C.R.I.M. – RESOURCE CENTER FOR WORK INTEGRATION (Q3096248): Difference between revisions

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Property / co-financing rate
0.83 percent
Amount0.83 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 0.83 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:26, 27 September 2021

Project Q3096248 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3096248 in Romania


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    4,179,171.912 Romanian Leu
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    835,834.3824 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,030,042.43 Romanian Leu
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    1,006,008.486 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    27 June 2018
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    26 December 2019
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    45°14'35.56"N, 27°13'29.46"E
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    45°32'52.19"N, 26°23'44.77"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL al proiectului vizeaza“Implementarea unui set complex de masuri active integrate pentru 510 pers, provenind din categorii sociale dezavantajate, din regiunile NE si SE, care urmareste creșterea ocupării șomerilor și a persoanelor inactive, cu accent pe şomerii pe termen lung, lucrătorii vârstnici (55-64 ani-),din rândul minorităţii roma, persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, cu nivel redus de educație, din mediul rural, în special cele din agricultura de subzistență și semisubzistență”. Pt atingerea obiectivului general al proiectului, am propus, implementarea unui set de activitati, dedicat unui grup tinta de 510 pers identificat si recrutat din regiunile Nord-Est -352 pers.(jud NT,BC, VS si SV) si Sud-Est -158 pers. ( jud.BZ,GL,BR), set care va include: servicii specializate pt stimularea ocuparii constand in furnizarea de servicii personalizate de informare si consiliere profesionala pt 510 pers, furnizarea de servicii de mediere a muncii pt 510 pers, programe de formare profesionala a adultilor pt 350 pers, someri si pers inactive, pers de etnie roma si pers din mediul rural, evaluarea si certificarea competentelor profesionale obtinute pe alte cai decat cele formale pt 160 pers, someri si pers inactive, pers de etnie roma si pers si din mediul rural.Rezultatele obtinute, ca urmare a acestor activitati, vor conduce in mod evident, la cresterea numarului de pers care au acces la un loc de munca, din categoria pers aflate in cautarea unui loc de munca si pers inactive, inclusiv someri de lunga durata si pers cu sanse mici de angajare - Prioritatea de investitii 8.I. si Obiectivele specifice 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 din cadrul Axei prioritare 3, Obiectivul tematic 8, POCU. Astfel, furnizarea serviciului de informare si consiliere profesionala pt 510 pers asigura pt acestea un suport informational foarte necesar in activitatile urmatoare la care vor participa, este un serviciu personalizat prin: evaluare individuala din punct de vedere aptitudinal, stabilirea traseului profesional,dezvoltarea abilitatii si increderii in sine a pers. in cautarea unui loc de munca, aspecte privind egalitatea de sanse si de gen si respectarea diversitatii, recomandare pt inscrierea la un program de formare profesionala pliat pe aptitudinile fiecarei pers si functie de nivelul de studii sau participarea la activitatea de evaluare si certificare a competentelor profesionale obtinute pe alte cai decat cele formale, informatii privind piata muncii.Imediat dupa participarea la programele de formare profesionala sau evaluare si certificare de competente profesionale,ca o masura de inovare sociala, avand la baza nevoia extrasa din studiile realizate de partenerii din proiect, vom asigura participarea la workshop-urile de tip JOB-CLUB in cadrul carora cei 450 de beneficiari vor invata cum sa-si pregateasca un CV personalizat, o scrisoare de intentie, pasii de urmat la participarea la un interviu; participarea celor 510 pers din grupul tinta la programele de (Romanian)
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    The GENERAL objective of the project aims to “Implement a complex set of integrated active measures for 510 pers, coming from disadvantaged social categories, from the NE and SE regions, which aims to increase the employment of unemployed and inactive people, with a focus on the long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64-year-olds), among the Roma minority, people with disabilities, with low education, in rural areas, especially those in subsistence and semi-subsistence agriculture”. In order to achieve the general objective of the project, we proposed the implementation of a set of activities, dedicated to a target group of 510 pers identified and recruited from North-East -352 pers. (county NT,BC, VS and SV) and South-East -158 pers. (jud.BZ,GL,BR), which will include: specialised employment stimulation services consisting of the provision of personalised professional information and counselling services for 510 pers, the provision of labor mediation services for 510 pers, adult training programs for 350 pers, inactive unemployed and pers, Roma and pers rural pers, assessment and certification of professional skills obtained on horses other than the formal ones for 160 pers, the results obtained, as a result of these activities, will obviously lead to an increase in the number of persons who have access to a job, from the category of persons looking for a job and inactive, including long-term unemployed and pers with low employment opportunities – Investment Priority 8.I. and Specific Objectives 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 under Priority Axis 3, Thematic Objective 8, POCU. Thus, the provision of the professional information and counselling service for 510 pers ensures for them a very necessary informational support in the following activities in which they will participate, is a personalised service through: individual assessment from an aptitude point of view, determination of the career path, development of skills and self-confidence pers. in search of a job, aspects of equal opportunities and gender and respect for diversity, recommendation for enrolment in a vocational training program tailored to the skills of each person and depending on the level of education or participation in the activity of evaluation and certification of professional competences obtained on other than formal paths, information on the labour market.Immediately after participating in the professional training or evaluation and certification programs of professional competences, as a measure of social innovation, based on the need extracted from the studies carried out by the project partners, we will ensure the participation in JOB-CLUB workshops where the 450 beneficiaries will learn how to prepare a personalised CV, a cover letter, the steps to take to participate in an interview; participation of the 510 pers. from the target group in the programs of (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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    Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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    Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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    Judeţul Brăila, Romania
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    Judeţul Vaslui, Romania
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    Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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    Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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