MISOB – Integrated measures for social inclusion in Bocsa, Caras-Severin county (Q3096472): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 16:06, 23 September 2021
Project Q3096472 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | MISOB – Integrated measures for social inclusion in Bocsa, Caras-Severin county |
Project Q3096472 in Romania |
13,211,016.37 Romanian Leu
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15,622,942.16 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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14 August 2017
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13 October 2020
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este de a reduce numarul de persoane in risc de saracie si de excluziune sociala din Judetul Caras-Severin, Oras Bocsa, cartier Magura, printr-o abordare integrate a masurilor si serviciilor oferite unui numar de 454 de adulti si 106 de copii, pe parcursul a 36 de luni. Activitatile proiectului se concentreaza pe toate cele sase domeniile de interventii prevazute de Ghidul Solicitantului Conditii Specifice – interventii in domeniul educatiei, in domeniul ocuparii fortei de munca, in domeniul dezvoltarii / furnizarii de servicii (sociale, medicale, medico-sociale), in domeniul imbunatatirii conditiilor de locuit, in domeniul acordarii de asistenta juridica pentru reglemenari acte, actiuni de implicare activa al membrilor comunitatii in solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta comunitatea - , precum si pe implicarea comunitatii in actiuni privind sprijinirea tranzitiei catre o economie cu emisii scazute de dioxid de carbon si eficienta din punct de vedere al utilizarii resurselor/ inovare sociala/ nediscriminare etnica si de gen, asigurand caracterul unitar si orientat catre grupul tinta al acestora. EFECTUL POZITIV PE TERMEN LUNG este dat de contributia serviciilor integrate educationale, sociale, medicale, medico-sociale, de imbunatatire a conditiilor de locuit, consiliere, orientare, formare profesionala, asistenta antreprenoriala, initiere de noi afaceri si mediere pe piata muncii, la accesul sporit si nemijlocit al adultilor si copiilor marginalizati la educatie, stare de sanatate mai buna, cresterea gradului de ocupare, incurajarea antreprenoriatului, cresterea veniturilor si combaterea riscului de saracie pentru cele 560 de persoane care fac parte din grupul tinta. Aplicand aceste masuri integrate specifice si personalizate, pornind de la nevoile reale identificate in urma elaborarii Analizei Preliminare la nivel de comunitate, se vor asigura beneficii reale si pe termen lung pentru grupul tinta implicat, cu scopul facilitarii accesului la educatie si servicii de sanatate, a cresterii competentelor profesionale a persoanelor cu capacitate de munca, a recuperarii medicale si imbunatatirii sanselor accesului la ocupare. De asemenea, pe TERMEN LUNG se urmareste intreruperea cercului vicios al excluziunii sociale si continuitatea masurilor de imbunatatire a calitatii vietii pentru locuitorii cartierului Magura, precum si constientizarea comunitatii privind rolul fiecaruia in promovarea unor emisii scazute de carbon, utilizarii eficiente a resurselor, inovarii sociale si nediscriminarii entice si de gen. Astfel, obiectivul propus in cadrul proiectului, prin activitatile dezvoltate de parteneri, se aliniaza prezentului Apel de proiecte, 4.2 Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate, prin implementarea de masuri integrate, Axa Prioritara 4: Incluziunea sociala si combaterea saraciei, Obiectivul tematic 9: Promovarea incluziunii sociale prin (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion in Caras-Severin County, Bocsa City, Magura district, through an integrated approach to measures and services offered to 454 adults and 106 children, over 36 months. The project activities focus on all six areas of interventions provided by the Applicant’s Guide Specific Conditions – interventions in the field of education, employment, development/provision of services (social, medical, medico-social), in the field of improvement of living conditions, in the field of legal assistance for regulation of documents, actions of active involvement of community members in solving the problems faced by the community – as well as on community involvement in actions to support the transition towards a low carbon economy and efficient in terms of resource use/social innovation/ethnic and gender non-discrimination, ensuring the unitary and targeted nature of their target group. The positive effect on TERMEN LUNG is given by the contribution of integrated educational, social, medical, medical and social services, improving living conditions, counselling, guidance, training, entrepreneurial assistance, starting new businesses and mediation on the labour market, increasing and immediate access of marginalised adults and children to education, better health, increasing employment, encouraging entrepreneurship, increasing income and combating the risk of poverty for the 560 people belonging to the target group. Applying these specific and personalised integrated measures, starting from the real needs identified following the development of the Preliminary Analysis at community level, will ensure real and long-term benefits for the target group involved, in order to facilitate access to education and health services, to increase professional skills of people with working capacity, to recover medically and to improve the chances of access to employment. Also, TERMEN LUNG aims to interrupt the vicious circle of social exclusion and to continue measures to improve the quality of life for the inhabitants of Magura district, as well as to raise awareness of the community’s role in promoting low carbon emissions, efficient use of resources, social innovation and non-discrimination of entice and gender. Thus, the objective proposed within the project, through the activities developed by the partners, is aligned with the present Call for Projects, 4.2 Reduction of the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalised communities, through the implementation of integrated measures, Priority Axis 4: Social inclusion and combating poverty, Thematic Objective 9: Promoting social inclusion through (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Bocşa, Romania
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