Optimised and Accessible School for All Students (whispers) (Q3097343): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 15:51, 23 September 2021

Project Q3097343 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Optimised and Accessible School for All Students (whispers)
Project Q3097343 in Romania


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    3,779,623.753 Romanian Leu
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    755,924.7506 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,446,616.18 Romanian Leu
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    889,323.236 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este facilitarea accesului la educatie de calitate si cresterea participarii prescolare si scolare a copiilor care provin din 4 institutii scolare defavorizate din mediul rural (asociate proiectului), cu accent pe copiii in risc de abandon scolar sau in risc de esec scolar, in vederea cresterii numarului de copii care finalizeaza intavamantul obligatoriu. Scopul final al proiectului este promovarea accesului egal la un invatamant de calitate si prevenirea parasirii timpurii a scolii prin cresterea participarii prescolare si scolare a tuturor copiilor, cu accent pe cei aflati in risc de abandon si/sau esec scolar. Pe parcursul celor 36 de luni de implementare a proiectului, copiii care provin din familii vulnerabile vor fi sprijiniti pentru a-si dezvolta inca din primii ani ai vietii prescolare si scolare o atitudine si o motivatie favorabila invatarii si frecventarii sistemului de educatie, ceea ce va contribui la viitoarea incluziune sociala a lor, la cresterea sanselor de integrare cu succes pe piata muncii. Se va lucra in paralel si cu parintii/familiile copiilor pentru a-i ajuta sa treaca de greutatile cauzate de saracie si/sau de nivelul educational scazut, si sa inteleaga importanta participarii copiilor lor la sistemul de educatie in perspectiva integrarii sociale viitoare. Astfel, activitatile specifice obiectivelor propuse vor avea toate ca scop prevenirea parasirii timpurii a scolii si mentinerea in sistemul de educatie in cazul elevilor care provin din medii defavorizate (familii sarace, familii de etnie roma, familii dezorganizate) si sunt in risc de esec scolar sau abandon scolar. Prin stimularea accesului si participarii la invatamantul prescolar, primar si secundar de calitate si prin contributia la prevenirea abandonului scolar in special pentru categoriile dezavantajate de copii, proiectul isi aduce aportul la implementarea eficienta a strategiei privind Reducerea Parasirii Timpurii a Scolii, la atingerea tintelor asumate in domeniul educatiei prin Programul National de Reforma si la atingerea obiectivelor asumate prin POCU in domeniul resurselor umane. Nu in ultima instanta, proiectul contribuie la atingerea obiectivului general al Acordului de parteneriat (AP) 2014 - 2020, acela de a reduce disparitatile de dezvoltare economica si sociala dintre Romania si Statele Membre ale UE. Cresterea numarului de copii care finalizeaza invatamantul obligatoriu, creeaza premisele includerii acestora pe o piata a muncii din ce in ce mai dinamica si care solicita forta de munca flexibila si bine pregatita, ceea ce va avea ca efect pozitiv pe termen lung cresterea competitivitatii economice a Romaniei. Prin actiuni cu impact direct facilitarii accesului la educatie si prevenirii/reducerii parasirii timpurii a scolii si actiuni destinate imbunatatirii si diversificarii serviciilor educationale oferite (actiuni din categoria 1.3.1 a) – interventii de baza si suplimentare si din categoria 1.3.2 din ghidul (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to facilitate access to quality education and to increase the pre-school and school participation of children from 4 disadvantaged school institutions in rural areas (associated with the project), with a focus on children at risk of school dropout or at risk of school failure, in order to increase the number of children who complete the mandatory training. The ultimate goal of the project is to promote equal access to a quality education and prevent early school leaving by increasing the pre-school and school participation of all children, with a focus on those at risk of dropping out and/or failing school. During the 36 months of project implementation, children from vulnerable families will be supported to develop from the early years of their preschool and school life an attitude and motivation favorable to learning and attending the education system, which will contribute to their future social inclusion, to increase chances of successful integration on the labour market. It will work in parallel with parents/children’s families to help them overcome the difficulties caused by poverty and/or low educational level, and to understand the importance of their children’s participation in the education system in the perspective of future social integration. Thus, the activities specific to the proposed objectives will all aim at preventing early school leaving and maintaining in the education system for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds (poor families, Roma families, disorganised families) and are at risk of school failure or school dropout. By stimulating access and participation in preschool, primary and secondary quality education and by contributing to the prevention of school drop-out especially for disadvantaged categories of children, the project contributes to the effective implementation of the strategy for reducing the school’s Early Leave, to achieving the goals assumed in the field of education through the National Reform Programme and to achieving the objectives assumed through the POCU in the field of human resources. Last but not least, the project contributes to achieving the overall objective of the Partnership Agreement (PA) 2014-2020, which is to reduce the disparities in economic and social development between Romania and the EU Member States. Increasing the number of children who complete compulsory education, creates the prerequisites for their inclusion in an increasingly dynamic labour market and which requires flexible and well-trained labor force, which will have the positive long-term effect of increasing Romania’s economic competitiveness. Through actions with direct impact facilitating access to education and prevention/reduction of early school leaving and actions aimed at improving and diversifying the educational services offered (actions in category 1.3.1 a) – basic and additional interventions and category 1.3.2 of the guide (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Bonţida, Romania
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    Vultureni, Romania
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    Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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    Chinteni, Romania
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    Borşa, Romania
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