“Strengthening, restoration and enhancement of the Hermitage of Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel – the former Berca Monastery” (Q2742062): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The investment project entitled: Consolidation, restoration and enhancement of the entire “Saints Archangels Mihail si Gavriil” – the former Berca monastery initiated by “Saints Archangels Mihail si Gavriil” Hermitage Berca, located in Berca commune, Buzau county is intended to be implemented with non-reimbursable financial assistance from the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 5 “Improving the urban environment and conserva...) |
(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||
45°17'14.42"N, 26°40'51.49"E
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Property / coordinate location: 45°17'14.42"N, 26°40'51.49"E / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 12:58, 15 September 2021
Project Q2742062 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | “Strengthening, restoration and enhancement of the Hermitage of Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel – the former Berca Monastery” |
Project Q2742062 in Romania |
17,711,939.29 Romanian Leu
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21,262,832.29 Romanian Leu
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0.83 percent
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8 July 2015
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31 January 2022
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Proiectul de investitie intitulat: Consolidarea, restaurarea si punerea in valoare a ansamblului Schitului „Sfintii Arhangheli Mihail si Gavriil” – fosta manastire Berca initiat de Schitul „Sfintii Arhangheli Mihail si Gavriilˮ Berca, situat in comuna Berca, judetul Buzau se doreste a se implementa cu asistenta financiara nerambursabila din Programul Operational Regional 2014-2020, Axa Prioritara 5 “Imbunatatirea mediului urban si conservarea, protectia si valorificarea durabila a patrimoniului cultural”, Prioritatea de investitii 5.1 “Conservarea, protejarea, promovarea si dezvoltarea patrimoniului natural si cultural”. Programul Operational Regional (POR) 2014-2020 este unul din programele aferente Acordului de Parteneriat 2014-2020, prin care se pot accesa fondurile europene structurale si de investitii, in concret, cele provenite din Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala (FEDR). Programul a fost aprobat prin decizia Comisiei Europene nr. C (2015) 4272/23.06.2015. ,,Este de mentionat faptul ca una dintre cele mai importante pietre de temelie ale dezvoltarii regionale o constituie valorile locale, mediul construit si natural deosebit de bogat. Romania dispune de un patrimoniu construit deosebit de valoros, dar care nu este nici recunoscut, nici utilizat la valoarea lui reala. Din pacate, insa, starea mediului nostru construit arata o tendinta de degradare, de parca nu am sti sa ne pretuim si sa ne valorificam mostenirea.” Un prim pas spre valorificarea patrimoniului cultural existent este restaurarea, consolidarea, protectia si conservarea acestora. Odata restaurate, acestea vor avea un efect multiplicator asupra intregii economii a localitatii/ regiunii/ tarii. Implementarea proiectului de investitie initiat de Schitul „Sfintii Arhangheli Mihail si Gavriilˮ Berca, contribuie in mod direct la protejarea patrimoniului cultural national, obiectiv strategic sectorial prevazut in Strategia Sectoriala in domeniul Culturii si Patrimoniului National 2014-2020. Lucrarile de consolidare, restaurare si punere in valoare a obiectivului de patrimoniu cultural – fosta manastire Berca, ca oferta de produse turistic, va atrage esentialmente cereri de servicii atat aferente sectorului turismului, cat si altor sectoare (infrastructurii de transport si a altor servicii de acompaniament adiacente). Oferta turistica este constituita in principal din suport – obiecte, bunuri, iar cererea este esentialmente o cerere de servicii, care incepe cu obiectivele turistice existente (conservarea si restaurarea lor, punerea lor in valoare etc.) si continua cu serviciile de infrastructura de transport, de infrastructura turistica specifica si cu o gama variata de servicii de acompaniament, adiacente. Toate aceste servicii aferente sectorului turistic trebuie sa satisfaca intr-un mod cat mai adecvat trebuintele/ nevoile umane diverse, de la cele cognitive, artistice sau estetice pana la cele economice sau sociale. De asemenea, proiectul de investitie demarat de be (Romanian)
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The investment project entitled: Consolidation, restoration and enhancement of the entire “Saints Archangels Mihail si Gavriil” – the former Berca monastery initiated by “Saints Archangels Mihail si Gavriil” Hermitage Berca, located in Berca commune, Buzau county is intended to be implemented with non-reimbursable financial assistance from the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 5 “Improving the urban environment and conservation, protection and sustainable valorisation of cultural heritage”, Priority of investments 5.1 “Preservation, protection, promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage”. The Regional Operational Programme (ROP) 2014-2020 is one of the programmes under the Partnership Agreement 2014-2020, through which the European Structural and Investment Funds can be accessed, in particular those from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The programme was approved by European Commission Decision No C (2015) 4272/23.06.2015. It is worth mentioning that one of the most important cornerstones of regional development is the local values, the built and naturally rich environment. Romania has a particularly valuable built heritage, but it is neither recognised nor used at its real value. Unfortunately, however, the state of our built environment shows a tendency of degradation, as if we do not know how to cherish and capitalise on our heritage." A first step towards capitalising on the existing cultural heritage is their restoration, consolidation, protection and preservation. Once restored, they will have a multiplier effect on the entire economy of the locality/region/country. The implementation of the investment project initiated by the Hermitage Archangels Mihail si Gavriil Berca contributes directly to the protection of the national cultural heritage, a sectoral strategic objective set out in the Sectoral Strategy in the field of Culture and National Heritage 2014-2020. The consolidation, restoration and enhancement of the cultural heritage objective – the former Berca Monastery, as the offer of tourism products, will essentially attract demand for services related both to the tourism sector and to other sectors (transport infrastructure and other adjacent accompaniment services). The touristic offer consists mainly of support – objects, goods, and demand is essentially a demand for services, which starts with the existing tourist attractions (preservation and restoration, their enhancement, etc.) and continues with transport infrastructure services, specific tourist infrastructure and a wide range of accompanying, adjacent services. All these services related to the tourism sector must satisfy in the most appropriate way diverse human needs/needs, from cognitive, artistic or aesthetic to economic or social needs. Also, the investment project started by be (English)
14 September 2021
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Berca, Romania
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