Professional and practical training to meet industry requirements in the field of information technology (PP-ICT) (Q3097640): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 09:04, 17 September 2021
Project Q3097640 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Professional and practical training to meet industry requirements in the field of information technology (PP-ICT) |
Project Q3097640 in Romania |
2,772,050.31 Romanian Leu
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3,261,235.67 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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9 November 2020
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8 November 2022
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UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI/Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti
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Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta facilitarea insertiei pe piata muncii a unui numar de 325 de studenti din invatamantul tehnic superior in domeniul tehnologia informatiei prin sprijinirea/dezvoltarea/consolidarea de parteneriate de colaborare cu sectorul privat, prin participarea acestora la activitati de invatare la un potential loc de munca/cercetare/inovare, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI si prin dobandirea de competente transversale in vederea consolidarii procesului de formare si a cresterii relevantei ofertei educationale pe piata muncii. Proiectul propus are o durata de 24 luni si include un program complex de pregatire a viitorilor specialisti din domeniul ingineriei care sa faca fata provocarilor secolului XXI contribuind totodata la realizarea obiectivului specific al POCU prin urmatoarele elemente principale: cresterea numarului absolventilor de invatamant universitar care isi gasesc un loc de munca urmare a participarii la stagii de practica precum si printr-o serie de activitati menite sa contribuie la cresterea economica. Totodata, avand in vedere domeniile de studiu ale studentilor se atinge O.S.6.13. din ghidul solicitantului deoarece specializarea acestora se incadreaza in domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI 2014-2020. De asemenea, OS 6.13 se atinge prin cresterea numarului de absolventi de invatamant universitar care isi gasesc un loc de munca ca urmare a participarii la activitati de invatare la un potential loc de munca. Prin sprijinirea grupului tinta si crearea parteneriatelor cu sectorul privat, proiectul contribuie la facilitarea tranzitiei de la educatie la un loc de munca si la cresterea calitatii ofertei educationale, in corelatie cu necesitatile pietei muncii. Investitia in procesul de formare de absolventi competitivi pentru piata muncii, precum si sprijinirea/consolidarea/dezvoltarea de parteneriate sustenabile intre mediul academic si mediul economic contribuie la dezvoltarea sectorului economic. Astfel, proiectul vine in intampinarea acestui deziderat prin implementarea urmatoarelor actiuni: sprijinirea incheierii de parteneriate cu sectorul privat atat in vederea facilitarii accesului studentilor la activitati de invatare la un potential loc de munca cat si in vederea unei colaborari pe termen lung intre mediul academic si mediul privat, organizarea si desfasurarea stagiilor de practica, furnizarea de programe de formare antreprenoriala certificate, servicii de consiliere si orientare in cariera, optimizarea ofertei educationale. Proiectul este in acord cu obiectivul axei prioritare – Educatie si Competente, Prioritatea de Investitii – 10.iV, O.S. 6.13. prin implementarea activitatilor propuse, prin facilitarea trecerii de la educatie la munca si consolidarea sistemelor de educatie (furnizarea de stagii de practica cu componenta aplicativa) dar si prin cresterea numarului de a (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to facilitate the insertion into the labour market of 325 students from higher technical education in the field of information technology by supporting/developing/strengthening collaboration partnerships with the private sector, by participating in learning activities at a potential job/research/innovation, with a focus on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI and by acquiring transversal competences in order to strengthen the training process and increase the relevance of the educational offer on the labour market. The proposed project has a duration of 24 months and includes a complex program for the training of future specialists in the field of engineering to cope with the challenges of the 21st century, also contributing to the achievement of the specific objective of POCU through the following main elements: increasing the number of university graduates who find a job as a result of participating in internships as well as through a series of activities designed to contribute to economic growth. At the same time, taking into account the fields of study of students, O.S.6.13. from the applicant’s guide is reached because their specialisation falls within the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI 2014-2020. Also, OS 6.13 is achieved by increasing the number of university graduates who find a job as a result of participating in learning activities in a potential job. By supporting the target group and creating partnerships with the private sector, the project contributes to facilitating the transition from education to work and increasing the quality of the educational offer, in conjunction with the needs of the labour market. Investing in the process of training competitive graduates for the labour market, as well as supporting/strengthening/developing sustainable partnerships between academia and the economic environment contributes to the development of the economic sector. Thus, the project meets this goal by implementing the following actions: support the conclusion of partnerships with the private sector both in order to facilitate students’ access to learning activities to a potential job and for a long-term collaboration between academia and the private sector, organisation and conduct of internships, provision of certified entrepreneurial training programs, counselling and career guidance services, optimisation of the educational offer. The project is in line with the objective of the priority axis – Education and Competences, Investment Priority – 10.iV, O.S. 6.13. by implementing the proposed activities, facilitating the transition from education to work and strengthening education systems (providing internships with applicative component) but also by increasing the number of (English)
14 September 2021
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