Q3057974 (Q3057974): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Public health is determined not only by health care and the opportunities it provides, but by the concern of all society – state, municipality and every citizen to distance diseases as far as possible. A healthy and safe living environment, a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, limiting smoking, alcoholism and other addictive substances and processes, and preventing diseases are key elements in public health. Good health increases quali...)
Property / summary
Public health is determined not only by health care and the opportunities it provides, but by the concern of all society – state, municipality and every citizen to distance diseases as far as possible. A healthy and safe living environment, a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, limiting smoking, alcoholism and other addictive substances and processes, and preventing diseases are key elements in public health. Good health increases quality of life, strengthens families, promotes security, poverty reduction and social inclusion. The aim of the project is to improve accessibility to health promotion and disease prevention services for residents of Tukums region, especially for those at risk of poverty and social exclusion, by implementing local events.During the project, free educational and health-promoting events are planned monthly to draw attention of inhabitants of the municipality to cardiovascular diseases and oncological diseases, as well as educate the wider public about the causes that promote the development of these diseases. The target group members will be educated about how to prevent illness and will be invited to participate in various disease prevention measures – addiction prevention measures, healthy eating activities, measures to promote physical activity, etc. The participants of the target group will be able to participate in free educational and health-promoting activities within the framework of events organised by the local health month, as well as in other events, lectures, seminars, camps and various lessons. Those interested will be able to acquire new theoretical and physical skills, as well as participate in various master classes. The local schools will be encouraged to develop the physical and social conditions of the services, as well as schools will be motivated to participate in the National Health-Promoting School Network. The planned measures will ensure changes in public health habits regarding the use of healthy diets, the promotion of physical activity, the reduction of dependence and the improvement of prevention for the population. Population living in areas outside urban areas with a population density below 50 inhabitants per square kilometre; The poor and the low-income; Unemployed persons; Persons with disabilities; Population over 54 years of age; Children.The project will contribute to achieving the goal of specific support – from 2017 to 2019 4554 residents of Tukums county target groups are involved in the activities. From 2020 to 2023, 1197 events will be implemented in which inhabitants of Tukums region will be involved. Health promotion and prevention measures will create an opportunity for local residents to become healthier and more able to work. They will more trust the municipality, participate more actively in the activities and events organised by the municipality, as well as more identify themselves as a fully-fledged member of the local community. Duration of the project: March 2017 – August 2023. All activities will be subject to an appropriate procurement procedure. (English)
Property / summary: Public health is determined not only by health care and the opportunities it provides, but by the concern of all society – state, municipality and every citizen to distance diseases as far as possible. A healthy and safe living environment, a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, limiting smoking, alcoholism and other addictive substances and processes, and preventing diseases are key elements in public health. Good health increases quality of life, strengthens families, promotes security, poverty reduction and social inclusion. The aim of the project is to improve accessibility to health promotion and disease prevention services for residents of Tukums region, especially for those at risk of poverty and social exclusion, by implementing local events.During the project, free educational and health-promoting events are planned monthly to draw attention of inhabitants of the municipality to cardiovascular diseases and oncological diseases, as well as educate the wider public about the causes that promote the development of these diseases. The target group members will be educated about how to prevent illness and will be invited to participate in various disease prevention measures – addiction prevention measures, healthy eating activities, measures to promote physical activity, etc. The participants of the target group will be able to participate in free educational and health-promoting activities within the framework of events organised by the local health month, as well as in other events, lectures, seminars, camps and various lessons. Those interested will be able to acquire new theoretical and physical skills, as well as participate in various master classes. The local schools will be encouraged to develop the physical and social conditions of the services, as well as schools will be motivated to participate in the National Health-Promoting School Network. The planned measures will ensure changes in public health habits regarding the use of healthy diets, the promotion of physical activity, the reduction of dependence and the improvement of prevention for the population. Population living in areas outside urban areas with a population density below 50 inhabitants per square kilometre; The poor and the low-income; Unemployed persons; Persons with disabilities; Population over 54 years of age; Children.The project will contribute to achieving the goal of specific support – from 2017 to 2019 4554 residents of Tukums county target groups are involved in the activities. From 2020 to 2023, 1197 events will be implemented in which inhabitants of Tukums region will be involved. Health promotion and prevention measures will create an opportunity for local residents to become healthier and more able to work. They will more trust the municipality, participate more actively in the activities and events organised by the municipality, as well as more identify themselves as a fully-fledged member of the local community. Duration of the project: March 2017 – August 2023. All activities will be subject to an appropriate procurement procedure. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Public health is determined not only by health care and the opportunities it provides, but by the concern of all society – state, municipality and every citizen to distance diseases as far as possible. A healthy and safe living environment, a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, limiting smoking, alcoholism and other addictive substances and processes, and preventing diseases are key elements in public health. Good health increases quality of life, strengthens families, promotes security, poverty reduction and social inclusion. The aim of the project is to improve accessibility to health promotion and disease prevention services for residents of Tukums region, especially for those at risk of poverty and social exclusion, by implementing local events.During the project, free educational and health-promoting events are planned monthly to draw attention of inhabitants of the municipality to cardiovascular diseases and oncological diseases, as well as educate the wider public about the causes that promote the development of these diseases. The target group members will be educated about how to prevent illness and will be invited to participate in various disease prevention measures – addiction prevention measures, healthy eating activities, measures to promote physical activity, etc. The participants of the target group will be able to participate in free educational and health-promoting activities within the framework of events organised by the local health month, as well as in other events, lectures, seminars, camps and various lessons. Those interested will be able to acquire new theoretical and physical skills, as well as participate in various master classes. The local schools will be encouraged to develop the physical and social conditions of the services, as well as schools will be motivated to participate in the National Health-Promoting School Network. The planned measures will ensure changes in public health habits regarding the use of healthy diets, the promotion of physical activity, the reduction of dependence and the improvement of prevention for the population. Population living in areas outside urban areas with a population density below 50 inhabitants per square kilometre; The poor and the low-income; Unemployed persons; Persons with disabilities; Population over 54 years of age; Children.The project will contribute to achieving the goal of specific support – from 2017 to 2019 4554 residents of Tukums county target groups are involved in the activities. From 2020 to 2023, 1197 events will be implemented in which inhabitants of Tukums region will be involved. Health promotion and prevention measures will create an opportunity for local residents to become healthier and more able to work. They will more trust the municipality, participate more actively in the activities and events organised by the municipality, as well as more identify themselves as a fully-fledged member of the local community. Duration of the project: March 2017 – August 2023. All activities will be subject to an appropriate procurement procedure. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 July 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:51, 15 July 2021

Project Q3057974 in Latvia
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Project Q3057974 in Latvia


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    488,954.0 Euro
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    575,240.0 Euro
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    28 March 2017
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    31 August 2023
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    Tukuma novada pašvaldība
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    56°58'2.53"N, 23°9'8.86"E
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    Sabiedrības veselību nosaka ne tikai veselības aprūpe un tās sniegtās iespējas, bet gan visas sabiedrības – valsts, pašvaldības un arī katra iedzīvotāja rūpes par to, lai slimības pēc iespējas attālinātu. Veselīga un droša dzīves vide, sabalansēts uzturs, pietiekamas fiziskās aktivitātes, smēķēšanas, alkoholisma un citu atkarību izraisošo vielu un procesu ierobežošana un slimību profilakse – tie ir galvenie sabiedrības veselību veidojošie elementi. Laba veselība palielina dzīves kvalitāti, stiprina ģimenes, veicina drošību, nabadzības samazināšanos un sociālo iekļaušanu. Projekta mērķis - uzlabot pieejamību veselības veicināšanas un slimību profilakses pakalpojumiem Tukuma novada iedzīvotājiem, jo īpaši teritoriālās, nabadzības un sociālās atstumtības riskam pakļautajiem iedzīvotājiem, īstenojot vietēja mēroga pasākumus.Projekta ietvaros katru mēnesi tiek plānoti bezmaksas izglītojoši un veselību veicinoši pasākumi, lai pievērstu novada iedzīvotāju vērību sirds asinsvadu slimībām un onkoloģiskajām saslimšanām, kā arī izglītotu plašāku sabiedrību par cēloņiem, kas veicina minēto saslimšanu attīstību. Mērķa grupas dalībnieki tiks izglītoti par to kā izsargāties no saslimšanas un tiks aicināti iesaistīties dažādos slimību profilakses pasākumos - atkarību profilakses pasākumos, veselīga uztura lietošanas pasākumos, fizisko aktivitāšu veicināšanas pasākumos u.c.. Mērķa grupas dalībnieki varēs iesaistīties bezmaksas izglītojošās un veselību veicinošās aktivitātēs gan novada Veselības mēneša rīkoto pasākumu ietvaros, gan arī citos pasākumos, lekcijās, semināros, nometnēs un dažādās nodarbībās. Interesenti varēs apgūt jaunas teorētiskas un fiziskas prasmes, kā arī līdzdarboties dažādās meistarklasēs. Novada skolās ar daudzveidīgiem pasākumiem tiks sekmēta pakalpojumu fizisko un sociālo apstākļu labvēlīga attīstība, kā arī skolas tiks motivētas iesaistīties Nacionālajā Veselību veicinošajā skolu tīklā. Plānotie pasākumi nodrošinās sabiedrības veselības paradumu maiņu attiecībā uz veselīga uztura lietošanu, fizisko aktivitāšu veicināšanu, atkarību mazināšanu un profilakses uzlabošanu iedzīvotājiem.Projekta mērķa grupa: iedzīvotāji, kuri dzīvo teritorijās ārpus pilsētām ar iedzīvotāju blīvumu zem 50 iedzīvotājiem uz kvadrātkilometru; trūcīgie un maznodrošinātie iedzīvotāji; bezdarbnieki; personas ar invaliditāti; iedzīvotāji, kas vecāki par 54 gadiem; bērni.Projektā ietvaros tiks dots ieguldījums specifikā atbalsat mērķa sasniegšanā - no 2017.gada līdz 2019.gadam pasākumos iesaistīti 4554 Tukuma novada mērķa grupu iedzīvotāji. No 2020.gada līdz 2023.gadam tiks īstenoti 1197 pasākumi, kuros tiks iesaistīti Tukuma novada iedzīvotāji. Īstenojot veselības veicināšanas un profilakses pasākumus, pašvaldības iedzīvotājiem tiks radīta iespēja kļūs veselīgākiem un darbspējīgākiem. Tie vairāk uzticēsies pašvaldībai, aktīvāk iesaistīsies pašvaldības organizētajās aktivitātēs un pasākumos, kā arī vairāk identificēs sevi par pilntiesīgu vietējās kopienas dalībnieku. Projekta īstenošanas ilgums: 2017.gada marts –2023.gada augusts. Visām aktivitātēm tiks veikta atbilstoša iepirkuma procedūra. (Latvian)
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    Public health is determined not only by health care and the opportunities it provides, but by the concern of all society – state, municipality and every citizen to distance diseases as far as possible. A healthy and safe living environment, a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, limiting smoking, alcoholism and other addictive substances and processes, and preventing diseases are key elements in public health. Good health increases quality of life, strengthens families, promotes security, poverty reduction and social inclusion. The aim of the project is to improve accessibility to health promotion and disease prevention services for residents of Tukums region, especially for those at risk of poverty and social exclusion, by implementing local events.During the project, free educational and health-promoting events are planned monthly to draw attention of inhabitants of the municipality to cardiovascular diseases and oncological diseases, as well as educate the wider public about the causes that promote the development of these diseases. The target group members will be educated about how to prevent illness and will be invited to participate in various disease prevention measures – addiction prevention measures, healthy eating activities, measures to promote physical activity, etc. The participants of the target group will be able to participate in free educational and health-promoting activities within the framework of events organised by the local health month, as well as in other events, lectures, seminars, camps and various lessons. Those interested will be able to acquire new theoretical and physical skills, as well as participate in various master classes. The local schools will be encouraged to develop the physical and social conditions of the services, as well as schools will be motivated to participate in the National Health-Promoting School Network. The planned measures will ensure changes in public health habits regarding the use of healthy diets, the promotion of physical activity, the reduction of dependence and the improvement of prevention for the population. Population living in areas outside urban areas with a population density below 50 inhabitants per square kilometre; The poor and the low-income; Unemployed persons; Persons with disabilities; Population over 54 years of age; Children.The project will contribute to achieving the goal of specific support – from 2017 to 2019 4554 residents of Tukums county target groups are involved in the activities. From 2020 to 2023, 1197 events will be implemented in which inhabitants of Tukums region will be involved. Health promotion and prevention measures will create an opportunity for local residents to become healthier and more able to work. They will more trust the municipality, participate more actively in the activities and events organised by the municipality, as well as more identify themselves as a fully-fledged member of the local community. Duration of the project: March 2017 – August 2023. All activities will be subject to an appropriate procurement procedure. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Talsu iela 4, Tukums, Tukuma nov., LV-3101
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