mladí žudia vo veku do 25 rokov. Vzhžadom na skutočnos, e iadatež plánuje realizova certifikovanú modulovú vzdelávaciu aktivitu v zmysle tandardov a platnej metodiky ECDL, získajú jej absolventi po úspenom absolvovaní testov CERTIFIKÁT ECDL, podža zvoleného stupňa (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: ECDL is an internationally recognised and accepted qualification system that gives people monos to verify their basic knowledge in information technology (IT) as well as computer skills. Outside Europe, the system is known as International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL). It has seen and continues to record a tremendous increase and recognition worldwide. The ECDL system is open to any person without regard to age, gender, educational attainment, experience or background. Also for people with disabilities (e.g. physical, visual, hearing). The proposed project plan was created on the basis of the requirements of employees from each area (non-production and production), so that employees in almost all jobs more or less mastered computing and their knowledge of working with computer technicians was at least at the standard user level. This requirement is reacted by Gymnasium Kolská 7 (submission of a request for NFP), which decided to prepare a project that will smoke her students in the last year of the study to this above-mentioned globally recognised certificate demonstrating acquired skills in computing at one of the three levels (BASE, STANDARD, ADVANCE). The present project is aimed at creating conditions for the implementation of a modular training programme aimed at the full acquisition or increase of key competences of school pupils in the field of computer work. The main objective of the project is to: Implement educational programmes with an emphasis on the development of key competences of school students in the field of computer work at different levels of difficulty imposed by employees in the world. Specific objectives: the possibilities of applying graduates to the graduates in the labour market, without the need for further education and dermalisation in work with computer technology; satisfying the requirements of employees after a skilled workforce; create conditions for obtaining the ECDL certificate for school students even after the completion of the project. Characteristics of the target groupsRealised curriculum and will focus on the acquisition and development of key competences of middle school pupils in the field of computer work and to complement, deepen and increase the qualifications acquired in the teaching process. Within the framework of the call for targeted groups, it shall be exclusively a group: Young people under the age of 25. Due to the fact that the applicant plans to carry out a certified modular learning activity in accordance with standards and valid ECDL methodology, graduates will receive after passing the tests CERTIFICATE ECDL, according to the selected degree (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: ECDL is an internationally recognised and accepted qualification system that gives people monos to verify their basic knowledge in information technology (IT) as well as computer skills. Outside Europe, the system is known as International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL). It has seen and continues to record a tremendous increase and recognition worldwide. The ECDL system is open to any person without regard to age, gender, educational attainment, experience or background. Also for people with disabilities (e.g. physical, visual, hearing). The proposed project plan was created on the basis of the requirements of employees from each area (non-production and production), so that employees in almost all jobs more or less mastered computing and their knowledge of working with computer technicians was at least at the standard user level. This requirement is reacted by Gymnasium Kolská 7 (submission of a request for NFP), which decided to prepare a project that will smoke her students in the last year of the study to this above-mentioned globally recognised certificate demonstrating acquired skills in computing at one of the three levels (BASE, STANDARD, ADVANCE). The present project is aimed at creating conditions for the implementation of a modular training programme aimed at the full acquisition or increase of key competences of school pupils in the field of computer work. The main objective of the project is to: Implement educational programmes with an emphasis on the development of key competences of school students in the field of computer work at different levels of difficulty imposed by employees in the world. Specific objectives: the possibilities of applying graduates to the graduates in the labour market, without the need for further education and dermalisation in work with computer technology; satisfying the requirements of employees after a skilled workforce; create conditions for obtaining the ECDL certificate for school students even after the completion of the project. Characteristics of the target groupsRealised curriculum and will focus on the acquisition and development of key competences of middle school pupils in the field of computer work and to complement, deepen and increase the qualifications acquired in the teaching process. Within the framework of the call for targeted groups, it shall be exclusively a group: Young people under the age of 25. Due to the fact that the applicant plans to carry out a certified modular learning activity in accordance with standards and valid ECDL methodology, graduates will receive after passing the tests CERTIFICATE ECDL, according to the selected degree (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 12:27, 27 September 2021
Project Q3101983 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | ECDL certificate for all stakes |
Project Q3101983 in Slovakia |
141,767.57 Euro
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166,785.38 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 February 2019
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1 January 2022
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0 references