Tell me something, and I'll forget it. He’s giving me something, and I'll remember it. (Q3104602): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The overall objective of the present project is to create conditions for quality education and development of the skills of the students to apply them to the knowledge society. The project is processed in accordance with thematic objective No. 10 and Investment Priority IROP Investing in education through the development of educational infrastructure. It intervenes in the need to improve young people’s access to the labour market and to create a...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
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Tell me something, and I'll forget it. He’s giving me something, and I'll remember it. |
Revision as of 14:02, 15 September 2021
Project Q3104602 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Tell me something, and I'll forget it. He’s giving me something, and I'll remember it. |
Project Q3104602 in Slovakia |
82,708.76 Euro
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97,304.42 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 December 2019
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1 February 2022
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Mesto Povaská Bystrica
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Celkovým ciežom predkladaného projektu je Vytvori podmienky pre kvalitné vzdelávanie a rozvoj spôsobilostí iakov k ich uplatneniu sa vo vedomostnej spoločnosti.Projekt je spracovaný v súlade s Tematickým ciežom č. 10 a Investičnou prioritou IROP Investovanie do vzdelania cez vývoj vzdelávacej infratruktúry. Intervenuje potreby zlepenia prístupu mladých žudí na trh práce a vytvorenia priestoru pre rozhžad iaka o jeho schopnostiach a budúcich monostiach. Vybavenie obecnej základnej koly ako konečného prijímateža pomoci odbornými učebňami, ich rekontrukciou, resp. modernizáciou, dovybavenie modernými didaktickými a učebnými pomôckami umoní irie vyuívanie moderných vyučovacích metód pre rozvoj kžúčových spôsobilostí iakov, ich zručností a schopností.Predkladatežom projektu je mesto Povaská Bystrica, kde sa nachádza 8 základných kôl, z ktorých je jedna málotriedna. Tento projekt sa týka Základnej koly SNP 1484 s počtom iakov 326 a indexom IIÚ 30,41. Miestom realizácie je teda RIÚS Trenčianskeho kraja, okres Povaská Bystrica. Dôvodom spracovania je, e kola nedisponuje technickými a materiálnymi monosami čeli aktuálnym výzvam a poiadavkam kladeným na vzdelávanie a cíti potrebu zlepi podmienky pre harmonický vývoj iakov aj ku prírodovedným predmetom a odborným zručnostiam. Stav odborných učební odpovedá ich času zriadenia v roku 1979, učebné pomôcky nepreli iadnou väčou systémovou obnovou. Prepojenos na aktuálne učebnice absentuje.Projekt pozostáva zo 4 hlavných aktivít: 1. Rekontrukcia Chemickej/Biologickej učebne, 2. Obnova Polytechnickej učebne a 3. Zriadenie IKT učebne. Stavebno-montáne práce a dokumentácia sú navrhnuté v minimálnom rozsahu potrebnom pre úpravu stávajúcich priestorov koly na funkčnos odborných učební a tvoria rovnomennú 4-tú aktivitu. Modernizácia materiálno-technického vybavenia bude repektova potreby inkluzívneho vzdelávania.Úspenou realizáciou aktivít sa naplnia pecifické ciele projektu : zlepenie technického vybavenia- odbornej učebne zameranej na prírodné vedy chémiu a biológiu ,- polytechnickej učebne,- IKT učebne.Ciele projektu sú v súlade s očakávanými výsledkami podpory IROP .Projektom je adresovaných 5 meratežných ukazovatežov: P0069, P0319, P0321, P0322 a P0327 . (Slovak)
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The overall objective of the present project is to create conditions for quality education and development of the skills of the students to apply them to the knowledge society. The project is processed in accordance with thematic objective No. 10 and Investment Priority IROP Investing in education through the development of educational infrastructure. It intervenes in the need to improve young people’s access to the labour market and to create a space to see their abilities and future opportunities. Equipping the municipal elementary school as the final recipient of assistance with professional classrooms, their reconstruction, respectively modernisation, retrofitting with modern didactic and teaching aids, and the use of modern teaching methods for the development of key competences of chicks, their skills and abilities.The project is presented by the town of Povaská Bystrica, where there are 8 basic rounds, one of which is one of the low-class. This project relates to SNP 1484 base wheel with 326 caps and IIU index 30,41. The place of implementation is RIÚS Trenčín Region, okres Povaská Bystrica. The reason for the processing is that the round does not have technical and material monosyes facing current challenges and the requirements for education and feels the need for poor conditions for harmonious development of the chicks as well as natural science subjects and professional skills. The status of professional classrooms corresponds to their time of establishment in 1979, teaching aids did not prejudge any major system renewal. There is no connection to current textbooks. The project consists of 4 main activities: 1. Chemical/Biological classroom reconstruction, 2. Renewal of Polytechnic Classroom and 3. Establishment of ICT classrooms. Construction-Montan works and documentation are designed to the minimum extent necessary for the adaptation of the remaining spaces of the wheel for the function of professional classrooms and form the same 4-the activity. Modernisation of material and technical equipment will meet the need for inclusive education. The successful implementation of the activities will meet the specific objectives of the project: improvement of technical equipment – professional classroom focused on natural sciences chemistry and biology,- polytechnic classroom,- ICT classroom. The objectives of the project are in line with the expected results of IROP support. The project is addressed to 5 measurement indicators: P0069, P0319, P0321, P0322 and P0327. (English)
15 September 2021
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