Project phase Integrated solid waste management system in Vrancea county (Q3095649): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 09:50, 17 September 2021

Project Q3095649 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project phase Integrated solid waste management system in Vrancea county
Project Q3095649 in Romania


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    31,407,766.09 Romanian Leu
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    44°24'31.54"N, 26°3'53.68"E
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    47°52'1.88"N, 25°20'39.23"E
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    46°4'42.92"N, 27°16'13.15"E
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    45°39'14.36"N, 27°0'2.12"E
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    45°37'1.63"N, 27°12'13.64"E
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    46°6'16.34"N, 27°23'24.90"E
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    45°36'50.11"N, 26°42'34.09"E
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    45°51'53.39"N, 26°43'46.56"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta imbunatatirea infrastructurii in sectorul de management al deseurilor spre beneficiul mediului si al oamenilor, in vederea indeplinirii obligatiilor de conformare la Tratatul de Aderare. Scopul proiectului este continuarea si finalizarea lucrarilor aferente proiectului initial, lucrari care au fost incepute in cadrul POS Mediu 2007-2013 si care au constat in principal in urmatoarele masuri: 1. Sa asigure un grad de acoperire a colectarii de 100% in zonele urbane. 2. Sa asigure un grad de acoperire a colectarii de 90% in sate si aglomerarile din zonele rurale. 3. Sa asigure conformitatea cu legislatia UE privind depozitarea deseurilor biodegradabile. 4. Sa asigure conformitatea cu legislatia UE privind colectarea deseurilor din ambalaje. 5. Realizarea unei depozitari a deseurilor eficienta din punct de vedere ecologic. 6. Sa minimizeze impactul depozitelor urbane si rurale asupra mediului. Prin implementarea investitiilor din cadrul proiectului vizand cresterea capacitatii sistemelor de management integrat al deseurilor municipale in concordanta cu ierarhia deseurilor se urmareste dezvoltarea infrastructurii la nivelul judetelor necesare pentru obtinerea urmatoarelor rezultate:  Cantitate de deseuri biodegradabile redusa la depozitare la 35% fata de nivelul din 1995, conform obligatiilor asumate prin Tratatul de aderare in vederea implementarii Directivei 99/31/EC privind depozitarea deseurilor; astfel, in anul 2017, prin darea in functiune a Statiei de compostare de la Haret, se asigura devierea de la depozit a unei cantitati de deseuri biodegradabile de 15.000 tone/an;  Pondere crescuta a deseurilor reciclate/valorificate in totalul cantitatii de deseuri municipale colectate, ca urmare a investitiilor ce asigura pregatirea pentru reciclare si reutilizare a deșeurilor menajere și similare de 50% conform Directivei Cadru a deșeurilor (2008/98/EC). Astfel prin proiect, in scopul atingerii tintelor de reciclare si valorificare a deseurilor din ambalaje, in judetul Vrancea va fi construita o linie de sortare la Haret cu o capacitate de 15.000 tone/an. Aceasta statie va prelucra deseurile reciclabile din hartie/carton, sticla, plastic si metal si vor facilita dezmembrarea deseurilor voluminoase, in scopul colectarii lemnului in vederea reciclarii sau valorificarii acestuia. Succesul de sortare in cadrul Statiei de sortare va fi de 100%.  Cresterea capacitatii de recuperare a deseurilor, ca urmare a tratarii sortării deseurilor biodegradabile in cadrul liniei de sortare de la Haret; in acest sens, prin sortare se va obtine o cantitate de 7.200,00 tone/an de material biostabilizat asemanator compostului (CLO – compost-like output) care, in cazul judetului Vrancea va putea fi reutilizat pentru stratul de acoperire a depozitului de deseuri conform, obtinându-se o cantitate de 5.040,00tone/an compost valorificabil. Totodata, investitiile continuate vor avea ca rezultat: - extinderea cole (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to improve the infrastructure in the waste management sector to the benefit of the environment and people, in order to meet the obligations of compliance with the Accession Treaty. The aim of the project is to continue and complete the works related to the initial project, which were started under SOP Environment 2007-2013 and consisted mainly of the following measures: 1. Ensure 100 % collection coverage in urban areas. 2. Ensure a coverage of 90 % collection in villages and agglomerations in rural areas. 3. Ensure compliance with EU legislation on biodegradable waste storage. 4. Ensure compliance with EU legislation on the collection of packaging waste. 5. The development of an environmentally efficient waste depository. 6. Minimise the impact of urban and rural storage on the environment. By implementing the investments within the project aimed at increasing the capacity of integrated municipal waste management systems in accordance with the waste hierarchy, the aim is to develop the infrastructure at the level of the counties necessary to obtain the following results: Quantity of biodegradable waste reduced in storage to 35 % compared to the 1995 level, in accordance with the obligations assumed by the Accession Treaty in order to implement Directive 99/31/EC on the storage of waste; thus, in 2017, by commissioning the Haret composting station, it is ensured that a quantity of biodegradable waste of 15,000 tonnes/year is diverted from the landfill; Increased share of recycled/recovered waste in the total amount of municipal waste collected, as a result of investments that ensure the preparation for recycling and reuse of household waste and similar 50 % according to the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC). Thus through the project, in order to achieve the targets for recycling and recovery of packaging waste, in Vrancea county a sorting line will be built at Haret with a capacity of 15,000 tons/year. This station will process recyclable waste from paper/cardboard, glass, plastic and metal and will facilitate the dismantling of bulky waste, in order to collect wood for recycling or recovery. The sorting success within the sorting station will be 100 %. Increasing waste recovery capacity as a result of the treatment of biodegradable waste sorting within Haret sorting line; in this respect, by sorting, a quantity of 7.200.00 tonnes/year of biostabilised material similar to compost (CLO) will be obtained, which, in the case of Vrancea county, can be reused for the coating of the compliant landfill, obtaining a quantity of 5.040.00 tonnes/year of recoverable compost. At the same time, continued investments will result in: — expansion of choles (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Vizantea-Livezi, Romania
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    Vintileasca, Romania
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    Vidra, Romania
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    Valea Sării, Romania
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    Urecheşti, Romania
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    Tătăranu, Romania
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    Tănăsoaia, Romania
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    Tâmboeşti, Romania
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    Tulnici, Romania
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    Soveja, Romania
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    Slobozia Ciorăşti, Romania
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    Slobozia Bradului, Romania
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    Sihlea, Romania
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    Răstoaca, Romania
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    Răcoasa, Romania
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    Rugineşti, Romania
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    Reghiu, Romania
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    Păuneşti, Romania
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    Poiana Cristei, Romania
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    Ploscuţeni, Romania
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    Pauleşti, Romania
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    Paltin, Romania
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    Oraş Panciu, Romania
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    Oraş Odobeşti, Romania
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    Oraş Mărăşeşti, Romania
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    Năruja, Romania
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    Măicăneşti, Romania
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    Municipiul Focşani, Romania
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    Municipiul Adjud, Romania
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    Moviliţa, Romania
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    Milcovul, Romania
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    Mera, Romania
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    Jitia, Romania
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    Jariştea, Romania
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    Homocea, Romania
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    Gura Caliţei, Romania
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    Gugeşti, Romania
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    Gologanu, Romania
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    Goleşti, Romania
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    Garoafa, Romania
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    Fitioneşti, Romania
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    Dumitreşti, Romania
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    Dumbrăveni, Romania
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    Cârligele, Romania
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    Câmpuri, Romania
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    Câmpineanca, Romania
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    Coteşti, Romania
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    Corbiţa, Romania
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    Ciorăşti, Romania
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    Chiojdeni, Romania
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    Băleşti, Romania
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    Bârseşti, Romania
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    Broşteni, Romania
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    Bordeşti, Romania
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    Boloteşti, Romania
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    Bogheşti, Romania
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    Bilieşti, Romania
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