Modernisation and diversification of activity for 4U SERV SRL (Q2742555): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 0.77 percent)
(‎Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage)
Property / co-financing rate
76.5 percent
Amount76.5 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 76.5 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:04, 27 September 2021

Project Q2742555 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Modernisation and diversification of activity for 4U SERV SRL
Project Q2742555 in Romania


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    715,228.83 Romanian Leu
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    143,045.766 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    934,939.64 Romanian Leu
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    186,987.928 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    76.5 percent
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    17 April 2018
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    31 August 2019
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    45°51'7.20"N, 23°12'19.62"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie cresterea competitivitatii si consolidarea pozitiei pe piata a solicitantului 4U SERV S.R.L. prin accesarea unui sprijin financiar necesar realizarii investitiei propuse in proiect in cadrul Programului Operational Regional 2014-2020, apelul de proiecte 2.1A/2016. Solicitantul isi propune, prin realizarea investitiei prezentate in cadrul proiectului “Modernizarea si diversificarea activitatii pentru societatea 4U SERV SRL” sa isi diversifice activitatea prin introducerea de noi servicii in oferta pe care o propune actualilor si potentialilor sai clienti, in speta: lucrari de foraj pentru efectuarea studiilor geotehnice / geologice, lucrari de foraj pentru executia puturilor de apa, lucrari de foraj pentru efectuarea subtraversarilor pentru conducte si lucrari de foraj pentru executia pilotilor pentru constructii. In acest sens, societatea urmareste achizitionarea unei instalatii de foraj hidraulica autopropulsata pe senile care ii va permite intrarea pe o noua nisa de piata aferenta domeniului de activitate “Lucrari de foraj si sondaj pentru constructii” – Cod CAEN 4313. Prin diversificarea activitatii, solicitantul isi va asigura cresterea veniturilor obtinute, prin prestarea de servicii de o calitate superioara clientilor sai prin echipamentele caracterizate de tehnologii performante, inregistrand in consecinta o crestere a cifrei de afaceri cu cel putin 13% in urmatorii 3 ani. Obiectivele pe termen mediu si lung ale S.C. 4USERV S.R.L. se centreaza pe diversificarea si dezvoltarea activitatii societatii in vederea alinierii la standardele pietei si satisfacerii exigentelor clientilor pe segmentul de piata vizat. Avantajul competitiv al serviciilor prestate de solicitant este dat de urmatoarele aspecte ale activitatii desfasurate la momentul actual si pe care o va desfasura in urma realizarii investitiei prevazute in cadrul proiectului, in concordanta cu obiectivul general al societatiii :  Gama larga de produse si servicii oferite;  Gradul de dotare tehnica care va asigura o calitate superioara a serviciilor prestate;  Calificarea si experienta profesionala a administratorului si a personalului care va permite, in raport cu realizarea investitiei propuse prin proiect, adaptarea la standardele pietei si satisfacerea exigentelor actualilor si potentialilor clienti;  Activitatile de marketing propuse a fi realizate prin si in urma implementarii proiectului vor asigura o mai buna vizibilitate a companiei si produselor si serviciilor pe care le pune la dispozitia clientilor sai si vor asigura cresterea cererii si, implicit, cresterea veniturilor obtinute din desfasurarea activitatii;  Politica de pret pe care societatea o va putea practica in raport cu investitia realizata in urma implementarii proiectului va asigura cresterea competitivitatii pe piata a acesteia. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness and strengthen the market position of the 4U SERV S.R.L. applicant by accessing the necessary financial support for the realisation of the investment proposed in the project under the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, call for projects 2.1A/2016. The applicant aims, by making the investment presented under the project “Modernisation and diversification of the activity for 4U SERV SRL” to diversify its activity by introducing new services in the offer it offers to its current and potential clients, in the case of: drilling works for carrying out geotechnical/geological studies, drilling works for the execution of water wells, drilling works for carrying out sub-crossings for pipelines and drilling works for the execution of pilots for construction. In this respect, the company aims to purchase a self-propelled hydraulic drilling installation on the tracks that will allow it to enter a new market niche related to the activity field “Drilling and Survey Works for Construction” – CAEN Code 4313. By diversifying the activity, the applicant will ensure the increase of the income obtained, by providing services of a higher quality to its customers through equipment characterised by high-performance technologies, thus registering an increase in turnover by at least 13 % over the next 3 years. The medium and long-term objectives of S.C. 4USERV S.R.L. are focused on the diversification and development of the company’s activity in order to align with market standards and meet customer requirements in the targeted market segment. The competitive advantage of the services provided by the applicant is given by the following aspects of the activity carried out at the moment and which will be carried out following the realisation of the investment provided in the project, in accordance with the general objective of the company: Wide range of products and services offered; The degree of technical equipment that will ensure a higher quality of the services provided; The qualification and professional experience of the administrator and of the staff that will allow, in relation to the realisation of the investment proposed through the project, to adapt to market standards and meet the demands of current and potential clients; The marketing activities proposed to be realised through and after the implementation of the project will ensure a better visibility of the company and the products and services it makes available to its customers and will ensure the increase of demand and, implicitly, the increase of the revenues obtained from the activity; The price policy that the company will be able to practice in relation to the investment made following the implementation of the project will ensure the increase of its competitiveness on the market. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Ovidiu, Romania
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