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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to comprehensively revitalise the residential space of residential buildings in the Hospodárska street, courtyard A in Trnava (hereinafter referred to as “intrablock”) through the implementation of noise reduction measures, the location of natural landscape elements, the installation of urban elements of small architecture and urban mobility, the greening of exposed cities and the implementation of other related measure...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to comprehensively revitalise the residential space of residential buildings in the Hospodárska street, courtyard A in Trnava (hereinafter referred to as “intrablock”) through the implementation of noise reduction measures, the location of natural landscape elements, the installation of urban elements of small architecture and urban mobility, the greening of exposed cities and the implementation of other related measures. The aim of the project is to create:a) children’s playground, which will be determined by the deom from approx. 1 to 8 and 15 years ab) a space for rest in the outdoors mentioned in the town of Trnava. The created multifunctional areas will have a variety of applications – a game zone for young children, a vest, other areas.  The interior is separated from the parking lot and the surrounding area by insulating greenery.In the framework of multi-functional use of the area, a fenced wort for dogs is designed.The object of the object is the addition of the city’s cellar and the equipment of the playground with game elements.The construction of paved areas in the vicinity of the mobile phone designed for rest and impact area under the game elements.The main activity of the project is a complex modification of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for peetry, port and recreation areas for all age categories.The main activity of the project is a complex adjustment of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for peech, port and recreation areas for all age categories.The main activity of the project is a comprehensive adjustment of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for pechy, port and recreation areas for all age categories. The main activity of the project is a comprehensive adjustment of the interior consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavement paths for peetry, port and recreation areas for all age categories. The main area of the project is to be restored to 14 months of project implementation. The proposed project Humanisation of residential space Hospodárska Street, Court of Justice A is its focus in line with the IROP strategy, priority axis 4 Improving the quality of life in regions with an emphasis on the environment and specific objective 4.3.1 Improving environmental aspects in cities and urban areas by building elements of green infrastructure and adapting urbanised environments to climate change, as well as introducing system elements for reducing air and noise pollution. The project is in line with Slovak Strategy for Adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change, which was approved by Slovak Government Resolution No 148/2014. In view of the proposed adaptation measures for municipalities, in particular measures against frequent and intense heat waves such as the creation and promotion of a suitable microclimate for pedestrians, a solution has been developed, as it will favourably influence the current unsuitable microclimate conditions in the living space. The project is in line with the eligible activity of the call in question, namely activity ‘j’: Regeneration of housing estates with ecological principles of creation and protection of greenery. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to comprehensively revitalise the residential space of residential buildings in the Hospodárska street, courtyard A in Trnava (hereinafter referred to as “intrablock”) through the implementation of noise reduction measures, the location of natural landscape elements, the installation of urban elements of small architecture and urban mobility, the greening of exposed cities and the implementation of other related measures. The aim of the project is to create:a) children’s playground, which will be determined by the deom from approx. 1 to 8 and 15 years ab) a space for rest in the outdoors mentioned in the town of Trnava. The created multifunctional areas will have a variety of applications – a game zone for young children, a vest, other areas.  The interior is separated from the parking lot and the surrounding area by insulating greenery.In the framework of multi-functional use of the area, a fenced wort for dogs is designed.The object of the object is the addition of the city’s cellar and the equipment of the playground with game elements.The construction of paved areas in the vicinity of the mobile phone designed for rest and impact area under the game elements.The main activity of the project is a complex modification of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for peetry, port and recreation areas for all age categories.The main activity of the project is a complex adjustment of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for peech, port and recreation areas for all age categories.The main activity of the project is a comprehensive adjustment of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for pechy, port and recreation areas for all age categories. The main activity of the project is a comprehensive adjustment of the interior consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavement paths for peetry, port and recreation areas for all age categories. The main area of the project is to be restored to 14 months of project implementation. The proposed project Humanisation of residential space Hospodárska Street, Court of Justice A is its focus in line with the IROP strategy, priority axis 4 Improving the quality of life in regions with an emphasis on the environment and specific objective 4.3.1 Improving environmental aspects in cities and urban areas by building elements of green infrastructure and adapting urbanised environments to climate change, as well as introducing system elements for reducing air and noise pollution. The project is in line with Slovak Strategy for Adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change, which was approved by Slovak Government Resolution No 148/2014. In view of the proposed adaptation measures for municipalities, in particular measures against frequent and intense heat waves such as the creation and promotion of a suitable microclimate for pedestrians, a solution has been developed, as it will favourably influence the current unsuitable microclimate conditions in the living space. The project is in line with the eligible activity of the call in question, namely activity ‘j’: Regeneration of housing estates with ecological principles of creation and protection of greenery. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to comprehensively revitalise the residential space of residential buildings in the Hospodárska street, courtyard A in Trnava (hereinafter referred to as “intrablock”) through the implementation of noise reduction measures, the location of natural landscape elements, the installation of urban elements of small architecture and urban mobility, the greening of exposed cities and the implementation of other related measures. The aim of the project is to create:a) children’s playground, which will be determined by the deom from approx. 1 to 8 and 15 years ab) a space for rest in the outdoors mentioned in the town of Trnava. The created multifunctional areas will have a variety of applications – a game zone for young children, a vest, other areas.  The interior is separated from the parking lot and the surrounding area by insulating greenery.In the framework of multi-functional use of the area, a fenced wort for dogs is designed.The object of the object is the addition of the city’s cellar and the equipment of the playground with game elements.The construction of paved areas in the vicinity of the mobile phone designed for rest and impact area under the game elements.The main activity of the project is a complex modification of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for peetry, port and recreation areas for all age categories.The main activity of the project is a complex adjustment of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for peech, port and recreation areas for all age categories.The main activity of the project is a comprehensive adjustment of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for pechy, port and recreation areas for all age categories. The main activity of the project is a comprehensive adjustment of the interior consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavement paths for peetry, port and recreation areas for all age categories. The main area of the project is to be restored to 14 months of project implementation. The proposed project Humanisation of residential space Hospodárska Street, Court of Justice A is its focus in line with the IROP strategy, priority axis 4 Improving the quality of life in regions with an emphasis on the environment and specific objective 4.3.1 Improving environmental aspects in cities and urban areas by building elements of green infrastructure and adapting urbanised environments to climate change, as well as introducing system elements for reducing air and noise pollution. The project is in line with Slovak Strategy for Adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change, which was approved by Slovak Government Resolution No 148/2014. In view of the proposed adaptation measures for municipalities, in particular measures against frequent and intense heat waves such as the creation and promotion of a suitable microclimate for pedestrians, a solution has been developed, as it will favourably influence the current unsuitable microclimate conditions in the living space. The project is in line with the eligible activity of the call in question, namely activity ‘j’: Regeneration of housing estates with ecological principles of creation and protection of greenery. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:44, 15 September 2021

Project Q3104087 in Slovakia
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Project Q3104087 in Slovakia


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    174,390.65 Euro
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    205,165.47 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 October 2018
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    1 January 2021
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    Mesto Trnava
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    48°22'55.06"N, 17°34'6.35"E
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    Ciežom projektu je komplexne revitalizova obytný priestor bytových domov v časti Hospodárska ulica, dvor A v Trnave (ďalej len  „vnútroblok“) formou realizácie opatrení na zníženie hluku, umiestnením prirodzených krajinných prvkov, inštaláciou mestských prvkov drobnej architektúry a mestského mobiliáru, zazelenaním exponovaných miest a realizáciou ďalších súvisiacich opatrení. Zámerom projektu je vytvorenie:a) detského ihriska, ktoré bude určená deom od cca. 1 do 8 až 15 rokov ab) priestoru na oddych v exteriériv uvedenej časti mesta Trnava. Vytvorené multifunkčné plochy budú ma rôznorodé využitie - herná zóna pre mladšie deti, venčovisko, ostatné plochy.  Vnútroblok je od parkoviska a okolia oddelený izolačnou zeleňou.V rámci multifunkčného využívania územia je navrhnuté oplotené venčovisko pre psov.Predmetom objektu je tiež doplnenie mestského mobiliáru a vybavenie ihriska hernými prvkami.Stavebný objekt rieši aj výstavbu spevnených plôch v okolí mobiliáru určeného na oddych a dopadovej plochy pod hernými prvkami.Hlavnou aktivitou projektu je komplexná úprava vnútrobloku pozostávajúca z realizácie vyššie uvedených opatrení, ako aj z vybudovania chodníkov pre peších, športových a rekreačných plôch pre všetky vekové kategórie.Celková dĺžka realizácie aktivít projektu je naplánovaná na 14 mesiacov.Meratežným ukazovatežom projektu budú m2 vytvorených alebo obnovených otvorených priestranstiev v mestských oblastiach. Predkladaný projekt Humanizácia obytného priestoru Hospodárska ulica, dvor A je svojím zameraním v súlade so stratégiou IROP, prioritná os 4 Zlepšenie kvality života v regiónoch s dôrazom na životné prostredie a špecifickým ciežom 4.3.1 Zlepšenie environmentálnych aspektov v mestách a mestských oblastiach prostredníctvom budovania prvkov zelenej infraštruktúry a adaptáciou urbanizovaného prostredia na zmenu klímy ako aj zavádzaním systémových prvkov znižovania znečistenia ovzdušia a hluku.Projekt je v súlade so „Stratégiou adaptácie SR na nepriaznivé dôsledky zmeny klímy“, ktorá bola schválená uznesením vlády SR č. 148/2014. V zmysle navrhovaných adaptačných opatrení pre samosprávy, najmä opatrení voči častejším a intenzívnejším vlnám horúčav ako je vytváranie a podpora vhodnej mikroklímy pre chodcov bolo vypracované riešenie, ako priaznivo ovplyvni súčasné nevhodné mikroklimatické podmienky v obytnom priestore. Projekt je v súlade s oprávnenou aktivitou predmetnej výzvy, a to s aktivitou "j": Regenerácia vnútroblokov sídlisk s uplatnením ekologických princípov tvorby a ochrany zelene. (Slovak)
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    The aim of the project is to comprehensively revitalise the residential space of residential buildings in the Hospodárska street, courtyard A in Trnava (hereinafter referred to as “intrablock”) through the implementation of noise reduction measures, the location of natural landscape elements, the installation of urban elements of small architecture and urban mobility, the greening of exposed cities and the implementation of other related measures. The aim of the project is to create:a) children’s playground, which will be determined by the deom from approx. 1 to 8 and 15 years ab) a space for rest in the outdoors mentioned in the town of Trnava. The created multifunctional areas will have a variety of applications – a game zone for young children, a vest, other areas.  The interior is separated from the parking lot and the surrounding area by insulating greenery.In the framework of multi-functional use of the area, a fenced wort for dogs is designed.The object of the object is the addition of the city’s cellar and the equipment of the playground with game elements.The construction of paved areas in the vicinity of the mobile phone designed for rest and impact area under the game elements.The main activity of the project is a complex modification of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for peetry, port and recreation areas for all age categories.The main activity of the project is a complex adjustment of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for peech, port and recreation areas for all age categories.The main activity of the project is a comprehensive adjustment of the intra-block consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavements for pechy, port and recreation areas for all age categories. The main activity of the project is a comprehensive adjustment of the interior consisting of the implementation of the above mentioned measures, as well as the construction of pavement paths for peetry, port and recreation areas for all age categories. The main area of the project is to be restored to 14 months of project implementation. The proposed project Humanisation of residential space Hospodárska Street, Court of Justice A is its focus in line with the IROP strategy, priority axis 4 Improving the quality of life in regions with an emphasis on the environment and specific objective 4.3.1 Improving environmental aspects in cities and urban areas by building elements of green infrastructure and adapting urbanised environments to climate change, as well as introducing system elements for reducing air and noise pollution. The project is in line with Slovak Strategy for Adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change, which was approved by Slovak Government Resolution No 148/2014. In view of the proposed adaptation measures for municipalities, in particular measures against frequent and intense heat waves such as the creation and promotion of a suitable microclimate for pedestrians, a solution has been developed, as it will favourably influence the current unsuitable microclimate conditions in the living space. The project is in line with the eligible activity of the call in question, namely activity ‘j’: Regeneration of housing estates with ecological principles of creation and protection of greenery. (English)
    15 September 2021
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