Start UP for South East Region (Q3096939): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: Increasing employment, facilitating access to the labour market and developing entrepreneurship for 620 people by providing integrated measures of entrepreneurship, oriented to increase mobility and employment of unemployed, inactive people, including the establishment and development of non-agricultural independent activities in order to create new sustainable jobs in urban areas in the South-East implementatio...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
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Start UP for South East Region |
Revision as of 10:39, 16 September 2021
Project Q3096939 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Start UP for South East Region |
Project Q3096939 in Romania |
15,657,639.11 Romanian Leu
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18,420,751.76 Romanian Leu
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3,684,150.3520000004 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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0.85 percent
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1 January 2018
0 references
31 December 2020
0 references
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OBIECTIVUL GENERAL AL PROIECTULUI: Cresterea gradului de ocupare, facilitarea accesului pe piata muncii si dezvoltarea spiritului antreprenorial pentru 620 persoane prin furnizarea unor masuri integrate de antreprenoriat, orientate pe cresterea mobilitatii si a gradului de ocupare a persoanelor somere, inactive, inclusiv a infiintarii si dezvoltarii unor activitati independente non-agricole in scopul crearii de noi locuri de munca durabile in zonele urbane din regiunea de implementare Sud-Est. Proiectul vizeaza cresterea nivelului de informare si dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului judetean/regional in mediul urban, imbunatatirea mediului de afaceri, a calitatii vietii si a incluziunii sociale pentru 620 persoane (somere, inactive sau care au un loc de munca si infiinteaza o afacere in scopul crearii de noi locuri de munca) din regiunea Sud-Est, prin interventii integrate si viabile, care sa conduca la dezvoltarea sustenabila, dinamica si competitiva a comunitatilor din care fac parte si a sectorului IMM pe plan regional. CONTRIBUTIA PROIECTULUI LA REALIZAREA OBIECTIVULUI SPECIFIC AL POCU 2014-2020: Prin obiectivul sau general, proiectul raspunde prioritatilor de investitii, obiectivelor si actiunilor asumate de catre Romania in cadrul Stategiei POCU, respectiv valorizarea capitalului uman, ca resursa pentru o dezvoltare sustenabila in viitor. Prin masurile sale integrate, proiectul genereaza oportunitati de imbunatatire a competentelor si intarirea capabilitatilor antreprenoriale, exploatarea unor idei de business, de ocupare si creare de locuri de munca pentru 620 persoane, in regiunea Sud-Est, in toate cele 6 judetele ale sale (respectiv Constanta, Tulcea, Buzau, Braila, Galati si Vrancea), si promoveaza un model de dezvoltare sociala bazat pe incluziune, sanse egale, solidaritate si responsabilitate sociala care contribuie in acelasi timp la competitivitate si la dezvoltarea capitalului uman, in concordanta cu prioritatile strategiei POCU. Activitatile proiectului aduc o contributie la asigurarea conditiilor asumate de Romania si astfel: interventiile integrate sub forma unor masuri de antreprenoriat constituie un mijloc de stimulare a cresterii economice la nivelul regiunii de implementare Sud-Est si sustin atingerea obiectivelor stabilite in cadrul altor provocari de dezvoltare (competitivitate economica). Complementaritatea activitatilor desfasurate in cadrul proiectului au fost gandite sa sprijine indeplinirea indicatorilor de program stabiliti prin POCU, dar si pentru a sprijini implementarea altor documente strategice nationale si europene care vizeaza cresterea gradului de ocupare, imbunatatirea insertiei sociale si profesionale a persoanelor somere, inactive pe piata muncii, dezvoltarea unor masuri de incluziune activa si valorificarea potentialului fortei de munca. Prin infiintarea si dezvoltarea de activitati economice independente, proiectul genereaza oportunitati de ocupare inovative la nivelul regiunii Sud-Est, 150 de noi locuri de mu (Romanian)
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GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: Increasing employment, facilitating access to the labour market and developing entrepreneurship for 620 people by providing integrated measures of entrepreneurship, oriented to increase mobility and employment of unemployed, inactive people, including the establishment and development of non-agricultural independent activities in order to create new sustainable jobs in urban areas in the South-East implementation region. The project aims at increasing the level of information and developing county/regional entrepreneurship in the urban environment, improving the business environment, quality of life and social inclusion for 620 people (somere, inactive or having a job and setting up a business in order to create new jobs) in the South-East region, through integrated and viable interventions, leading to the sustainable, dynamic and competitive development of the communities to which they belong and of the SME sector at regional level. CONTRIBUTION OF THE PROJECT TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF POCU 2014-2020: Through its general objective, the project responds to the investment priorities, objectives and actions assumed by Romania within the POCU Stategy, namely the valorisation of human capital, as a resource for sustainable development in the future. Through its integrated measures, the project generates opportunities for improving skills and strengthening entrepreneurial capabilities, exploiting business ideas, employment and job creation for 620 people, in the South-East region, in all 6 of its counties (i.e. Constanta, Tulcea, Buzau, Braila, Galati and Vrancea), and promotes a social development model based on inclusion, equal chances, solidarity and social responsibility that at the same time contribute to competitiveness and human capital development, in line with the priorities of the POCU strategy. The project activities contribute to ensuring the conditions assumed by Romania and as follows: integrated interventions in the form of entrepreneurship measures are a means of stimulating economic growth in the South-East implementing region and support the achievement of the objectives set in other development challenges (economic competitiveness). The complementarity of the activities carried out within the project were designed to support the fulfilment of the programme indicators established by POCU, but also to support the implementation of other national and European strategic documents aimed at increasing employment, improving the social and professional insertion of unemployed people, inactive on the labour market, developing active inclusion measures and capitalising on the potential of the workforce. By establishing and developing independent economic activities, the project generates innovative employment opportunities at the level of the South-East region, 150 new locations (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Brăila, Romania
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Judeţul Vrancea, Romania
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Judeţul Tulcea, Romania
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Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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