Mavis Innovation and Technology Transfer Center (Q2741068): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 08:07, 17 September 2021

Project Q2741068 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Mavis Innovation and Technology Transfer Center
Project Q2741068 in Romania


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    2,930,915.39 Romanian Leu
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    586,183.0780000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    6,282,895.01 Romanian Leu
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    1,256,579.002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.47 percent
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    1 June 2020
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    31 May 2022
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    44°23'31.96"N, 26°3'26.28"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta crearea si operationalizarea Centrului de Inovare si Transfer Tehnologic MAVIS în vederea exploatarii oportunităților economice generate de economia argintie și pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea și transferul de soluții tehnologice/servicii către economie în vederea generării de valoare adaugată și gestionării provocărilor societale reprezentate de îmbătrânirea populației, accesibilitatea serviciilor socio-medicale, calitatea actului medical și prevenția, diagnosticarea și terapia bolilor. Centrul de Inovare si Transfer Tehnologic MAVIS iși propune să devina o structure cheie a ecosistemului regional de inovare actionand atat ca liant intre actorii din sectorul CDI, mediul de afaceri si utilizatorii finali, dar si ca accelerator a produselor si serviciilor inovative dezvoltate fie prin exploatarea unor rezultate ale cercetarii, fie prin acoperirea nevoile specifice ale companiilor de a dezvolta/imbunatati/testa/valida/transfera un produs sau o tehnologie noua pe piata care sa raspunda unor probleme ale consumatorului. Astfel CITT MAVIS va deveni un pilon cheie al ecosistemului regional de inovare capabil sa conecteze oportunitatile pietei din domeniul economiei argintii si bolilor cronice (e-health, smart textiles, biotech etc) cu nevoile utilizatorilor finali si capacitatile mediului de afaceri de a satisface aceste nevoi. CITT MAVIS este focusat pe exploatarea oportunitatilor si avantajelor competitive ale actorilor de inovare in sectoarele TIC, sanatate, biotehnologii farmaceutice si textile medicale – smart textiles, devenind un pol de referință în ceea ce privește conectarea mediului de afaceri cu oportunitățile economiei argintii, nevoile consumatorilor finali și rezultatele cercetărilor derulate sau în curs de derulare. Centrul de Inovare si Transfer Tehnologic MAVIS își propune să asigure infrastructura, serviciile, expertiza si suportul necesar pentru cresterea numarului de produse si servicii inovative lansate pe piata de catre companiile din Regiunea Nord-Est in sectoarele de specializare inteligenta evidentiate la capitolul 1, iar pe de alta parte sa stimuleze transferul de noi tehnologii la nivelul mediul de afaceri, serviciilor publice medicale si socio-medicale care sa contribuie atat la crearea de noi locuri de munca, la imbunatatirea competitivitatii companiilor, la cresterea profitabilitatii, cat si la imbunatatirea calitatii si ariei de acoperire a serviciilor, produselor destinate varstnicilor, cu impact direct asupra optimizarii cheltuielilor cu spitalizarea si serviciile medicale. Un element cheie al CITT MAVIS il reprezinta faptul ca infrastructura si echipamentele achizitionate vor permite customizarea sau personalizarea (user design centered products and services) produselor si serviciilor inovative dezvoltate inca din stadiul de prototip sau concept prin dezvoltarea si implementarea platformei Living Lab MAVIS, prin crearea E-healh Test Bed si CVD’s Test Bed (Test-Bed Cardi (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to create and operationalise the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer MAVIS in order to exploit the economic opportunities generated by the silver economy and to support the development and transfer of technological/service solutions to the economy in order to generate added value and manage the societal challenges of population ageing, accessibility of socio-medical services, quality of medical act and prevention, diagnosis and therapy of diseases. The Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer MAVIS aims to become a key structure of the regional innovation ecosystem acting both as a binder between actors in the RDI sector, business environment and end users, but also as an accelerator of innovative products and services developed either by exploiting research results or by covering the specific needs of companies to develop/improve/test/validate/transfer a new product or technology to the market that responds to consumer problems. Thus IATTC MAVIS will become a key pillar of the regional innovation ecosystem able to connect market opportunities in the field of silver economy and chronic diseases (e-health, smart textiles, biotech, etc.) with the needs of end users and the capacities of the business environment to meet these needs. IATTC MAVIS is focused on exploiting the opportunities and competitive advantages of innovation actors in ICT, health, pharmaceutical biotechnologies and medical textiles – smart textiles, becoming a reference point in terms of connecting the business environment with the opportunities of the silver economy, the needs of final consumers and the results of ongoing or ongoing research. The Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer MAVIS aims to provide the infrastructure, services, expertise and support needed to increase the number of innovative products and services launched on the market by the companies in the North-East Region in the smart specialisation sectors highlighted in chapter 1, and on the other hand to stimulate the transfer of new technologies to the business environment, medical and socio-medical public services that contribute both to the creation of new jobs, to the improvement of the competitiveness of companies, to increase profitability, and to improve the quality and coverage of services, products for the elderly, with a direct impact on the optimisation of hospitalisation and medical services expenses. A key element of IATTC MAVIS is that the purchased infrastructure and equipment will allow customisation or customisation (user design centered products and services) of innovative products and services developed from the prototype or concept stage by developing and implementing the Living Lab MAVIS platform, by creating E-healh Test Bed and CVD’s Test Bed (Test-Bed Cardi) (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Iaşi, Romania
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