Q3099419 (Q3099419): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Increase the number of pupils and teachers using digital services and applications for online courses. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER: Ensuring students’ access to the online learning process results in the acquisition of all the necessary equipment for the proper conduct of educational activities in an educational institution. Access to education is a key objective, but the current epidemiological context emphasise...)
Property / summary
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Increase the number of pupils and teachers using digital services and applications for online courses. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER: Ensuring students’ access to the online learning process results in the acquisition of all the necessary equipment for the proper conduct of educational activities in an educational institution. Access to education is a key objective, but the current epidemiological context emphasises that maintaining educational activity in a classical system remains difficult to achieve. Everyday reality shows the prevalence of the alternative to online education, which is able to guarantee greater protection of the health safety of pupils and teachers. Overall, education has a multidimensional character and an appropriate definition needs to take into account both dimensions of knowledge and skills as well as socialisation. This is because one of the objectives of education is to form the social being, to provide the young person with the right framework for socialisation. In this way, educational action must be able to meet the needs of both the individual and the society for which we form it. Therefore, in order to form complete individuals, able to act easily in society, ideally, physical presence in school is required. However, if physical presence poses a risk of endangering the safety of pupils and teachers, the only way to maintain an active educational act is to transfer it to the online environment. Obviously, in order to make it easier for both pupils and teachers to move towards such a system, it is absolutely necessary for schools to be able to provide all the technical and logistical support required by such a transformation with their parents. The current epidemiological context calls into question the safe interaction of individuals, therefore efforts must be made to ensure quality education online, even if it affects the social component to a certain extent. Because even though online education itself has multiple advantages in terms of educational activity in stricto sensu, it also has the significant disadvantage of restricting social interaction. However, recent experiences with the organisation of online courses show that young people have an extraordinary adaptive capacity and continue to socialise to a satisfactory level at any time during their online communication The measures proposed by this project are a reaction to an unprecedented situation in the modern world, which requires substantial interventions to preserve the normal course of day-to-day activity. With the rapid change in teaching arrangements following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the existence of a central strategy on unified measures to coordinate implementations (English)
Property / summary: GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Increase the number of pupils and teachers using digital services and applications for online courses. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER: Ensuring students’ access to the online learning process results in the acquisition of all the necessary equipment for the proper conduct of educational activities in an educational institution. Access to education is a key objective, but the current epidemiological context emphasises that maintaining educational activity in a classical system remains difficult to achieve. Everyday reality shows the prevalence of the alternative to online education, which is able to guarantee greater protection of the health safety of pupils and teachers. Overall, education has a multidimensional character and an appropriate definition needs to take into account both dimensions of knowledge and skills as well as socialisation. This is because one of the objectives of education is to form the social being, to provide the young person with the right framework for socialisation. In this way, educational action must be able to meet the needs of both the individual and the society for which we form it. Therefore, in order to form complete individuals, able to act easily in society, ideally, physical presence in school is required. However, if physical presence poses a risk of endangering the safety of pupils and teachers, the only way to maintain an active educational act is to transfer it to the online environment. Obviously, in order to make it easier for both pupils and teachers to move towards such a system, it is absolutely necessary for schools to be able to provide all the technical and logistical support required by such a transformation with their parents. The current epidemiological context calls into question the safe interaction of individuals, therefore efforts must be made to ensure quality education online, even if it affects the social component to a certain extent. Because even though online education itself has multiple advantages in terms of educational activity in stricto sensu, it also has the significant disadvantage of restricting social interaction. However, recent experiences with the organisation of online courses show that young people have an extraordinary adaptive capacity and continue to socialise to a satisfactory level at any time during their online communication The measures proposed by this project are a reaction to an unprecedented situation in the modern world, which requires substantial interventions to preserve the normal course of day-to-day activity. With the rapid change in teaching arrangements following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the existence of a central strategy on unified measures to coordinate implementations (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Increase the number of pupils and teachers using digital services and applications for online courses. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER: Ensuring students’ access to the online learning process results in the acquisition of all the necessary equipment for the proper conduct of educational activities in an educational institution. Access to education is a key objective, but the current epidemiological context emphasises that maintaining educational activity in a classical system remains difficult to achieve. Everyday reality shows the prevalence of the alternative to online education, which is able to guarantee greater protection of the health safety of pupils and teachers. Overall, education has a multidimensional character and an appropriate definition needs to take into account both dimensions of knowledge and skills as well as socialisation. This is because one of the objectives of education is to form the social being, to provide the young person with the right framework for socialisation. In this way, educational action must be able to meet the needs of both the individual and the society for which we form it. Therefore, in order to form complete individuals, able to act easily in society, ideally, physical presence in school is required. However, if physical presence poses a risk of endangering the safety of pupils and teachers, the only way to maintain an active educational act is to transfer it to the online environment. Obviously, in order to make it easier for both pupils and teachers to move towards such a system, it is absolutely necessary for schools to be able to provide all the technical and logistical support required by such a transformation with their parents. The current epidemiological context calls into question the safe interaction of individuals, therefore efforts must be made to ensure quality education online, even if it affects the social component to a certain extent. Because even though online education itself has multiple advantages in terms of educational activity in stricto sensu, it also has the significant disadvantage of restricting social interaction. However, recent experiences with the organisation of online courses show that young people have an extraordinary adaptive capacity and continue to socialise to a satisfactory level at any time during their online communication The measures proposed by this project are a reaction to an unprecedented situation in the modern world, which requires substantial interventions to preserve the normal course of day-to-day activity. With the rapid change in teaching arrangements following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the existence of a central strategy on unified measures to coordinate implementations (English) / qualifier
point in time: 16 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:56, 16 September 2021

Project Q3099419 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3099419 in Romania


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    147,523.88 Romanian Leu
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    29,504.776 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    173,557.5 Romanian Leu
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    34,711.5 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    1 May 2021
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    31 December 2021
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL: Creșterea numărului de elevi și profesori care utilizează serviciile și aplicațiile digitale în vederea derulării cursurilor on-line. DESCRIEREA OBIECTULUI GENERAL: Asigurarea accesului elevilor la procesul de învățare on-line se concretizează prin achiziționarea tuturor echipamentelor necesare pentru buna desfășurare a activităților educaționale într-o instituție de învățământ. Accesul la educație este un obiectiv esențial, însă contextul epidemiologic actual accentuează faptul că menținerea activității educaționale în sistem clasic, rămâne un deziderat greu de atins. Realitatea cotidiană indică prevalența alternativei învățământului on-line, capabil să garanteze o protecție accentuată a siguranței sanitare a elevilor și profesorilor. Per ansamblu, educația are un caracter pluridimensional și o definiție adecvată trebuie să ia în considerare în egală măsură ambele dimensiuni – de acumulare de cunoștințe și competențe, dar și de socializare. Aceasta deoarece unul dintre obiectivele educației este de a forma ființa socială, de oferi tânărului cadrul corespunzător pentru socializare. În acest mod, acțiunea educativă trebuie să poată răspunde atât nevoilor individului, cât și celor ale societății pentru care îl formăm. Așadar, pentru a forma indivizi compleți, capabili să acționeze facil în societate, la modul ideal, este necesară prezența fizică în școală. Cu toate acestea, dacă prezența fizică prezintă riscul de a periclita siguranța elevilor și a profesorilor, singura modalitate de a menține un act educațional activ este de a-l transfera în mediul on-line. Evident, pentru a ușura atât elevilor cât și profesorilor tranziția spre un astfel de sistem, este absolut necesar ca unitățile de învățământ să poată asigura, alături de părinți, întreg suportul tehnic și logistic presupus de o asemenea transformare. Contextul epidemiologic actual pune sub semnul întrebării interacțiunea în siguranță a persoanelor, în consecință trebuie depuse eforturi pentru a asigura un act educațional de calitate în mediu online, chiar dacă aceasta afectează într-o anumită măsură componenta socială. Deoarece, chiar dacă educația online în sine are multiple avantaje din punct de vedere al actului educațional in stricto sensu, ea are și dezavantajul semnificativ al restrângerii interacțiunii sociale. Cu toate acestea, experiențele recente acumulate în legătură cu organizarea cursurilor online relevă că tinerii au o capacitate de adaptare extraordinară și continuă să socializeze la un nivel satisfăcător în orice moment al comunicării lor online Măsurile propuse prin prezentul proiect reprezintă o reacție la o situație fără precedent în lumea modernă, care necesită intervenții substanțiale pentru păstrarea cursului normal al activității cotidiene. În condițiile schimbării rapide a modalităților de predare, ca urmare a începutului pandemiei de COVID-19, existența unei strategii la nivel central în privința măsurilor unitare de coordonare a implementări (Romanian)
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    GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Increase the number of pupils and teachers using digital services and applications for online courses. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER: Ensuring students’ access to the online learning process results in the acquisition of all the necessary equipment for the proper conduct of educational activities in an educational institution. Access to education is a key objective, but the current epidemiological context emphasises that maintaining educational activity in a classical system remains difficult to achieve. Everyday reality shows the prevalence of the alternative to online education, which is able to guarantee greater protection of the health safety of pupils and teachers. Overall, education has a multidimensional character and an appropriate definition needs to take into account both dimensions of knowledge and skills as well as socialisation. This is because one of the objectives of education is to form the social being, to provide the young person with the right framework for socialisation. In this way, educational action must be able to meet the needs of both the individual and the society for which we form it. Therefore, in order to form complete individuals, able to act easily in society, ideally, physical presence in school is required. However, if physical presence poses a risk of endangering the safety of pupils and teachers, the only way to maintain an active educational act is to transfer it to the online environment. Obviously, in order to make it easier for both pupils and teachers to move towards such a system, it is absolutely necessary for schools to be able to provide all the technical and logistical support required by such a transformation with their parents. The current epidemiological context calls into question the safe interaction of individuals, therefore efforts must be made to ensure quality education online, even if it affects the social component to a certain extent. Because even though online education itself has multiple advantages in terms of educational activity in stricto sensu, it also has the significant disadvantage of restricting social interaction. However, recent experiences with the organisation of online courses show that young people have an extraordinary adaptive capacity and continue to socialise to a satisfactory level at any time during their online communication The measures proposed by this project are a reaction to an unprecedented situation in the modern world, which requires substantial interventions to preserve the normal course of day-to-day activity. With the rapid change in teaching arrangements following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the existence of a central strategy on unified measures to coordinate implementations (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Şinteu, Romania
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