Increasing young people’s financial literacy (Q3101345): Difference between revisions

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Tritikum s.r.o.
Property / beneficiary name (string): Tritikum s.r.o. / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Ciežom projektu je prispie k zvýšeniu finančnej gramotnosti ciežovej skupiny formou kontaktného a bezkontaktného vzdelávania v kombinácii dvoch jazykových mutácií: v slovenčine a v angličtine. Uvedený ciež projektu je v súlade so špecifickým ciežom výzvy 1.4.1 – Zvýši kvalitu a efektívnos celoživotného vzdelávania s dôrazom na rozvoj kžúčových kompetencií, prehlbovanie a zvyšovanie kvalifikácie. Dôležitos vzdelávania v oblasti osobných financií a gramotnosti rastie z niekožkých dôvodov. Prvým je demografický vývoj v SR. Starnutie spoločnosti bude v budúcnosti spôsobova zvýšené nároky na verejné zdroje, ktoré budú znáša ekonomicky aktívni občania. Preto je nevyhnutné, aby súčasní a budúci pracujúci generovali dostatok príjmu ako aj odkladali si finančné prostriedky na zabezpečenie si dostatočných príjmov v starobe už počas ekonomicky aktívnej časti svojho života. Druhým dôvodom je rast rizikovosti na finančných trhoch, ktorej príkladom je finančná kríza z obdobia rokov 2008-2009. Napriek limitovanej priamej angažovanosti slovenských domácností na finančnom trhu nepriama angažovanos rastie. Či už formou poistných produktov investičného poistenia alebo vo forme II. a III. dôchodkového piliera. Tretím dôvodom rastu dôležitosti finančnej gramotnosti v SR je komplexnos a rast ponuky jednotlivých finančných produktov zo strany finančných sprostredkovatežov a dohliadaných subjektov sprevádzaný rastom dopytu po ich produktoch zo strany domácností. Celková doba trvania projektu je od 7/2017 do 12/2019 a z hžadiska aktivít je projekt rozčlenený na tri časti:Koordinácia projektu,Prieskum potrieb celoživotného vzdelávania,Vytvorenie programu celoživotného vzdelávania,Realizácia programu celoživotného vzdelávania.Prvá čas projektu bude zahŕňa zmapovanie potrieb ciežovej skupiny v oblasti finančnej gramotnosti vo väzbe na vek a postavenie v spolupráci s odborníkmi z bánk, poisovní ako aj predstavitežmi profesijných organizácií. Následne budú pripravené recenzované študijné materiály v tlačenej a elektronickej podobe v slovenskom a anglickom jazyku a akreditovaný vzdelávacií program zameraný na finančnú gramotnos v rámci celoživotného vzdelávania. Realizačná fáza bude zahŕňa vzdelávanie ciežovej skupiny formou kontaktnej a bezkontaktnej výučby. Ciežovou skupinou sú mladí žudia do 25 rokov - študenti stredných škôl v predposlednom a poslednom ročníku.Príprava študijných materiálov ako aj výučba (kontaktná aj bezkontaktná) bude realizovaná v niekožkých oblastiach, ktoré sú súčasou vedomostí finančne gramotného človeka v 21. storočí.Základnými oblasami vzdelávania v rámci projektu budú:Peniaze a finančné transakcie,Plánovanie a manažovanie financií,Riziko a výnos,Finančné prostredie a inštitúcie. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Ciežom projektu je prispie k zvýšeniu finančnej gramotnosti ciežovej skupiny formou kontaktného a bezkontaktného vzdelávania v kombinácii dvoch jazykových mutácií: v slovenčine a v angličtine. Uvedený ciež projektu je v súlade so špecifickým ciežom výzvy 1.4.1 – Zvýši kvalitu a efektívnos celoživotného vzdelávania s dôrazom na rozvoj kžúčových kompetencií, prehlbovanie a zvyšovanie kvalifikácie. Dôležitos vzdelávania v oblasti osobných financií a gramotnosti rastie z niekožkých dôvodov. Prvým je demografický vývoj v SR. Starnutie spoločnosti bude v budúcnosti spôsobova zvýšené nároky na verejné zdroje, ktoré budú znáša ekonomicky aktívni občania. Preto je nevyhnutné, aby súčasní a budúci pracujúci generovali dostatok príjmu ako aj odkladali si finančné prostriedky na zabezpečenie si dostatočných príjmov v starobe už počas ekonomicky aktívnej časti svojho života. Druhým dôvodom je rast rizikovosti na finančných trhoch, ktorej príkladom je finančná kríza z obdobia rokov 2008-2009. Napriek limitovanej priamej angažovanosti slovenských domácností na finančnom trhu nepriama angažovanos rastie. Či už formou poistných produktov investičného poistenia alebo vo forme II. a III. dôchodkového piliera. Tretím dôvodom rastu dôležitosti finančnej gramotnosti v SR je komplexnos a rast ponuky jednotlivých finančných produktov zo strany finančných sprostredkovatežov a dohliadaných subjektov sprevádzaný rastom dopytu po ich produktoch zo strany domácností. Celková doba trvania projektu je od 7/2017 do 12/2019 a z hžadiska aktivít je projekt rozčlenený na tri časti:Koordinácia projektu,Prieskum potrieb celoživotného vzdelávania,Vytvorenie programu celoživotného vzdelávania,Realizácia programu celoživotného vzdelávania.Prvá čas projektu bude zahŕňa zmapovanie potrieb ciežovej skupiny v oblasti finančnej gramotnosti vo väzbe na vek a postavenie v spolupráci s odborníkmi z bánk, poisovní ako aj predstavitežmi profesijných organizácií. Následne budú pripravené recenzované študijné materiály v tlačenej a elektronickej podobe v slovenskom a anglickom jazyku a akreditovaný vzdelávacií program zameraný na finančnú gramotnos v rámci celoživotného vzdelávania. Realizačná fáza bude zahŕňa vzdelávanie ciežovej skupiny formou kontaktnej a bezkontaktnej výučby. Ciežovou skupinou sú mladí žudia do 25 rokov - študenti stredných škôl v predposlednom a poslednom ročníku.Príprava študijných materiálov ako aj výučba (kontaktná aj bezkontaktná) bude realizovaná v niekožkých oblastiach, ktoré sú súčasou vedomostí finančne gramotného človeka v 21. storočí.Základnými oblasami vzdelávania v rámci projektu budú:Peniaze a finančné transakcie,Plánovanie a manažovanie financií,Riziko a výnos,Finančné prostredie a inštitúcie. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to contribute to increasing the financial literacy of the target group in the form of contact and contactless learning in a combination of two language mutations: in Slovak and English. In line with the specific objective of call 1.4.1, the project’s objective is to increase the quality and effectiveness of life-long learning with an emphasis on the development of key competences, deepening and upgrading of qualifications. The importance of personal finance and literacy education is growing for several reasons. The first is demographic developments in Slovakia. An ageing society will in the future increase the demand for public resources that will be known to economically active citizens. It is therefore essential that current and future workers generate sufficient income as well as defer funds to secure sufficient income in old age during the economically active part of their lives. The second reason is the increase in riskiness in the financial markets, as exemplified by the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Despite the limited direct involvement of Slovak households in the financial market, indirect engagement is growing. Whether in the form of insurance investment products or in the form of II. and III. pension pillars. The third reason for increasing the importance of financial literacy in Slovakia is the complexity and growth of the supply of individual financial products by financial intermediaries and supervised entities, accompanied by an increase in demand for their products by households. The total duration of the project is from 7/2017 to 12/2019 and the project is divided into three parts from the list of activities: Coordination of the project, Exploration of the Needs of Lifelong Learning, Creation of a Lifelong Learning Programme, Implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme. The first time of the project will include mapping of the needs of the target group in the field of financial literacy in connection with age and status in cooperation with experts from banks, business institutions as well as representatives of professional organisations. Subsequently, peer-reviewed materials will be prepared in printed and electronic form in Slovak and English and accredited educational programme focused on financial literacy within life-long learning. The implementation phase will include the training of the target group in the form of contact and contactless teaching. The goal group is young people under 25 years old – students of middle school in the penultimate and last year. Preparation of study materials as well as teaching (contact and contactless) will be carried out in several areas, which are part of the knowledge of financially literate person in the 21st century. The core areas of education within the project budú:Peniaze and financial transactions, planning and management of finance, risk and yield, financial environment and institutions. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to contribute to increasing the financial literacy of the target group in the form of contact and contactless learning in a combination of two language mutations: in Slovak and English. In line with the specific objective of call 1.4.1, the project’s objective is to increase the quality and effectiveness of life-long learning with an emphasis on the development of key competences, deepening and upgrading of qualifications. The importance of personal finance and literacy education is growing for several reasons. The first is demographic developments in Slovakia. An ageing society will in the future increase the demand for public resources that will be known to economically active citizens. It is therefore essential that current and future workers generate sufficient income as well as defer funds to secure sufficient income in old age during the economically active part of their lives. The second reason is the increase in riskiness in the financial markets, as exemplified by the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Despite the limited direct involvement of Slovak households in the financial market, indirect engagement is growing. Whether in the form of insurance investment products or in the form of II. and III. pension pillars. The third reason for increasing the importance of financial literacy in Slovakia is the complexity and growth of the supply of individual financial products by financial intermediaries and supervised entities, accompanied by an increase in demand for their products by households. The total duration of the project is from 7/2017 to 12/2019 and the project is divided into three parts from the list of activities: Coordination of the project, Exploration of the Needs of Lifelong Learning, Creation of a Lifelong Learning Programme, Implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme. The first time of the project will include mapping of the needs of the target group in the field of financial literacy in connection with age and status in cooperation with experts from banks, business institutions as well as representatives of professional organisations. Subsequently, peer-reviewed materials will be prepared in printed and electronic form in Slovak and English and accredited educational programme focused on financial literacy within life-long learning. The implementation phase will include the training of the target group in the form of contact and contactless teaching. The goal group is young people under 25 years old – students of middle school in the penultimate and last year. Preparation of study materials as well as teaching (contact and contactless) will be carried out in several areas, which are part of the knowledge of financially literate person in the 21st century. The core areas of education within the project budú:Peniaze and financial transactions, planning and management of finance, risk and yield, financial environment and institutions. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to contribute to increasing the financial literacy of the target group in the form of contact and contactless learning in a combination of two language mutations: in Slovak and English. In line with the specific objective of call 1.4.1, the project’s objective is to increase the quality and effectiveness of life-long learning with an emphasis on the development of key competences, deepening and upgrading of qualifications. The importance of personal finance and literacy education is growing for several reasons. The first is demographic developments in Slovakia. An ageing society will in the future increase the demand for public resources that will be known to economically active citizens. It is therefore essential that current and future workers generate sufficient income as well as defer funds to secure sufficient income in old age during the economically active part of their lives. The second reason is the increase in riskiness in the financial markets, as exemplified by the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Despite the limited direct involvement of Slovak households in the financial market, indirect engagement is growing. Whether in the form of insurance investment products or in the form of II. and III. pension pillars. The third reason for increasing the importance of financial literacy in Slovakia is the complexity and growth of the supply of individual financial products by financial intermediaries and supervised entities, accompanied by an increase in demand for their products by households. The total duration of the project is from 7/2017 to 12/2019 and the project is divided into three parts from the list of activities: Coordination of the project, Exploration of the Needs of Lifelong Learning, Creation of a Lifelong Learning Programme, Implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme. The first time of the project will include mapping of the needs of the target group in the field of financial literacy in connection with age and status in cooperation with experts from banks, business institutions as well as representatives of professional organisations. Subsequently, peer-reviewed materials will be prepared in printed and electronic form in Slovak and English and accredited educational programme focused on financial literacy within life-long learning. The implementation phase will include the training of the target group in the form of contact and contactless teaching. The goal group is young people under 25 years old – students of middle school in the penultimate and last year. Preparation of study materials as well as teaching (contact and contactless) will be carried out in several areas, which are part of the knowledge of financially literate person in the 21st century. The core areas of education within the project budú:Peniaze and financial transactions, planning and management of finance, risk and yield, financial environment and institutions. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:00, 24 September 2021

Project Q3101345 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Increasing young people’s financial literacy
Project Q3101345 in Slovakia



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