Q3102995 (Q3102995): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The ambition of the project is through the implementation of individual activities to raise the educational level of those interested in work in the operations of catering services from UoZ and Zuoz and their subsequent application as employees in given employment positions within the company EUROPE CATERING s.r.o., the aim of the project is to increase the competencies of workers without teaching in the field of gastronomy or without relevant w...)
Property / summary
The ambition of the project is through the implementation of individual activities to raise the educational level of those interested in work in the operations of catering services from UoZ and Zuoz and their subsequent application as employees in given employment positions within the company EUROPE CATERING s.r.o., the aim of the project is to increase the competencies of workers without teaching in the field of gastronomy or without relevant work experience and knowledge of the given environment, or with low education/low qualifications or qualifications from unrelated disciplines in order to ensure the smooth performance of their duties and professional development, thus ensuring the improvement of the services provided. The implementation of the project increases the amount to be applied to the labour market for individuals who receive monos in this form or gain a higher qualification. The present project aims to strengthen the competitiveness of EUROPE CATERING s.r.o. within the tourism sector and consequently to strengthen and diversify the rural economy through the creation of new employment opportunities, education as well as local and regional development. The submitted project is planned for a period of 24 months (01/2019 12/2020), during which 12 UoZ/Zuoz will be involved in the activities of the project. Number of participants projektu:pecifický target3.1.1. It will increase employment, employment and reduce unemployment, with a particular focus on the long-term unemployed, the low-skilled, the elderly and the disabled, including ICT skills. The objective group is a jobseeker (UoZ) and disadvantaged jobseeker Zuoz.Active112 persons/UoZ/ZUoZActive 25 persons/UoZ/Zuoz – support the development of work skills during the 6-month period.Activities of 112 persons/UoZ/Zuoz – support the development of work skills during a period of 6 months.The project will be implemented in Trnava self-governing region, in the district of Dunajská Streda, in the town of Dunajská Streda and the municipality of Blahovo. (English)
Property / summary: The ambition of the project is through the implementation of individual activities to raise the educational level of those interested in work in the operations of catering services from UoZ and Zuoz and their subsequent application as employees in given employment positions within the company EUROPE CATERING s.r.o., the aim of the project is to increase the competencies of workers without teaching in the field of gastronomy or without relevant work experience and knowledge of the given environment, or with low education/low qualifications or qualifications from unrelated disciplines in order to ensure the smooth performance of their duties and professional development, thus ensuring the improvement of the services provided. The implementation of the project increases the amount to be applied to the labour market for individuals who receive monos in this form or gain a higher qualification. The present project aims to strengthen the competitiveness of EUROPE CATERING s.r.o. within the tourism sector and consequently to strengthen and diversify the rural economy through the creation of new employment opportunities, education as well as local and regional development. The submitted project is planned for a period of 24 months (01/2019 12/2020), during which 12 UoZ/Zuoz will be involved in the activities of the project. Number of participants projektu:pecifický target3.1.1. It will increase employment, employment and reduce unemployment, with a particular focus on the long-term unemployed, the low-skilled, the elderly and the disabled, including ICT skills. The objective group is a jobseeker (UoZ) and disadvantaged jobseeker Zuoz.Active112 persons/UoZ/ZUoZActive 25 persons/UoZ/Zuoz – support the development of work skills during the 6-month period.Activities of 112 persons/UoZ/Zuoz – support the development of work skills during a period of 6 months.The project will be implemented in Trnava self-governing region, in the district of Dunajská Streda, in the town of Dunajská Streda and the municipality of Blahovo. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The ambition of the project is through the implementation of individual activities to raise the educational level of those interested in work in the operations of catering services from UoZ and Zuoz and their subsequent application as employees in given employment positions within the company EUROPE CATERING s.r.o., the aim of the project is to increase the competencies of workers without teaching in the field of gastronomy or without relevant work experience and knowledge of the given environment, or with low education/low qualifications or qualifications from unrelated disciplines in order to ensure the smooth performance of their duties and professional development, thus ensuring the improvement of the services provided. The implementation of the project increases the amount to be applied to the labour market for individuals who receive monos in this form or gain a higher qualification. The present project aims to strengthen the competitiveness of EUROPE CATERING s.r.o. within the tourism sector and consequently to strengthen and diversify the rural economy through the creation of new employment opportunities, education as well as local and regional development. The submitted project is planned for a period of 24 months (01/2019 12/2020), during which 12 UoZ/Zuoz will be involved in the activities of the project. Number of participants projektu:pecifický target3.1.1. It will increase employment, employment and reduce unemployment, with a particular focus on the long-term unemployed, the low-skilled, the elderly and the disabled, including ICT skills. The objective group is a jobseeker (UoZ) and disadvantaged jobseeker Zuoz.Active112 persons/UoZ/ZUoZActive 25 persons/UoZ/Zuoz – support the development of work skills during the 6-month period.Activities of 112 persons/UoZ/Zuoz – support the development of work skills during a period of 6 months.The project will be implemented in Trnava self-governing region, in the district of Dunajská Streda, in the town of Dunajská Streda and the municipality of Blahovo. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:34, 15 September 2021

Project Q3102995 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3102995 in Slovakia


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    61,293.3 Euro
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    72,109.76 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 March 2019
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    1 June 2021
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    47°59'29.87"N, 17°37'14.27"E
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    Ambíciou projektu je prostredníctvom realizácie jednotlivých aktivít zvýši vzdelanostnú úroveň  záujemcov o prácu v prevádzkach služieb spoločného stravovania z radov UoZ a ZUoZ a ich následné uplatnenie sa ako zamestnancov na daných pracovných pozíciách v rámci spoločnosti EUROPE CATERING s.r.o. Ciežom projektu je zvýši kompetencie pracovníkov bez vyučenia v oblasti gastronómie či bez relevantnej pracovnej skúsenosti a znalosti daného prostredia, alebo s nízkym vzdelaním/ nízkou kvalifikáciou resp. kvalifikáciou z nepríbuzných odborov za účelom zabezpečenia bezchybného výkonu ich povinností a profesionálneho rozvoja a tým zabezpečova skvalitnenie poskytovaných služieb. Realizácia projektu zvyšuje šance na uplatnenie sa na pracovnom trhu pre jednotlivcov, ktorí takouto formou dostanú možnos získa alebo si zvýši kvalifikáciu. Predkladaný projekt je zameraný na posilnenie konkurencieschopnosti spoločnosti EUROPE CATERING s.r.o. v rámci sektora cestovného ruchu a tým následne aj na posilnenie a diverzifikáciu vidieckej ekonomiky prostredníctvom vytvárania nových pracovných príležitostí, vzdelávania ako aj lokálneho a regionálneho rozvoja. Predložený projekt je plánovaný na obdobie 24 mesiacov (01/2019 – 12/2020), počas ktorých plánuje žiadatež do aktivít projektu zapoji 12 UoZ/ZUoZ . Počet účastníkov projektu:Špecifický ciež3.1.1. Zvýši zamestnatežnos, zamestnanos a zníži nezamestnanos s osobitným dôrazom na dlhodobo nezamestnaných, nízko kvalifikovaných, starších a zdravotne postihnuté osoby, vrátane IKT zručnosti. Ciežová skupina je uchádzač o zamestnanie (UoZ) a znevýhodnený uchádzač o zamestnanie ZUoZ).Aktivita112 osôb / UoZ/ZUoZAktivita 25 osôb / UoZ/ZUoZ - podpora rozvoja pracovných zručností počas obdobia 6 mesiacov Žiadatež plánuje po ukončení realizácie aktivít tohto projektu v závislosti od úspešnosti jednotlivých frekventantov prija do trvalého pracovného pomeru 5 nových zamestnancov na pozície:Pracovník prevádzky spoločného stravovaniaČašník/BarmanPredkladaný projekt sa bude realizova v Trnavskom samosprávnom kraji, v okrese Dunajská Streda, v meste Dunajská streda a obci Blahovo, kde bude prebieha teoretické vzdelávanie a praktické cvičenia za účelom osvojenia si potrebných znalostí a požadovaných zručností pre výkon povolania na daných pracovných pozíciách u žiadateža. (Slovak)
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    The ambition of the project is through the implementation of individual activities to raise the educational level of those interested in work in the operations of catering services from UoZ and Zuoz and their subsequent application as employees in given employment positions within the company EUROPE CATERING s.r.o., the aim of the project is to increase the competencies of workers without teaching in the field of gastronomy or without relevant work experience and knowledge of the given environment, or with low education/low qualifications or qualifications from unrelated disciplines in order to ensure the smooth performance of their duties and professional development, thus ensuring the improvement of the services provided. The implementation of the project increases the amount to be applied to the labour market for individuals who receive monos in this form or gain a higher qualification. The present project aims to strengthen the competitiveness of EUROPE CATERING s.r.o. within the tourism sector and consequently to strengthen and diversify the rural economy through the creation of new employment opportunities, education as well as local and regional development. The submitted project is planned for a period of 24 months (01/2019 12/2020), during which 12 UoZ/Zuoz will be involved in the activities of the project. Number of participants projektu:pecifický target3.1.1. It will increase employment, employment and reduce unemployment, with a particular focus on the long-term unemployed, the low-skilled, the elderly and the disabled, including ICT skills. The objective group is a jobseeker (UoZ) and disadvantaged jobseeker Zuoz.Active112 persons/UoZ/ZUoZActive 25 persons/UoZ/Zuoz – support the development of work skills during the 6-month period.Activities of 112 persons/UoZ/Zuoz – support the development of work skills during a period of 6 months.The project will be implemented in Trnava self-governing region, in the district of Dunajská Streda, in the town of Dunajská Streda and the municipality of Blahovo. (English)
    15 September 2021
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