A better life for the seniors of Mica Romă – Blaj Municipality, Alba County (Q3097926): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Support the provision of quality integrated social services in line with the specific needs of older people in the municipality of Blaj, in order to improve their social vulnerability situation. The project “A Better Life for the Seniors of Small Rome – Blaj Municipality, Alba County” represents an ambitious approach of the local administration to create and consolidate, in an integrated, innovative and qualitative manner, an administrative capa...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
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A better life for the seniors of Mica Romă – Blaj Municipality, Alba County

Revision as of 10:47, 16 September 2021

Project Q3097926 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
A better life for the seniors of Mica Romă – Blaj Municipality, Alba County
Project Q3097926 in Romania


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    2,269,090.26 Romanian Leu
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    2,669,517.97 Romanian Leu
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    533,903.594 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    25 March 2020
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    24 March 2023
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    Sprijinirea furnizarii de servicii sociale integrate de calitate în concordanta cu nevoile specifice ale persoanelor varstnice din municipiul Blaj, în vederea ameliorarii situatiei de vulnerabilitate sociala cu care aceștia se confrunta. Proiectul „O viata mai buna pentru seniorii din Mica Roma – municipiul Blaj, judetul Alba” reprezinta un demers ambitios al administratiei locale de a crea si consolida, intr-o maniera integrata, inovatoare si calitativa, o capacitate administrativa de abordare pe termen mediu si lung a principalelor probleme de vulnerabilitate cu care se confrunta persoanele varstnice din municipiul Blaj, care au implinit varsta de minim 65 de ani. Este initiativa consistenta, gandita pe termen mediu si lung, de structurare a unei capacitati institutionale care sa raspunda provocarilor sociale, economice si psiho-socio-demografice cu care se confrunta persoanele varstnice din Municipiul Blaj. Proiectul este implementat de UAT Blaj, furnizor acreditat de servicii sociale (anexat acreditarea) prin SAS subordonat, in spatii aflate in proprietatea domeniului public municipal, in cladiri aflate in proprietatea UAT (a se vedea anexat) sau al altor institutii publice, respectiv la domiciliul seniorilor din GT. In ultimii 10 ani, UAT Blaj este cel mai dinamic municipiu non resedinta din judetul Alba, cu foarte multe investitii economice dezvoltate aici, cu multiple investitii in dezvoltarea infrastructurii urbane, in calitatea spatiilor publice, in infrastructura educationala, medicala, culturala sau sportiva a comunitatii. Parteneriate multiple cu companii internationale puternice, precum BOSCH sau cu Consiliul Judetean Alba, complementate de o capacitate din ce in ce mai crescuta de pregatire si atragere de fonduri nerambursabile, au creat premisele unei transformari consistente a municipiului, dar si pozitioneaza UAT intr-un actor legitim, capabil sa implementeze responsabil si calitativ activitatile unui proiect, precum acesta. (Romanian)
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    Support the provision of quality integrated social services in line with the specific needs of older people in the municipality of Blaj, in order to improve their social vulnerability situation. The project “A Better Life for the Seniors of Small Rome – Blaj Municipality, Alba County” represents an ambitious approach of the local administration to create and consolidate, in an integrated, innovative and qualitative manner, an administrative capacity to address in the medium and long term the main vulnerability problems faced by elderly people in Blaj, who have reached the age of 65 years. It is the consistent initiative, conceived in the medium and long term, of structuring an institutional capacity to respond to the social, economic and psycho-socio-demographic challenges faced by older people from Blaj Municipality. The project is implemented by ATU Blaj, accredited provider of social services (attached accreditation) through subordinate SAS, in spaces owned by the municipal public domain, in buildings owned by ATU (see attached) or other public institutions, respectively at the residence of seniors in GT. In the last 10 years, UAT Blaj is the most dynamic non-resident municipality in Alba county, with many economic investments developed here, with multiple investments in urban infrastructure development, in the quality of public spaces, in the educational, medical, cultural or sports infrastructure of the community. Multiple partnerships with strong international companies, such as BOSCH or the Alba County Council, complemented by an increasing capacity to prepare and attract non-reimbursable funds, have created the prerequisites for a consistent transformation of the city, but also position the UAT into a legitimate actor, able to implement responsibly and qualitatively the activities of a project such as this one. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Blaj, Romania
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