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(Created claim: summary (P836): 1.1.1.A brief description of the summary of the project (information should not exceed 200 words, as well as three to seven keywords describing the planned project)The aim of the project is to extend the use of porous ceramic materials by adding small additions to raw material powders or creating functional coatings of nanoparticles on their surface. The uncoated materials to be extracted may be used as heat insulators of high temperatures up to...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
1.1.1.A brief description of the summary of the project (information should not exceed 200 words, as well as three to seven keywords describing the planned project)The aim of the project is to extend the use of porous ceramic materials by adding small additions to raw material powders or creating functional coatings of nanoparticles on their surface. The uncoated materials to be extracted may be used as heat insulators of high temperatures up to 1600 °C. 1) Using nanopowder additives, as a result of the sintering process obtain high porous ceramics with increased mechanical strength up to 8-10 MPa; 2) To obtain plans for functional coatings of nanoparticles on porous ceramics, which would ensure simultaneous filtration of contaminated liquids and the separation of organic compounds in the catalysis process. The porous ceramic materials to be obtained are high chemical and temperature-resistant. The main methods are: 1. Using either a chemical reaction or a pyrolysis process by ceramicising organic matrixes for pores; 2. the use of nanopowder additives to produce ceramics with a limited pore size in a certain range of pores, which would provide a better filtration rate; 3) The coatings are obtained by extraction-pyrolysis or nanoparticle formation directly on the substrate surface. Smart materials, porous ceramics, nanoparticle coatings, catalysts, environmental technologies1.1.2.Complete description of the project summary The aim of the project is to extend the use of porous ceramic materials by adding small nanopowder additives to raw powder mixtures or by creating functional nanoparticle coatings on their surface.The planned research to be carried out in the project falls within the category of industrial research and experimental development (EC Regulation No 651/2014).The project is cross-disciplinary according to OECD classification: —1.4. Chemistry; —2.4. Chemical engineering;-2.5. Material science;-2.10. Nanotechnologies.The project is not related to economic activities.The project’s main activities: Sample preparation, determination of properties and structure, filtering properties, catalyst application, determination of catalytic properties; Technology and product development; Technology and knowledge transfer.The following costs are foreseen for the implementation of the project activities: The project is planned for the following results: 6 original scientific articles;-2 registered Latvian patents – “Highly porous oxide ceramics with limited pore size” and “Ceramic membrane membrane for catalytic division of organic compounds into contaminated solutions”;-1 intellectual property licence agreement;-1 prototype of new product – porous plate-to-cellular ceramic membrane. EUR 592345,20, of which the planned aid EUR 547919,32. Duration of project implementation 36 months from 01.03.2017 to 29.02.2020. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: 1.1.1.A brief description of the summary of the project (information should not exceed 200 words, as well as three to seven keywords describing the planned project)The aim of the project is to extend the use of porous ceramic materials by adding small additions to raw material powders or creating functional coatings of nanoparticles on their surface. The uncoated materials to be extracted may be used as heat insulators of high temperatures up to 1600 °C. 1) Using nanopowder additives, as a result of the sintering process obtain high porous ceramics with increased mechanical strength up to 8-10 MPa; 2) To obtain plans for functional coatings of nanoparticles on porous ceramics, which would ensure simultaneous filtration of contaminated liquids and the separation of organic compounds in the catalysis process. The porous ceramic materials to be obtained are high chemical and temperature-resistant. The main methods are: 1. Using either a chemical reaction or a pyrolysis process by ceramicising organic matrixes for pores; 2. the use of nanopowder additives to produce ceramics with a limited pore size in a certain range of pores, which would provide a better filtration rate; 3) The coatings are obtained by extraction-pyrolysis or nanoparticle formation directly on the substrate surface. Smart materials, porous ceramics, nanoparticle coatings, catalysts, environmental technologies1.1.2.Complete description of the project summary The aim of the project is to extend the use of porous ceramic materials by adding small nanopowder additives to raw powder mixtures or by creating functional nanoparticle coatings on their surface.The planned research to be carried out in the project falls within the category of industrial research and experimental development (EC Regulation No 651/2014).The project is cross-disciplinary according to OECD classification: —1.4. Chemistry; —2.4. Chemical engineering;-2.5. Material science;-2.10. Nanotechnologies.The project is not related to economic activities.The project’s main activities: Sample preparation, determination of properties and structure, filtering properties, catalyst application, determination of catalytic properties; Technology and product development; Technology and knowledge transfer.The following costs are foreseen for the implementation of the project activities: The project is planned for the following results: 6 original scientific articles;-2 registered Latvian patents – “Highly porous oxide ceramics with limited pore size” and “Ceramic membrane membrane for catalytic division of organic compounds into contaminated solutions”;-1 intellectual property licence agreement;-1 prototype of new product – porous plate-to-cellular ceramic membrane. EUR 592345,20, of which the planned aid EUR 547919,32. Duration of project implementation 36 months from 01.03.2017 to 29.02.2020. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: 1.1.1.A brief description of the summary of the project (information should not exceed 200 words, as well as three to seven keywords describing the planned project)The aim of the project is to extend the use of porous ceramic materials by adding small additions to raw material powders or creating functional coatings of nanoparticles on their surface. The uncoated materials to be extracted may be used as heat insulators of high temperatures up to 1600 °C. 1) Using nanopowder additives, as a result of the sintering process obtain high porous ceramics with increased mechanical strength up to 8-10 MPa; 2) To obtain plans for functional coatings of nanoparticles on porous ceramics, which would ensure simultaneous filtration of contaminated liquids and the separation of organic compounds in the catalysis process. The porous ceramic materials to be obtained are high chemical and temperature-resistant. The main methods are: 1. Using either a chemical reaction or a pyrolysis process by ceramicising organic matrixes for pores; 2. the use of nanopowder additives to produce ceramics with a limited pore size in a certain range of pores, which would provide a better filtration rate; 3) The coatings are obtained by extraction-pyrolysis or nanoparticle formation directly on the substrate surface. Smart materials, porous ceramics, nanoparticle coatings, catalysts, environmental technologies1.1.2.Complete description of the project summary The aim of the project is to extend the use of porous ceramic materials by adding small nanopowder additives to raw powder mixtures or by creating functional nanoparticle coatings on their surface.The planned research to be carried out in the project falls within the category of industrial research and experimental development (EC Regulation No 651/2014).The project is cross-disciplinary according to OECD classification: —1.4. Chemistry; —2.4. Chemical engineering;-2.5. Material science;-2.10. Nanotechnologies.The project is not related to economic activities.The project’s main activities: Sample preparation, determination of properties and structure, filtering properties, catalyst application, determination of catalytic properties; Technology and product development; Technology and knowledge transfer.The following costs are foreseen for the implementation of the project activities: The project is planned for the following results: 6 original scientific articles;-2 registered Latvian patents – “Highly porous oxide ceramics with limited pore size” and “Ceramic membrane membrane for catalytic division of organic compounds into contaminated solutions”;-1 intellectual property licence agreement;-1 prototype of new product – porous plate-to-cellular ceramic membrane. EUR 592345,20, of which the planned aid EUR 547919,32. Duration of project implementation 36 months from 01.03.2017 to 29.02.2020. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 15 July 2021
Revision as of 12:33, 15 July 2021
Project Q3056335 in Latvia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3056335 in Latvia |
503,155.44 Euro
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591,947.58 Euro
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1 March 2017
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29 February 2020
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1.1.1.Projekta kopsavilkuma īss apraksts (norādītā informācija nedrīkst pārsniegt 200 vārdus, kā arī ir jānorāda trīs līdz septiņi plānotie projektu raksturojoši atslēgas vārdi)Projekta mērķis ir paplašināt porainu keramikas materiālu izmantošanu, pievienojot izejvielu pulveru maisījumiem nelielas nanopulveru piedevas vai radot uz to virsmas funkcionālus nanodaļiņu pārklājumus. Iegūstamos materiālus bez pārklājumiem ir iespējams izmantot par augsttemperatūras siltuma izolatoriem līdz 1600°C.Projekta mērķa sasniegšanai paredzēts: 1) izmantojot nanopulveru piedevas, saķepināšanas procesa rezultātā iegūt augsti porainu keramiku ar palielinātu mehānisko izturību līdz 8-10 MPa; 2) iegūt plānus funkcionālu nanodaļiņu pārklājumus uz porainās keramikas, kuri nodrošinātu vienlaicīgu piesārņotu šķidrumu filtrēšanu un organisku savienojumu sadalīšanu katalīzes procesā. Iegūstamie porainie keramikas materiāli ir ar augstu ķīmisko un temperatūras izturību. Galvenās metodes: 1) poru veidošanai izmantot vai nu ķīmiskās reakcijas, vai pirolīzes procesā keramizējot organiskas dabas matricas; 2) izmantojot nanopulveru piedevas, iegūt keramiku ar limitētu poru izmēru noteiktā to diapazonā, kas nodrošinātu labāku filtrācijas pakāpi; 3) pārklājumus iegūt ar ekstrakcijas-pirolīzes metodi vai nanodaļiņu veidošanos tieši uz substrāta virsmas.Atslēgvārdi : Viedie materiāli, poraina keramika, nanodaļiņu pārklājumi, katalizatori, vides tehnoloģijas1.1.2.Projekta kopsavilkuma pilns aprakstsProjekta mērķis - paplašināt porainu keramikas materiālu izmantošanu, pievienojot izejvielu pulveru maisījumiem nelielas nanopulveru piedevas vai radot uz to virsmas funkcionālus nanodaļiņu pārklājumus.Projektā veicamie plānveida pētījumi atbilst rūpnieciskā pētījuma un eksperimentālās izstrādes kategorijai (EK regula nr. 651/2014).Projekts ir starpdisciplinārs un atbilst šādām zinātnes nozarēm saskaņā ar OECD klasifikāciju: -1.4. Ķīmija; -2.4. Ķīmijas inženierija;-2.5. Materiālzinātne;-2.10. Nanotehnoloģijas.Projekts ir ar saimniecisko darbību nesaistīts.Projekta galvenās darbības: Paraugu sagatavošana, īpašību un struktūras, filtrējošo īpašību noteikšana, katalizatora uzklāšana, katalītisko īpašību noteikšana; Tehnoloģijas un produkta izstrāde; Tehnoloģiju un zināšanu pārnese.Projekta darbību īstenošanai ir paredzētas sekojošas izmaksas : personāla, instrumentu un materiālu, komandējuma un darba braucieni, ārējo pakalpojumu, tehnoloģiju tiesību aizsardzības nostiprināšanas izmaksas.Projekta ir plānoti šādi rezultāti:-6 oriģināli zinātniskie raksti;-2 reģistrēti Latvijas patenti - “Augsti poraina oksīdu keramika ar ierobežotu poru izmēru” un “Keramiska membrāna katalītiskai organisku savienojumu sadalīšanai piesārņotos šķīdumos”;-1 intelektuālā īpašuma licences līgums;-1 jauna produkta prototips - poraina plākšņveida keramikas membrāna ar katalītisku nanodaļiņu pārklājumu;-1 jauna tehnoloģija porainas plakanas keramikas membrānas ar katalītisku pārklājumu iegūšanai.Projekta kopējās izmaksas: 592 345,20 EUR, no tām plānotais atbalsts 547 919,32 EUR.Projekta īstenošanas ilgums 36 mēneši no 01.03.2017. līdz 29.02.2020. (Latvian)
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1.1.1.A brief description of the summary of the project (information should not exceed 200 words, as well as three to seven keywords describing the planned project)The aim of the project is to extend the use of porous ceramic materials by adding small additions to raw material powders or creating functional coatings of nanoparticles on their surface. The uncoated materials to be extracted may be used as heat insulators of high temperatures up to 1600 °C. 1) Using nanopowder additives, as a result of the sintering process obtain high porous ceramics with increased mechanical strength up to 8-10 MPa; 2) To obtain plans for functional coatings of nanoparticles on porous ceramics, which would ensure simultaneous filtration of contaminated liquids and the separation of organic compounds in the catalysis process. The porous ceramic materials to be obtained are high chemical and temperature-resistant. The main methods are: 1. Using either a chemical reaction or a pyrolysis process by ceramicising organic matrixes for pores; 2. the use of nanopowder additives to produce ceramics with a limited pore size in a certain range of pores, which would provide a better filtration rate; 3) The coatings are obtained by extraction-pyrolysis or nanoparticle formation directly on the substrate surface. Smart materials, porous ceramics, nanoparticle coatings, catalysts, environmental technologies1.1.2.Complete description of the project summary The aim of the project is to extend the use of porous ceramic materials by adding small nanopowder additives to raw powder mixtures or by creating functional nanoparticle coatings on their surface.The planned research to be carried out in the project falls within the category of industrial research and experimental development (EC Regulation No 651/2014).The project is cross-disciplinary according to OECD classification: —1.4. Chemistry; —2.4. Chemical engineering;-2.5. Material science;-2.10. Nanotechnologies.The project is not related to economic activities.The project’s main activities: Sample preparation, determination of properties and structure, filtering properties, catalyst application, determination of catalytic properties; Technology and product development; Technology and knowledge transfer.The following costs are foreseen for the implementation of the project activities: The project is planned for the following results: 6 original scientific articles;-2 registered Latvian patents – “Highly porous oxide ceramics with limited pore size” and “Ceramic membrane membrane for catalytic division of organic compounds into contaminated solutions”;-1 intellectual property licence agreement;-1 prototype of new product – porous plate-to-cellular ceramic membrane. EUR 592345,20, of which the planned aid EUR 547919,32. Duration of project implementation 36 months from 01.03.2017 to 29.02.2020. (English)
15 July 2021
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Paula Valdena iela 3, Rīga, LV-1048
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