Improving labour market conditions by increasing qualifications among employees from SE, MS and Centre regions (Q3097681): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The GENERAL objective of the PROJECT is to improve equal access to lifelong learning by linking training programs with the labour market, ensuring the increase of participation in continuous training programs for 676 adults, employees from South East, South Muntenia and Centre regions. Through the activities of professional counseling, tour and vocational training will lead to the development of skills and work skills of adults, as well as those...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
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Improving labour market conditions by increasing qualifications among employees from SE, MS and Centre regions |
Revision as of 15:55, 14 September 2021
Project Q3097681 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Improving labour market conditions by increasing qualifications among employees from SE, MS and Centre regions |
Project Q3097681 in Romania |
4,017,411.5 Romanian Leu
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4,726,366.48 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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29 January 2021
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28 January 2023
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OBIECTIVUL GENERAL AL PROIECTULUI îl constituie imbunătățirea accesului egal la învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții prin corelarea programelor de formare cu piata muncii asigurand cresterea participarii la programe de formare profesionala continua pentru 676 persoane adulte, angajati din regiunile Sud Est, Sud Muntenia si Centru. Prin activitatile de consiliere profesionala, turorat si formare profesionala se va conduce la dezvoltarea de competente si de aptitudini de munca a adultilor, precum si a celor din grupurile vulnerabile, necesare pentru depasirea barierelor la dezvoltarea carierei acestora sau dezv antrep (PFA/II). Scopul proiectului urmează să fie atins prin oferirea de servicii de consiliere profesională si tutorat pt 676 angajati, axate pe dobândirea de competențe care răspund necesităților pieței muncii, pentru crest incadrarii acestora si dezv carierei. Din cei 676 de cursanti, min 210 vor fi din categ de grupuri vulnerabile, resp nivel scăzut de calificare sau nu, persoane cu vârsta de peste 40 de ani, persoane din mediul rural defavorizat. Proiectul, prin activitatile derulate se integreaza in obiectivele POCU 2014 - 2020 prin faptul ca vizeaza dezvoltarea capitalului uman, prin programele de consiliere profesionala si tutrat, incurajarea participarii la programe de FPC, dezv carierei si cautarea de noi oportunitati pt locuri de munca, imbunat abilitatilor, competentelor profesionale, non-profesionale si a competentelor antreprenoriale, competentelor digitale, competentelor in domeniile de ocupare, formare, dezv a resurselor umane, protectia datelor cu caracter personal, toate fiind domenii de mare interes in cadrul programului POCU, in obiectivele si strategia UE. Actiunile dezv in cadrul proiectului prez caracter inovator care va asigura contrib la corelarea nevoile exprimate pe piata muncii si in mediul economic european. La nivelul Uniunii Europene, a obiectivelor si strat dezvolate, se pune un mare accent de dezv compet digitale, utilizare TIC, dezv mediului antrep, sustinerea si dezv RU si a formarii, si mai cu seama in ultima perioada s-a pus accent pe domeniul protectiei datelor cu caracter personal. Pe langa cursurile din domeniul TIC, antreprenorial, formare, RU, cursul de RESPONSABIL CU PROTECTIA DATELOR CU CARACTER PERSONAL, raspunde celor mai recente prevederi din legislatia europeana, aplicabila si la nivel national. Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European si al Consiliului din 27 aprilie 2016 privind protectia persoanelor fizice în ceea ce pr iveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatie a acestor date este aplicat incepand cu data de 25 mai 2018 la nivelul intregii Uniuni Europene precum si in orice alt stat unde se folosesc date personale ale cetatenilor UE (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR). Pe termen lung, proiectul va determina imbuant conditiilor de trai, a mediului economic, a societatii prin dezvoltarea de competente specifice abordate in t (Romanian)
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The GENERAL objective of the PROJECT is to improve equal access to lifelong learning by linking training programs with the labour market, ensuring the increase of participation in continuous training programs for 676 adults, employees from South East, South Muntenia and Centre regions. Through the activities of professional counseling, tour and vocational training will lead to the development of skills and work skills of adults, as well as those from vulnerable groups, necessary to overcome the barriers to their career development or study (PFA/II). The aim of the project is to be achieved by providing professional counselling and tutoring services for 676 employees, focused on acquiring skills that meet the needs of the labour market, for increasing their enrolment and revealing their careers. Of the 676 students, min 210 will be from vulnerable groups, low level of qualification or not, people over 40 years old, people from disadvantaged rural areas. The project, through the activities carried out, integrates into the objectives of POCU 2014-2020 by aiming at human capital development, through professional counseling and tutration programs, encouraging participation in CVT programs, revealing career and looking for new opportunities for jobs, improved skills, professional skills, non-professional skills and entrepreneurial skills, digital skills, competences in the fields of employment, training, unveiling of human resources, protection of personal data, all of which are areas of great interest within the POCU programme, in the objectives and EU strategy. The actions within the project predict innovative character that will ensure contrib in matching the needs expressed on the labour market and in the European economic environment. At the level of the European Union, of the objectives and the developed layer, there is a great emphasis on developing digital skills, using ICT, unveiling the environment, supporting and developing HR and training, and more recently, emphasis has been placed on the field of personal data protection. Besides the courses in the field of ICT, entrepreneurship, training, HR, the course of RESPONSIBLE WITH PROTECTIA OF PERSONAL DATA, responds to the latest provisions of the European legislation, also applicable at national level. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data is applied from 25 May 2018 throughout the European Union as well as in any other state where personal data of EU citizens (GDPR) is used. In the long term, the project will determine the living conditions, the economic environment, the company by developing specific competences addressed in t (English)
14 September 2021
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