Property / instance of | |
| | |
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / financed by | |
| | |
Property / financed by: European Union / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / intervention field | |
| | |
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / country | |
| | |
Property / country: Romania / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / EU contribution | |
| | |
Property / EU contribution: 770,498.86 Romanian Leu / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / EU contribution | |
| 154,099.772 EuroAmount | 154,099.772 Euro |
Unit | Euro |
| |
Property / EU contribution: 154,099.772 Euro / rank | |
| Preferred rank
| |
Property / EU contribution: 154,099.772 Euro / qualifier | |
| | |
Property / EU contribution: 154,099.772 Euro / qualifier | |
| point in time: 15 June 2021Timestamp | +2021-06-15T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / budget | |
| 1,018,504.78 Romanian Leu | |
Property / budget: 1,018,504.78 Romanian Leu / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / budget | |
| 203,700.956 EuroAmount | 203,700.956 Euro |
Unit | Euro |
| |
Property / budget: 203,700.956 Euro / rank | |
| Preferred rank
| |
Property / budget: 203,700.956 Euro / qualifier | |
| | |
Property / budget: 203,700.956 Euro / qualifier | |
| point in time: 15 June 2021Timestamp | +2021-06-15T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / co-financing rate | |
| | |
Property / co-financing rate: 0.76 percent / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / start time | |
| 5 June 2017Timestamp | +2017-06-05T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / start time: 5 June 2017 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / end time | |
| 30 June 2021Timestamp | +2021-06-30T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / end time: 30 June 2021 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / beneficiary name (string) | |
| Birotica Computer Sistem SRL
| |
Property / beneficiary name (string): Birotica Computer Sistem SRL / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / location (string) | |
| |
Property / location (string): TULCEA, TULCEA / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / summary | |
| Obiectivul general este reprezentat de implementarea proiectului „Construire pensiune turistica in orasul Isaccea, judetul Tulcea” pentru oferirea de servicii turistice de inalta calitate, la standarde europene, imbinand traditionalismul zonei Dobrogene cu actualitatea moderna. Obiectivul are ca drept scop cresterea competitivitatii societatii, dezvoltarea pas cu pas a companiei prin reorientarea stategiei de dezvoltare catre activitati intr-un domeniu cu totul nou, inovativ, cel al serviciilor turistice. (Romanian)
| |
Property / summary: Obiectivul general este reprezentat de implementarea proiectului „Construire pensiune turistica in orasul Isaccea, judetul Tulcea” pentru oferirea de servicii turistice de inalta calitate, la standarde europene, imbinand traditionalismul zonei Dobrogene cu actualitatea moderna. Obiectivul are ca drept scop cresterea competitivitatii societatii, dezvoltarea pas cu pas a companiei prin reorientarea stategiei de dezvoltare catre activitati intr-un domeniu cu totul nou, inovativ, cel al serviciilor turistice. (Romanian) / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / summary | |
| The general objective is the implementation of the project “Building a tourist pension in the city of Isaccea, Tulcea County” to offer high quality tourist services, at European standards, combining the traditionalism of Dobrogene area with modern modernity. The objective aims to increase the company’s competitiveness, step by step development of the company by reorienting the development strategy towards activities in an entirely new, innovative field of tourism services. (English)
| |
Property / summary: The general objective is the implementation of the project “Building a tourist pension in the city of Isaccea, Tulcea County” to offer high quality tourist services, at European standards, combining the traditionalism of Dobrogene area with modern modernity. The objective aims to increase the company’s competitiveness, step by step development of the company by reorienting the development strategy towards activities in an entirely new, innovative field of tourism services. (English) / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / summary: The general objective is the implementation of the project “Building a tourist pension in the city of Isaccea, Tulcea County” to offer high quality tourist services, at European standards, combining the traditionalism of Dobrogene area with modern modernity. The objective aims to increase the company’s competitiveness, step by step development of the company by reorienting the development strategy towards activities in an entirely new, innovative field of tourism services. (English) / qualifier | |
| point in time: 17 June 2021Timestamp | +2021-06-17T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / coordinate location | |
| 45°10'39.07"N, 28°48'5.87"ELatitude | 45.177518 |
Longitude | 28.8016348 |
Precision | 1.0E-5 |
Globe | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2 |
| |
Property / coordinate location: 45°10'39.07"N, 28°48'5.87"E / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contained in NUTS | |
| | |
Property / contained in NUTS: Tulcea / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / beneficiary | |
| Q2753318 (Deleted Item)
| |
Property / beneficiary: Q2753318 (Deleted Item) / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |