Modernisation of the road II/534 Poprad – Starý Smokovec (Q3100758): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Preovský samosprávny kraj / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Cesta II/534 riei spojenie centra osídlenia prvej skupiny, druhej podskupiny mesta Poprad a centra osídlenia tretej skupiny, druhej podskupiny mesta Vysoké Tatry a prižahlých obcí v západnej časti Preovského samosprávneho kraja. Zároveň sa napája na cestu I/18 a medzinárodnú cestu E/50 (D1). Rieený úsek sa nachádza na ceste II/534 Poprad Starý Smokovec, s celkovou dĺkou modernizácie cestného telesa 5,273 km. Modernizácia cesty spočíva vo výmene pokodených asfaltových vrstiev vozovky, úpravu priesečnej kriovatky a rekontrukciu dládených priekop a uličných vpustí. Súčasne repektuje existujúce smerové a výkove vedenie cesty a nevyaduje výrub porastov. Modernizácia uvedeného úseku komunikácie spolu s úpravou jestvujúcej priesečnej kriovatky ciest II/534 a III/3081 zabezpečí zvýenie bezpečnosti a plynulosti cestnej dopravy v danom úseku cestnej komunikácie. Rekontrukciou vozovky sa prirodzeným spôsobom zrýchli spojenie okresného mesta Poprad s mestom Vysoké Tatry, ako aj spojenie s TEN-T trasou a napojenie na medzinárodnú leteckú a elezničnú dopravu. Rekontrukciou vozovky sa zvýi komfort jazdy zníením otrasov a hluku. Rieená priesečná kriovatka ciest II/534 a III/3081 bude disponova osvetleným priechodom pre chodcov a akusticko-psychologickou brzdou, čo zvýi bezpečnos cestnej premávky motorových a nemotorových účastníkov. Realizácia projektu riei taktie zriadenie zastávkových pruhov pre autobusy a nadväzuje na návrh projektového zámeru v C 1.2.1. IROP Online riadenie VOD a modernizácia dispečerského riadenia a Informačné systémy nástupných a vybudovanie siete prestupových uzlov. (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Road II/534 is the connection of the centre of settlement of the first group, the second subgroup of the city of Poprad and the centre of settlement of the third group, the second subgroup of the town of High Tatras and the beautiful villages in the western part of the Preov region. It also connects to the I/18 and the international route E/50 (D1). The finished section is located on the road II/534 Poprad Starý Smokovec, with a total length of modernisation of the road body 5.273 km. The modernisation of the road consists of replacing broken asphalt layers of the road, modifying the intersection and reconstructing the paved ditches and letting down the streets. At the same time, it respects the existing directional and forging lines of the road and does not require the felling of the stands. The modernisation of this section of the road together with the modification of the existing intersection of roads II/534 and III/3081 will increase the safety and fluidity of road transport in a given road section. By reconstructing the road, the connection of the district town of Poprad to the town of the High Tatras, as well as the connection with the TEN-T route and the connection to international air and rail transport, are naturally accelerated. Road reconstruction will increase driving comfort by reducing shocks and noise. The solved intersection of roads II/534 and III/3081 will be a discontinuous pedestrian crossing and an acoustic-psychological brake, which will increase road safety for motor and non-motor users. The implementation of the project also solves the establishment of bus stop lanes and follows the project proposal in C 1.2.1. IROP Online control of VOD and modernisation of dispatch control and information systems of boarding systems and the construction of a network of transfer nodes. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Road II/534 is the connection of the centre of settlement of the first group, the second subgroup of the city of Poprad and the centre of settlement of the third group, the second subgroup of the town of High Tatras and the beautiful villages in the western part of the Preov region. It also connects to the I/18 and the international route E/50 (D1). The finished section is located on the road II/534 Poprad Starý Smokovec, with a total length of modernisation of the road body 5.273 km. The modernisation of the road consists of replacing broken asphalt layers of the road, modifying the intersection and reconstructing the paved ditches and letting down the streets. At the same time, it respects the existing directional and forging lines of the road and does not require the felling of the stands. The modernisation of this section of the road together with the modification of the existing intersection of roads II/534 and III/3081 will increase the safety and fluidity of road transport in a given road section. By reconstructing the road, the connection of the district town of Poprad to the town of the High Tatras, as well as the connection with the TEN-T route and the connection to international air and rail transport, are naturally accelerated. Road reconstruction will increase driving comfort by reducing shocks and noise. The solved intersection of roads II/534 and III/3081 will be a discontinuous pedestrian crossing and an acoustic-psychological brake, which will increase road safety for motor and non-motor users. The implementation of the project also solves the establishment of bus stop lanes and follows the project proposal in C 1.2.1. IROP Online control of VOD and modernisation of dispatch control and information systems of boarding systems and the construction of a network of transfer nodes. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 13:49, 24 September 2021
Project Q3100758 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Modernisation of the road II/534 Poprad – Starý Smokovec |
Project Q3100758 in Slovakia |
3,048,559.48 Euro
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3,586,540.57 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 March 2016
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1 October 2020
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Q3120083 (Deleted Item)
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