Building adjustments to increase the capacity of the Materská Kola na ul. Dargovsky heroes in Humenne (Q3101097): Difference between revisions

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Mesto Humenné
Property / beneficiary name (string): Mesto Humenné / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Projekt je zameraný na investície do predprimárneho vzdelania – zvýšenie zaškolenosti. Projekt vytvára podmienky nielen pre zvýšenie úrovne zaškolenosti detí v meste, ale zároveň  podporuje rozvoj kvality vzdelania a tým zlepšenie kvality života obyvatežov. Ciežom projektu je preto vytvorenie priestorových a materiálno – technických   podmienok pre zvýšenie úrovne zaškolenosti detí, celkové skvalitnenie výchovno-vzdelávacieho procesu s dôrazom na zvýšenie kapacity a zlepšenia energetickej hospodárnosti verejnej budovy. Špecifickým ciežom vyplývajúcim z projektovaných ukazovatežov je umožnenie zvýšenia hrubej zaškolenosti detí materských škôl. Prvé dve aktivity projektu sú preto postavené tak aby prostredníctvom stavebno – technických úprav existujúceho objektu MŠ a jeho vonkajšieho areálu vytvorili priestorové podmienky pre navýšenie kapacity. Treou  súvisiacou aktivitou je dodávka príslušného materiálno technického vybavenia modernizovaných priestorov a štvrtou aktivitou sú stavebné úpravy prispievajúce k zvýšenie energetickej hospodárnosti. Prínosy projektu sú orientované predovšetkým pre detí v predškolskej výchove. Takto koncipovaný projekt prispeje k celkovému zlepšeniu kvality života a zabezpečí udržatežné poskytovanie verejných služieb. Uvedené je možné kvantifikova prostredníctvom počtu renovovaných budov, areálov, podporených MŠ v počte  1, renovovanej podlahovej plochy. 1 191 m2 ako aj dosiahnutej kapacity zariadenia na úroveň 108 detí. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Projekt je zameraný na investície do predprimárneho vzdelania – zvýšenie zaškolenosti. Projekt vytvára podmienky nielen pre zvýšenie úrovne zaškolenosti detí v meste, ale zároveň  podporuje rozvoj kvality vzdelania a tým zlepšenie kvality života obyvatežov. Ciežom projektu je preto vytvorenie priestorových a materiálno – technických   podmienok pre zvýšenie úrovne zaškolenosti detí, celkové skvalitnenie výchovno-vzdelávacieho procesu s dôrazom na zvýšenie kapacity a zlepšenia energetickej hospodárnosti verejnej budovy. Špecifickým ciežom vyplývajúcim z projektovaných ukazovatežov je umožnenie zvýšenia hrubej zaškolenosti detí materských škôl. Prvé dve aktivity projektu sú preto postavené tak aby prostredníctvom stavebno – technických úprav existujúceho objektu MŠ a jeho vonkajšieho areálu vytvorili priestorové podmienky pre navýšenie kapacity. Treou  súvisiacou aktivitou je dodávka príslušného materiálno technického vybavenia modernizovaných priestorov a štvrtou aktivitou sú stavebné úpravy prispievajúce k zvýšenie energetickej hospodárnosti. Prínosy projektu sú orientované predovšetkým pre detí v predškolskej výchove. Takto koncipovaný projekt prispeje k celkovému zlepšeniu kvality života a zabezpečí udržatežné poskytovanie verejných služieb. Uvedené je možné kvantifikova prostredníctvom počtu renovovaných budov, areálov, podporených MŠ v počte  1, renovovanej podlahovej plochy. 1 191 m2 ako aj dosiahnutej kapacity zariadenia na úroveň 108 detí. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The project is aimed at investing in pre-primary education and training. The project not only creates conditions for raising the level of education of children in the city, but also promotes the development of the quality of education and thus improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. The aim of the project is therefore to create spatial and material technical conditions for raising the level of education of children, the overall improvement of the educational process with an emphasis on increasing capacity and improving the energy performance of the public building. The specific objective resulting from the projected indicators is to monetise the increase in the gross inclination of children’s maternal rounds. The first two activities of the project are therefore built in such a way that through the construction technical modifications of the existing building M and its external area create space conditions for capacity increase. The third related activity is the supply of relevant material technical equipment of the upgraded premises and the fourth activity is building modifications contributing to the improvement of energy performance. The benefits of the project are oriented primarily for children in preschool education. The project thus conceived will contribute to the overall improvement of the quality of life and ensure the maintenance of public services. It is possible to quantify through the number of renovated buildings, areas, supported by M in the number of 1, renovated floor area. 1191 m² as well as the achieved capacity of the device to the level of 108 children. (English)
Property / summary: The project is aimed at investing in pre-primary education and training. The project not only creates conditions for raising the level of education of children in the city, but also promotes the development of the quality of education and thus improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. The aim of the project is therefore to create spatial and material technical conditions for raising the level of education of children, the overall improvement of the educational process with an emphasis on increasing capacity and improving the energy performance of the public building. The specific objective resulting from the projected indicators is to monetise the increase in the gross inclination of children’s maternal rounds. The first two activities of the project are therefore built in such a way that through the construction technical modifications of the existing building M and its external area create space conditions for capacity increase. The third related activity is the supply of relevant material technical equipment of the upgraded premises and the fourth activity is building modifications contributing to the improvement of energy performance. The benefits of the project are oriented primarily for children in preschool education. The project thus conceived will contribute to the overall improvement of the quality of life and ensure the maintenance of public services. It is possible to quantify through the number of renovated buildings, areas, supported by M in the number of 1, renovated floor area. 1191 m² as well as the achieved capacity of the device to the level of 108 children. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The project is aimed at investing in pre-primary education and training. The project not only creates conditions for raising the level of education of children in the city, but also promotes the development of the quality of education and thus improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. The aim of the project is therefore to create spatial and material technical conditions for raising the level of education of children, the overall improvement of the educational process with an emphasis on increasing capacity and improving the energy performance of the public building. The specific objective resulting from the projected indicators is to monetise the increase in the gross inclination of children’s maternal rounds. The first two activities of the project are therefore built in such a way that through the construction technical modifications of the existing building M and its external area create space conditions for capacity increase. The third related activity is the supply of relevant material technical equipment of the upgraded premises and the fourth activity is building modifications contributing to the improvement of energy performance. The benefits of the project are oriented primarily for children in preschool education. The project thus conceived will contribute to the overall improvement of the quality of life and ensure the maintenance of public services. It is possible to quantify through the number of renovated buildings, areas, supported by M in the number of 1, renovated floor area. 1191 m² as well as the achieved capacity of the device to the level of 108 children. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:56, 24 September 2021

Project Q3101097 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Building adjustments to increase the capacity of the Materská Kola na ul. Dargovsky heroes in Humenne
Project Q3101097 in Slovakia


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    259,628.24 Euro
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    305,444.99 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 July 2019
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    1 December 2020
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    48°56'1.97"N, 21°54'38.59"E
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