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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to strengthen the academic staff of the Transport and Communications Institute in strategic areas of specialisation in accordance with the university’s strategy and scenarios of development of study directions, thus improving the competitiveness of the academic staff and the university in the long term.The project’s target group is VRU academic staff, doctoral students and foreign lecturers who will cooperate with the u...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to strengthen the academic staff of the Transport and Communications Institute in strategic areas of specialisation in accordance with the university’s strategy and scenarios of development of study directions, thus improving the competitiveness of the academic staff and the university in the long term.The project’s target group is VRU academic staff, doctoral students and foreign lecturers who will cooperate with the university within the framework of the European Social Fund project. The total cost of the project is EUR 676052.35, of which support from the European Social Fund is EUR 574644.50 (85 %) and the State budget funding is EUR 101407.85 (15 %). Investments in human capital are foreseen in four fields of study:1)‘Information technology, computer engineering, electronics, telecommunications, computer management and computer science’ – preliminary EUR 356798.16, 2)‘Mechanics and metalworking, heat, thermal engineering and mechanical engineering’ – preliminary EUR 91575.03, 3)‘Transport services’ – Preliminaryly EUR 149929.66, 4)‘Management, administration and real estate management’ (in the context of a new professional master’s study programme, a semi-annual selection of the project for a short term and a long-term horizon of the project: non-visibility for a long-term project with an open horizon of EUR 77749,50) in terms of a short-term project, in terms of a short term of study, with a short selection of studies for a short-term project with an open-ended horizon of EUR 77749,50. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to strengthen the academic staff of the Transport and Communications Institute in strategic areas of specialisation in accordance with the university’s strategy and scenarios of development of study directions, thus improving the competitiveness of the academic staff and the university in the long term.The project’s target group is VRU academic staff, doctoral students and foreign lecturers who will cooperate with the university within the framework of the European Social Fund project. The total cost of the project is EUR 676052.35, of which support from the European Social Fund is EUR 574644.50 (85 %) and the State budget funding is EUR 101407.85 (15 %). Investments in human capital are foreseen in four fields of study:1)‘Information technology, computer engineering, electronics, telecommunications, computer management and computer science’ – preliminary EUR 356798.16, 2)‘Mechanics and metalworking, heat, thermal engineering and mechanical engineering’ – preliminary EUR 91575.03, 3)‘Transport services’ – Preliminaryly EUR 149929.66, 4)‘Management, administration and real estate management’ (in the context of a new professional master’s study programme, a semi-annual selection of the project for a short term and a long-term horizon of the project: non-visibility for a long-term project with an open horizon of EUR 77749,50) in terms of a short-term project, in terms of a short term of study, with a short selection of studies for a short-term project with an open-ended horizon of EUR 77749,50. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to strengthen the academic staff of the Transport and Communications Institute in strategic areas of specialisation in accordance with the university’s strategy and scenarios of development of study directions, thus improving the competitiveness of the academic staff and the university in the long term.The project’s target group is VRU academic staff, doctoral students and foreign lecturers who will cooperate with the university within the framework of the European Social Fund project. The total cost of the project is EUR 676052.35, of which support from the European Social Fund is EUR 574644.50 (85 %) and the State budget funding is EUR 101407.85 (15 %). Investments in human capital are foreseen in four fields of study:1)‘Information technology, computer engineering, electronics, telecommunications, computer management and computer science’ – preliminary EUR 356798.16, 2)‘Mechanics and metalworking, heat, thermal engineering and mechanical engineering’ – preliminary EUR 91575.03, 3)‘Transport services’ – Preliminaryly EUR 149929.66, 4)‘Management, administration and real estate management’ (in the context of a new professional master’s study programme, a semi-annual selection of the project for a short term and a long-term horizon of the project: non-visibility for a long-term project with an open horizon of EUR 77749,50) in terms of a short-term project, in terms of a short term of study, with a short selection of studies for a short-term project with an open-ended horizon of EUR 77749,50. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 July 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:49, 15 July 2021

Project Q3057798 in Latvia
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Project Q3057798 in Latvia


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    566,182.47 Euro
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    666,097.02 Euro
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    1 November 2018
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    31 January 2021
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    Akciju sabiedrība "Transporta un sakaru institūts"
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Projekta mērķis ir stiprināt Transporta un sakaru institūta akadēmisko personālu stratēģiskās specializācijas jomās atbilstoši augstskolas stratēģijai un studiju virzienu attīstības scenārijiem, ilgtermiņā uzlabojot akadēmiskā personāla un augstskolas konkurētspēju.Projekta mērķa grupa ir TSI akadēmiskais personāls, doktoranti un ārvalstu pasniedzēji, kas sadarbosies ar augstskolu Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekta ietvaros. Projekta kopējās izmaksas sastāda 676 052.35 euro, no tiem Eiropas Sociālā fonda atbalsts ir 574 644.50 euro (85%) un Valsts budžeta finansējums – 101 407.85 euro (15%). Ieguldījumi cilvēkkapitālā ir paredzēti četros studiju virzienos šādā apjomā:1)„Informācijas tehnoloģija, datortehnika, elektronika, telekomunikācijas, datorvadība un datorzinātne” – provizoriski 356 798,16 euro, 2)„Mehānika un metālapstrāde, siltumenerģētika, siltumtehnika un mašīnzinības” - provizoriski 91 575,03 euro, 3)"Transporta pakalpojumi" – provizoriski 149 929,66 euro, 4)“Vadība, administrēšana un nekustamo īpašumu pārvaldība” (sakarā ar jaunu profesionālā maģistra studiju programmu “Aviācijas vadība” īstenošanu) – provizoriski 77 749,50 euro.Ņemot vērā TSI studiju virzienu vīziju un vajadzības projekta darbības ir sekojošas:•izsludinot atklātu atlasi iesaistīt akadēmiskajā darbā astoņus doktorantus uz termiņu, nav īsāku par 12 mēnešiem un ar ilgtermiņa sadarbības perspektīvu;•izsludinot atklātu atlasi aicināt akadēmiskajā darbā 14 ārvalstu pasniedzējus uz termiņu, nav īsāku par sešiem mēnešiem un ar ilgtermiņa sadarbības perspektīvu; •nodrošināt latviešu valodas apmācības pieaicinātiem ārvalstu pasniedzējiem, ja tas būs nepieciešams;•pilnveidot akadēmiskā personāla kompetenci:•realizējot 27 TSI akadēmiskā personāla pārstāvju stažēšanos pie komersantiem;•organizējot profesionālās angļu valodas apmācības 20 TSI pasniedzējiem;•nodrošināt projekta publicitāti un ES atbalsta redzamību;•nodrošināt projekta rezultātu ilgtspēju.Projekta ieguvumi un rezultātu ietekme būs šāda:•uzlabota augstskolas akadēmisko cilvēkresursu konkurētspēja darba tirgū, •izveidots moderns un tehnoloģiju attīstības tempiem atbilstošs studiju programmu saturs, •uzlabotas studiju kursu un programmu īstenošanas metodes,•paplašināts zinātnisko pētījumu tematu loks,•ir iespējas angļu valodā nodrošināt lielāku studiju programmu skaitu,•ir iespējas izstrādāt kopprogrammas ar ārvalstu augstskolām, •pilnveidota sadarbība ar uzņēmumiem projektu un pētījumu īstenošanā,•palielināts komersantu loks studentu prakses organizēšanai,•risināta akadēmiskā personāla novecošanās problēma, •diversificēts internacionalizācijas process augstskolā, •nostiprināta TSI sadarbība ar vietējām un ārvalstu augstskolām,•attīstās starptautiski akadēmiskie un zinātniskie projekti TSI stratēģiskās specializācijas jomās,•ir iespējas sadarboties ar ārvalstu pasniedzējiem tālmācības programmu īstenošanā.Projekta ietekme ir saistoša gala labuma saņēmējiem – TSI studentiem un sabiedrībai, partneraugstskolām ārvalstīs un Latvijā, zinātniskām institūcijām, partneruzņēmumiem. Projekta ieguvumi pozitīvi ietekmēs sabiedrību kopumā, jo ilgtermiņā ir veikts ieguldījums tautsaimniecības attīstībā.Projektu ir plānots īstenot 27 mēnešu laikā, periodā no 2018.gada 1.novembra līdz 2021.gada 31.janvārim. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project is to strengthen the academic staff of the Transport and Communications Institute in strategic areas of specialisation in accordance with the university’s strategy and scenarios of development of study directions, thus improving the competitiveness of the academic staff and the university in the long term.The project’s target group is VRU academic staff, doctoral students and foreign lecturers who will cooperate with the university within the framework of the European Social Fund project. The total cost of the project is EUR 676052.35, of which support from the European Social Fund is EUR 574644.50 (85 %) and the State budget funding is EUR 101407.85 (15 %). Investments in human capital are foreseen in four fields of study:1)‘Information technology, computer engineering, electronics, telecommunications, computer management and computer science’ – preliminary EUR 356798.16, 2)‘Mechanics and metalworking, heat, thermal engineering and mechanical engineering’ – preliminary EUR 91575.03, 3)‘Transport services’ – Preliminaryly EUR 149929.66, 4)‘Management, administration and real estate management’ (in the context of a new professional master’s study programme, a semi-annual selection of the project for a short term and a long-term horizon of the project: non-visibility for a long-term project with an open horizon of EUR 77749,50) in terms of a short-term project, in terms of a short term of study, with a short selection of studies for a short-term project with an open-ended horizon of EUR 77749,50. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Visa Latvija
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