Q2717625 (Q2717625): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Increasing the level of social and professional activity in the period 01.12.2019 to 31.12.2022 108os(75K, 33M), residents of the Municipality of Mrągowo and the rural municipality of Mrągowo, Mrągowski region, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship, at risk of poverty or social exclusion through implementation of a comprehensive and individualised reintegration path created for each UP, support in the form of implementation of social, occupational and...)
Property / summary
Increasing the level of social and professional activity in the period 01.12.2019 to 31.12.2022 108os(75K, 33M), residents of the Municipality of Mrągowo and the rural municipality of Mrągowo, Mrągowski region, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship, at risk of poverty or social exclusion through implementation of a comprehensive and individualised reintegration path created for each UP, support in the form of implementation of social, occupational and health activation instruments enabling them to find themselves on the labour market. The goal will be achieved on the basis of the reintegration path created individually for UP an agreement on the model of a social contract, IPD), taking into account the personality diagnosis planned in the project, which also includes a description of the problem situations, potential, predisp. and needs of the PU. The following tasks are planned: 1- social: development of social skills and competences, including: counselling, individual and group support enabling active functioning in the local community and services supporting local animations 2— zawodowym:doradztwo professional support, mentor/coach support, individual and group support in improving the profession. vocational courses and trainings, internships. 3-health;medical studies indicating the lack of contraindications to taking up employment (practical learning, internships) The summary of the next steps of support is presented. It should be noted that this is not a linear process and many processes will be carried out in parallel. The project is directed to residents of the district of Mrągowo working in 2 gr. excluded, or at risk of social exclusion at the age of 15-64. As a result of the project, at least 34 % of the UP will increase their social activity in the social dimension, 20 % in the professional dimension, 12 people will take up employment, 32 people will actively seek work, 12 people will hold an internship (English)
Property / summary: Increasing the level of social and professional activity in the period 01.12.2019 to 31.12.2022 108os(75K, 33M), residents of the Municipality of Mrągowo and the rural municipality of Mrągowo, Mrągowski region, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship, at risk of poverty or social exclusion through implementation of a comprehensive and individualised reintegration path created for each UP, support in the form of implementation of social, occupational and health activation instruments enabling them to find themselves on the labour market. The goal will be achieved on the basis of the reintegration path created individually for UP an agreement on the model of a social contract, IPD), taking into account the personality diagnosis planned in the project, which also includes a description of the problem situations, potential, predisp. and needs of the PU. The following tasks are planned: 1- social: development of social skills and competences, including: counselling, individual and group support enabling active functioning in the local community and services supporting local animations 2— zawodowym:doradztwo professional support, mentor/coach support, individual and group support in improving the profession. vocational courses and trainings, internships. 3-health;medical studies indicating the lack of contraindications to taking up employment (practical learning, internships) The summary of the next steps of support is presented. It should be noted that this is not a linear process and many processes will be carried out in parallel. The project is directed to residents of the district of Mrągowo working in 2 gr. excluded, or at risk of social exclusion at the age of 15-64. As a result of the project, at least 34 % of the UP will increase their social activity in the social dimension, 20 % in the professional dimension, 12 people will take up employment, 32 people will actively seek work, 12 people will hold an internship (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Increasing the level of social and professional activity in the period 01.12.2019 to 31.12.2022 108os(75K, 33M), residents of the Municipality of Mrągowo and the rural municipality of Mrągowo, Mrągowski region, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship, at risk of poverty or social exclusion through implementation of a comprehensive and individualised reintegration path created for each UP, support in the form of implementation of social, occupational and health activation instruments enabling them to find themselves on the labour market. The goal will be achieved on the basis of the reintegration path created individually for UP an agreement on the model of a social contract, IPD), taking into account the personality diagnosis planned in the project, which also includes a description of the problem situations, potential, predisp. and needs of the PU. The following tasks are planned: 1- social: development of social skills and competences, including: counselling, individual and group support enabling active functioning in the local community and services supporting local animations 2— zawodowym:doradztwo professional support, mentor/coach support, individual and group support in improving the profession. vocational courses and trainings, internships. 3-health;medical studies indicating the lack of contraindications to taking up employment (practical learning, internships) The summary of the next steps of support is presented. It should be noted that this is not a linear process and many processes will be carried out in parallel. The project is directed to residents of the district of Mrągowo working in 2 gr. excluded, or at risk of social exclusion at the age of 15-64. As a result of the project, at least 34 % of the UP will increase their social activity in the social dimension, 20 % in the professional dimension, 12 people will take up employment, 32 people will actively seek work, 12 people will hold an internship (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 July 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 02:01, 8 July 2021

Project Q2717625 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q2717625 in Poland


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    1,585,106.68 zloty
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    1,864,831.39 zloty
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    1 December 2019
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    31 December 2022
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    53°52'7.0"N, 21°18'18.7"E
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    53°48'8.3"N, 21°29'27.6"E
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    Podniesienie w okresie 01.12.2019 do 31.12.2022 poziomu aktywności społecznej i zawodowej 108os(75K, 33M), mieszkańców gminy Miejskiej Mrągowo i gminy wiejskiej Mrągowo, pow. mrągowski, woj warmińsko-mazurskie, zagrożonych ubóstwem lub wykluczeniem społecznym poprzez realizacje kompleksowego i zindywidualizowanego w oparciu o ścieżkę reintegracji stworzoną dla każdego UP, wsparcia w postaci wdrożenia instrumentów aktywizacji o charakterze społecznym, zawodowym i zdrowotnym umożliwiające odnalezienie się na rynku pracy. Cel zostanie osiągniety w oparciu o ścieżkę reintegracji stworzoną indywidualnie dla UP porozumienie na wzór kontraktu socjalnego, IPD) z uwzględnieniem zaplanowanej w projekcie diagnozy osobowościowej zawierającej również opis sytuacji problemowych, potencjału, predysp. i potrzeb UP. Zaplanowano zadania o charakterze: 1- społecznym: rozwijanie umiejętności i kompetencji społecznych, w tym: poradnictwo, wsparcie indywidualne i grupowe umożliwiające aktywne funkcjonowanie w społeczności lok oraz usługi wspierające animacje lokalną 2- zawodowym:doradztwo zawodowe, wsparcia mentora/coacha, wsparcie indywidualne i grupowe w zakresie podniesienia komp.zawod. kursy i szkolenia zawodowe, staże zawodowe. 3- zdrowotnym;badania lekarskie wskazujace brak przeciwskazan do podejmowania zatrudnienia (praktyczna nauka, staże) Wyżej przedstawiono skrótowo opis kolejnych kroków wsparcia. Należy zauważyć, że nie jest to proces liniowy i wiele procesów będzie realizowanych równolegle. Projekt skierowany jest dl mieszkańców powiatu mrągowo pracujących w 2 gr. wykluczonych, lub zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym w wieku 15-64 lata W efekcie projektu co najmniej 34 % UP podniesie swoją aktywność społ-zawod. w wymiarze społecznym, 20%w wymiarze zawodowym, 12 osób podejmie zatrudnienie, 32 osoby będą aktywnie poszukiwać pracy, 12 osób odbędzie staż zawodowy (Polish)
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    Increasing the level of social and professional activity in the period 01.12.2019 to 31.12.2022 108os(75K, 33M), residents of the Municipality of Mrągowo and the rural municipality of Mrągowo, Mrągowski region, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship, at risk of poverty or social exclusion through implementation of a comprehensive and individualised reintegration path created for each UP, support in the form of implementation of social, occupational and health activation instruments enabling them to find themselves on the labour market. The goal will be achieved on the basis of the reintegration path created individually for UP an agreement on the model of a social contract, IPD), taking into account the personality diagnosis planned in the project, which also includes a description of the problem situations, potential, predisp. and needs of the PU. The following tasks are planned: 1- social: development of social skills and competences, including: counselling, individual and group support enabling active functioning in the local community and services supporting local animations 2— zawodowym:doradztwo professional support, mentor/coach support, individual and group support in improving the profession. vocational courses and trainings, internships. 3-health;medical studies indicating the lack of contraindications to taking up employment (practical learning, internships) The summary of the next steps of support is presented. It should be noted that this is not a linear process and many processes will be carried out in parallel. The project is directed to residents of the district of Mrągowo working in 2 gr. excluded, or at risk of social exclusion at the age of 15-64. As a result of the project, at least 34 % of the UP will increase their social activity in the social dimension, 20 % in the professional dimension, 12 people will take up employment, 32 people will actively seek work, 12 people will hold an internship (English)
    8 July 2021
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