Q3106533 (Q3106533): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the NP First aid is to mitigate the impact of the declared emergency situation (MS) or emergency in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and the labour market in the Slovak Republic, through financial support for employers or self-employed persons who retain jobs despite the obligation to interrupt or limit their operational activities on the basis of a measure of the Public Health Authority, or to protect the health of...)
Property / summary
The aim of the NP First aid is to mitigate the impact of the declared emergency situation (MS) or emergency in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and the labour market in the Slovak Republic, through financial support for employers or self-employed persons who retain jobs despite the obligation to interrupt or limit their operational activities on the basis of a measure of the Public Health Authority, or to protect the health of their employees, decrease in revenue, or failure of subcontractors. Support for employers to maintain jobs and self-employed persons to maintain their operation is divided into four measures according to the specific measures adopted by the Government of the Slovak Republic and in accordance with the State Aid Scheme according to the currently applicable conditions laid down in the Notice on the possibility of submitting applications for financial contribution published at www.pomahameludom.sk. Intervention NP First aid will also contribute to mitigating the economic impact on employment. During and after the period of emergency, it will contribute to preventing an increase in unemployment, given that without this support there could be redundancies by employers or closures of establishments. At the same time, NP intervention swiftly supports the financial condition, liquidity and cash flow of businesses and employees, thus acting preventively and actively preventing the collapse of the business environment to maintain stability and minimise panic. The activities of the NP will also contribute to the fulfilment of Specific Objective 3.1.2 of the Human Resources Operational Programme.  Assistance in the regions will be implemented through the Central Office and the Employment, Social Affairs and Family Offices. The project will have a nationwide scope. The period of implementation of the project is from 13.3.2020 to 30.6.2021, while contributions for users are eligible until 31.7.2020 and may be paid after the end of the project, but not later than 31 December 2020. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the NP First aid is to mitigate the impact of the declared emergency situation (MS) or emergency in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and the labour market in the Slovak Republic, through financial support for employers or self-employed persons who retain jobs despite the obligation to interrupt or limit their operational activities on the basis of a measure of the Public Health Authority, or to protect the health of their employees, decrease in revenue, or failure of subcontractors. Support for employers to maintain jobs and self-employed persons to maintain their operation is divided into four measures according to the specific measures adopted by the Government of the Slovak Republic and in accordance with the State Aid Scheme according to the currently applicable conditions laid down in the Notice on the possibility of submitting applications for financial contribution published at www.pomahameludom.sk. Intervention NP First aid will also contribute to mitigating the economic impact on employment. During and after the period of emergency, it will contribute to preventing an increase in unemployment, given that without this support there could be redundancies by employers or closures of establishments. At the same time, NP intervention swiftly supports the financial condition, liquidity and cash flow of businesses and employees, thus acting preventively and actively preventing the collapse of the business environment to maintain stability and minimise panic. The activities of the NP will also contribute to the fulfilment of Specific Objective 3.1.2 of the Human Resources Operational Programme.  Assistance in the regions will be implemented through the Central Office and the Employment, Social Affairs and Family Offices. The project will have a nationwide scope. The period of implementation of the project is from 13.3.2020 to 30.6.2021, while contributions for users are eligible until 31.7.2020 and may be paid after the end of the project, but not later than 31 December 2020. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the NP First aid is to mitigate the impact of the declared emergency situation (MS) or emergency in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and the labour market in the Slovak Republic, through financial support for employers or self-employed persons who retain jobs despite the obligation to interrupt or limit their operational activities on the basis of a measure of the Public Health Authority, or to protect the health of their employees, decrease in revenue, or failure of subcontractors. Support for employers to maintain jobs and self-employed persons to maintain their operation is divided into four measures according to the specific measures adopted by the Government of the Slovak Republic and in accordance with the State Aid Scheme according to the currently applicable conditions laid down in the Notice on the possibility of submitting applications for financial contribution published at www.pomahameludom.sk. Intervention NP First aid will also contribute to mitigating the economic impact on employment. During and after the period of emergency, it will contribute to preventing an increase in unemployment, given that without this support there could be redundancies by employers or closures of establishments. At the same time, NP intervention swiftly supports the financial condition, liquidity and cash flow of businesses and employees, thus acting preventively and actively preventing the collapse of the business environment to maintain stability and minimise panic. The activities of the NP will also contribute to the fulfilment of Specific Objective 3.1.2 of the Human Resources Operational Programme.  Assistance in the regions will be implemented through the Central Office and the Employment, Social Affairs and Family Offices. The project will have a nationwide scope. The period of implementation of the project is from 13.3.2020 to 30.6.2021, while contributions for users are eligible until 31.7.2020 and may be paid after the end of the project, but not later than 31 December 2020. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 15:14, 15 September 2021

Project Q3106533 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3106533 in Slovakia


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    363,408,983.43 Euro
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    481,247,164.0 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    3 January 2020
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    6 January 2021
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    Ústredie práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny
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    48°8'54.96"N, 17°6'27.90"E
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    Cieľom NP Prvá pomoc je zmiernenie dopadov vyhlásenej mimoriadnej situácie (MS) alebo núdzového stavu v súvislosti s pandémiou COVID-19 na zamestnanosť a trh práce na území Slovenskej republiky, prostredníctvom finančnej podpory pre zamestnávateľov, resp. SZČO, ktorí udržia pracovné miesta aj napriek povinnosti prerušenia alebo obmedzenia svojej prevádzkovej činnosti na základe opatrenia Úradu verejného zdravotníctva, alebo z dôvodu ochrany zdravia svojich zamestnancov, poklesu tržieb, alebo výpadku subdodávateľov. Podpora zamestnávateľov na udržanie pracovných miest a SZČO na udržanie prevádzkovania ich činnosti je rozdelená podľa jednotlivých oblastí a podľa vecného zamerania do štyroch opatrení podľa konkrétnych opatrení prijatých uznesením Vlády SR a v súlade so Schémou štátnej pomoci podľa aktuálne platných podmienok stanovených v Oznámení o možnosti predkladania žiadostí o poskytnutie finančného príspevku zverejnených na www.pomahameludom.sk. Intervencia NP Prvá pomoc zároveň prispeje k zmierneniu ekonomických dopadov na zamestnanosť. Počas obdobia mimoriadnej situácie a v období po jej skončení prispeje k prevencii zvyšovania nezamestnanosti vzhľadom na skutočnosť, že bez tejto podpory by mohlo dôjsť k prepúšťaniu zo strany zamestnávateľov alebo rušeniu prevádzok. Intervencia NP zároveň urýchlene podporuje finančnú kondíciu, likviditu a peňažný tok podnikov a zamestnancov, čím pôsobí preventívne a aktívne bráni kolapsu podnikateľského prostredia pre zachovanie stability a minimalizácie paniky. Aktivity NP prispejú zároveň k napĺňaniu Špecifického cieľa 3.1.2 Operačného programu Ľudské zdroje.  Pomoc v regiónoch bude implementovaná prostredníctvom Ústredia a úradov práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny. Projekt bude mať celoslovenskú pôsobnosť. Obdobie realizácie projektu je od 13.3.2020 do 30.6.2021, pričom príspevky pre užívateľov sú oprávnené do 31.7.2020a vyplácané môžu byť aj po jej skončení, najdlhšie však do 31.12.2020. (Slovak)
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    The aim of the NP First aid is to mitigate the impact of the declared emergency situation (MS) or emergency in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and the labour market in the Slovak Republic, through financial support for employers or self-employed persons who retain jobs despite the obligation to interrupt or limit their operational activities on the basis of a measure of the Public Health Authority, or to protect the health of their employees, decrease in revenue, or failure of subcontractors. Support for employers to maintain jobs and self-employed persons to maintain their operation is divided into four measures according to the specific measures adopted by the Government of the Slovak Republic and in accordance with the State Aid Scheme according to the currently applicable conditions laid down in the Notice on the possibility of submitting applications for financial contribution published at www.pomahameludom.sk. Intervention NP First aid will also contribute to mitigating the economic impact on employment. During and after the period of emergency, it will contribute to preventing an increase in unemployment, given that without this support there could be redundancies by employers or closures of establishments. At the same time, NP intervention swiftly supports the financial condition, liquidity and cash flow of businesses and employees, thus acting preventively and actively preventing the collapse of the business environment to maintain stability and minimise panic. The activities of the NP will also contribute to the fulfilment of Specific Objective 3.1.2 of the Human Resources Operational Programme.  Assistance in the regions will be implemented through the Central Office and the Employment, Social Affairs and Family Offices. The project will have a nationwide scope. The period of implementation of the project is from 13.3.2020 to 30.6.2021, while contributions for users are eligible until 31.7.2020 and may be paid after the end of the project, but not later than 31 December 2020. (English)
    15 September 2021
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