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Project Q3100267 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q3100267 in Romania |
16,777,250.39 Romanian Leu
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25,510,634.06 Romanian Leu
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0.66 percent
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1 September 2021
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31 August 2023
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Obiectivul general al proiectului Sistemului Inteligent Criptografic Integrat – SICI.AI de catre compania CryptoDATA este cresterea si eficientizarea productivitatii companiei prin dezvoltarea unei platforme cu elemente hardware si software ce asigura comunicarea, transferul si integrarea datelor intr-un mod securizat, dar care asigura si sortarea, verificarea si validarea acestora cu ajutorul inteligentei artificiale. Pe termen mediu si lung se urmareste pozitionarea companiei in topul celor mai bune companii de tehnologie care ofera solutii criptografice complexe, sisteme pentru comunicare securizata, dar si module de inteligenta artificiala special antrenate. Obiectivul general este in acord cu Prioritatea de investiții 2b „Dezvoltarea produselor și serviciilor TIC, a comerțului electronic și a cererii de TIC” prin faptul ca in urma implementarii proietului va fi realizat un produs inovativ, care va fi vandut catre piata interna/internationala si va genera si realizarea unui serviciu util si necesar in celelalte sectoare ale economiei nationale. Realizarea produsului inovativ va permite extinderea activitatii firmei si integrarea pe verticala a noului produs in lantul valoric al altor sectoare industriale si de servicii, urmarea fiind reprezentata de cresterea profitabilitatii firmei. Proiectul este in acord cu Obiectivul Specific OS 2.2 „Creșterea contribuției sectorului TIC pentru competitivitatea economică” prin faptul ca implementarea activitatilor proiectului va genera valoare adaugata prin realizarea unui produs nou inovator care are la baza componenta TIC care va fi utilizat in foarte multe ramuri ale economiei atat de catre institutii de stat cat si de catre institutii private. Astfel, vor fi create premizele pentru realizarea unor venituri ridicate din vanzarile de servicii si produse, cresterea castigului in acest domeniu conducand la cresterea standardului de viata in regiunea in care se va implementa proiectul. Competitivitatea economica va fi atinsa si prin realizarea unui produs si serviciu care va fi capabil sa faca fata concurentei internationale, firma reusind prin atingerea indicatorilor proiectului sa isi construiasca un climat bazat pe o valoare adaugata solida, sa devina mai eficienta si sa fie capabila sa se dezvolte in orice mediu economic intern. Proiectul propus răspunde obiectivului general al Programului Operațional Competitivitate care urmărește să contribuie la realizarea obiectivului global al Acordului de Parteneriat prin susţinerea CDI și TIC pentru competitivitate și dezvoltare. Astfel, prin realizarea activităţilor inovative propuse în cadrul proiectului, întreprinderea solicitantă nu numai că îşi va îmbunătăţi capacităţile de cercetare – dezvoltare şi inovare, dar îşi va mări portofoliul de produse inovative bazate pe TIC ceea ce va conduce la o creştere a productivităţii întreprinderii pe termen mediu şi lung. De asemenea, prezentul proiect este in concordanta cu Strategia Europa 2020, ca (Romanian)
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The general objective of the Integrative Criptographic System – SICI.AI project by CryptoDATA is to increase and streamline the company’s productivity by developing a platform with hardware and software elements that ensure the communication, transfer and integration of data in a secure way, but also ensuring their sorting, checking and validation with the help of artificial intelligence. In the medium and long term, we aim to position the company among the best technology companies that offer complex cryptographic solutions, secure communication systems, as well as specially trained artificial intelligence modules. The general objective is in line with Investment Priority 2b “Development of ICT products and services, e-commerce and ICT demand” by the fact that following the implementation of the projection will be achieved an innovative product that will be sold to the domestic/international market and will also generate a useful and necessary service in the other sectors of the national economy. The realisation of the innovative product will allow the expansion of the company’s activity and vertical integration of the new product into the value chain of other industrial and service sectors, the result being the increase of the company’s profitability. The project is in line with the Specific Objective OS 2.2 “Increase the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness” by the fact that the implementation of the project activities will generate added value by creating a new innovative product based on the ICT component that will be used in many branches of the economy by both state institutions and private institutions. Thus, the premises for achieving high revenues from sales of services and products will be created, increasing the gain in this field leading to an increase in the standard of living in the region where the project will be implemented. Economic competitiveness will also be achieved by creating a product and service that will be able to cope with international competition, the company succeeds by reaching the project indicators to build a climate based on a solid added value, to become more efficient and to be able to develop in any domestic economic environment. The proposed project meets the general objective of the Competitiveness Operational Programme which aims to contribute to the achievement of the overall objective of the Partnership Agreement by supporting RDI and ICT for competitiveness and development. Thus, by carrying out the innovative activities proposed in the project, the applicant company will not only improve its R & D and innovation capacities, but will increase its portfolio of innovative ICT-based products, which will lead to an increase in the productivity of the company in the medium and long term. The present project is also in line with the Europe 2020 strategy, (English)
16 September 2021
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Brazi, Romania
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