Bike routes in the village of Cífer – stage I (Q3100830): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): Objectives of the Bike routes project in the municipality of Cífer – stage I"The Bike routes project in the municipality of Cífer – stage I is fully in line with the strategy of IROP, PO 1 Safe and environmentally friendly transport in the regions. The main objective of the proposed request is to promote non-motorised transport in the municipality of Cífer, to increase the attractiveness of cycling by building a network of safe cycling routes in...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
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Bike routes in the village of Cífer – stage I |
Revision as of 13:09, 15 September 2021
Project Q3100830 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Bike routes in the village of Cífer – stage I |
Project Q3100830 in Slovakia |
360,455.25 Euro
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424,065.0 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 November 2018
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1 June 2021
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Obec Cífer
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Ciele projektu Cyklotrasy v obci Cífer - I. etapa"Projekt Cyklotrasy v obci Cífer - I. etapa je plne v súlade so stratégiou IROP, PO 1 Bezpečná a ekologická doprava v regiónoch. Hlavným ciežom predkladanej iadosti je podpora nemotorovej dopravy v obci Cífer, zvýenie atraktivity cyklistickej dopravy prostredníctvom budovania siete bezpečných cyklotrás v obci Cífer (v I. a neskôr v II. etape), nadväzujúcej infratruktúry (parkovacích miest pre bicykle a úschovne bicyklov) a realizáciou opatrení na upokojovanie dopravy. Ciele projektu sú plne s očakávanými výsledkami podpory IROP. Realizáciou niie uvedených aktivít projektu vznikne v miestnom regióne dostatočne vybudovaná a kompaktná sie cyklotrás v prvej a následne v druhej fáze, čím sa vytvoria podmienky pre lepiu mobilitu jeho obyvatežov, zmenu dežby prepravnej práce v prospech environmentálne priaznivejích módov dopravy. Zvýením podielu vyuívania cyklistickej dopravy sa odžahčí miestna oblas od postupne narastajúcej miery automobilizácie, čím sa vytvorí pozitívny environmentálny efekt v podobe zníenia miery znečistenia ovzduia, hluku a vibrácií. Miesto realizácie projektu je v katastrálnom území obce Cífer. Aktivity projektu- HA A1 - Cyklotrasa v I. etape (Cyklistická komunikácia)- HA A2 - Uzamykatežný prístreok na bicycle (Doplnková cyklistická infratruktúra)- HA A3 - Upokojenie dopravy v obci Cífer (Budovanie prvkov upokojovania dopravy)- HA B1 - Zvyovanie atraktivity cyklistickej dopravy pre verejnos pomocou webového portáluPodporné aktivity projektu: Projektový manaér (mzdové výdavky na riadenie projektu) a Informovanos a komunikácia projektu - 1ks plagátu Meratežné ukazovatele projektu- HA A1 - dĺka nových úsekov cyklistických komunikácií - 2,040 04km- HA A2 - počet vytvorených prvkov doplnkovej cyklistickej infratruktúry prostredníctvom OP - 9 ks- HA A3 - počet vybudovaných prvkov upokojovania dopravy - 1 ks- HA B1 - počet zavedených propagačných aktivít - 1 ks (Slovak)
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Objectives of the Bike routes project in the municipality of Cífer – stage I"The Bike routes project in the municipality of Cífer – stage I is fully in line with the strategy of IROP, PO 1 Safe and environmentally friendly transport in the regions. The main objective of the proposed request is to promote non-motorised transport in the municipality of Cífer, to increase the attractiveness of cycling by building a network of safe cycling routes in Cífer (in phase I and later in stage II), the downstream infrastructure (parking points for bicycles and bicycle storage facilities) and the implementation of measures to calm traffic. The objectives of the project are fully with the expected results of IROP support. The implementation of the above mentioned activities of the project will create a sufficiently built and compact network of cycling routes in the first and second phases in the local region, thus creating the conditions for better mobility of its inhabitants, a change in the splitting of transport work in favour of environmentally friendly modes of transport. By increasing the use of cycling, the local area will be lifted away from gradually increasing levels of automotive, creating a positive environmental effect in terms of reducing air, noise and vibration pollution. The place of implementation of the project is in the cadastral area of the village Cífer. Project activities- HA A1 – Cycling route in phase I (Cyclistic communication)- HA A2 – Locking shelter for bicycle (Additional cycling infrastructure)- HA A3 – Satisfaction of transport in the municipality of Cífer (Building elements of calming transport)- HA B1 – increasing the attractiveness of cycling transport to the public through the web portalSupport activities of the project: Project manager (wage expenditure on project management) and information and communication of the project – 1 piece of poster Measurement indicators of the project – HA A1 – length of new cycling sections – 2,04004 km- HA A2 – number of additional cycling infrastructure created by OP – 9 pcs- HA A3 – number of traffic calming elements built – 1 pc- HA B1 – number of promotional activities implemented – 1 pc- HA B1 (English)
15 September 2021
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