Q2693957 (Q2693957): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): As a result of the project, a design audit will be carried out, determining the analysis of the company’s activity in terms of its potential and design needs. The company sees great opportunities in starting production of machinery for horticulture using current design. Audit firm "Soul & Mind Group" Sp. z o.o. represented by: Maciej Zaremba; Jacek Kall; Bartłomiej Janiszewski; Bartłomiej Mikosz; Marcin Konicki will carry out a design audit: 1....)
Property / summary
As a result of the project, a design audit will be carried out, determining the analysis of the company’s activity in terms of its potential and design needs. The company sees great opportunities in starting production of machinery for horticulture using current design. Audit firm "Soul & Mind Group" Sp. z o.o. represented by: Maciej Zaremba; Jacek Kall; Bartłomiej Janiszewski; Bartłomiej Mikosz; Marcin Konicki will carry out a design audit: 1. Design analysis: • in terms of product offer- 13 days • in the field of business model- 3 days • in the field of technology- 5 days • in terms of organizational structure- 3 days • in the scope of communication processes- 6 days • in terms of marketing strategy- 7 days • in terms of definition and characteristics of customers and competition and key industry trends-6 days • in terms of design management needs- 9 days • in terms of offer in terms of the use of design and market potential of the beneficiary – 8 days overall description of the company’s design potential – the overall characteristics of the company in the context of the company’s design potential in the context of at least the company’s key characteristics in terms of products, technology, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days‘marketing strategy – a general description of the company’s environment in terms of design and market potential – a description of the company’s design potential in the context of at least the company’s performance in the context of the company’s performance in terms of 6 key business characteristics, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days 3. general description of the company’s environment in terms of design of the company, including at least 4 days in the context of the company’s performance in terms of the company’s performance in terms of products, technology, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days’ marketing strategy. (English)
Property / summary: As a result of the project, a design audit will be carried out, determining the analysis of the company’s activity in terms of its potential and design needs. The company sees great opportunities in starting production of machinery for horticulture using current design. Audit firm "Soul & Mind Group" Sp. z o.o. represented by: Maciej Zaremba; Jacek Kall; Bartłomiej Janiszewski; Bartłomiej Mikosz; Marcin Konicki will carry out a design audit: 1. Design analysis: • in terms of product offer- 13 days • in the field of business model- 3 days • in the field of technology- 5 days • in terms of organizational structure- 3 days • in the scope of communication processes- 6 days • in terms of marketing strategy- 7 days • in terms of definition and characteristics of customers and competition and key industry trends-6 days • in terms of design management needs- 9 days • in terms of offer in terms of the use of design and market potential of the beneficiary – 8 days overall description of the company’s design potential – the overall characteristics of the company in the context of the company’s design potential in the context of at least the company’s key characteristics in terms of products, technology, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days‘marketing strategy – a general description of the company’s environment in terms of design and market potential – a description of the company’s design potential in the context of at least the company’s performance in the context of the company’s performance in terms of 6 key business characteristics, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days 3. general description of the company’s environment in terms of design of the company, including at least 4 days in the context of the company’s performance in terms of the company’s performance in terms of products, technology, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days’ marketing strategy. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: As a result of the project, a design audit will be carried out, determining the analysis of the company’s activity in terms of its potential and design needs. The company sees great opportunities in starting production of machinery for horticulture using current design. Audit firm "Soul & Mind Group" Sp. z o.o. represented by: Maciej Zaremba; Jacek Kall; Bartłomiej Janiszewski; Bartłomiej Mikosz; Marcin Konicki will carry out a design audit: 1. Design analysis: • in terms of product offer- 13 days • in the field of business model- 3 days • in the field of technology- 5 days • in terms of organizational structure- 3 days • in the scope of communication processes- 6 days • in terms of marketing strategy- 7 days • in terms of definition and characteristics of customers and competition and key industry trends-6 days • in terms of design management needs- 9 days • in terms of offer in terms of the use of design and market potential of the beneficiary – 8 days overall description of the company’s design potential – the overall characteristics of the company in the context of the company’s design potential in the context of at least the company’s key characteristics in terms of products, technology, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days‘marketing strategy – a general description of the company’s environment in terms of design and market potential – a description of the company’s design potential in the context of at least the company’s performance in the context of the company’s performance in terms of 6 key business characteristics, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days 3. general description of the company’s environment in terms of design of the company, including at least 4 days in the context of the company’s performance in terms of the company’s performance in terms of products, technology, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days’ marketing strategy. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 7 July 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 15:14, 7 July 2021

Project Q2693957 in Poland
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Project Q2693957 in Poland


    0 references
    41,650.0 zloty
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    9,258.8 Euro
    0.2223 Euro
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    49,000.0 zloty
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    10,892.7 Euro
    0.2223 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    3 February 2020
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    8 September 2020
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    52°58'32.9"N, 22°14'14.3"E
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    W wyniku realizacji projektu zostanie przeprowadzony audyt wzorniczy, określający analizę działalności firmy pod względem jej potencjału i potrzeb wzorniczych. Firma dostrzega duże możliwości w zakresie uruchomienia produkcji maszyn dla ogrodnictwa przy wykorzystaniu aktualnego wzornictwa. Firma audytorska „Soul & Mind Group” Sp. z o.o. reprezentowana przez: Maciej Zaremba; Jacek Kall; Bartłomiej Janiszewski; Bartłomiej Mikosz; Marcin Konicki przeprowadzi w ramach audytu wzorniczego: 1. analizę wzorniczą: • w zakresie oferty produktowej- 13 dni • w zakresie modelu biznesowego- 3 dni • w zakresie technologii- 5 dni • w zakresie struktury organizacyjnej- 3 dni • w zakresie procesów komunikacji- 6 dni • w zakresie strategii marketingowej- 7 dni • w zakresie zdefiniowania i charakterystyki klientów i konkurencji oraz kluczowych trendów branżowych-6 dni • w zakresie potrzeb w zakresie zarządzania wzornictwem- 9 dni • w zakresie oferty pod kątem wykorzystania wzornictwa i potencjału rynkowego beneficjenta- 8 dni 2. ogólną charakterystykę firmy zawierającą analizę wzorniczą przedsiębiorstwa w zakresie produktów, technologii, struktury organizacyjnej, procesów komunikacji z klientem, strategii marketingowej – 4 dni 3. ogólny opis otoczenia firmy w zakresie designu zawierający co najmniej informacje odnośnie charakterystyki klientów, opis głównych konkurentów – 4 dni 4. opis trendów rynkowych, określenie kluczowych w kontekście beneficjenta trendów branżowych, społecznych i technologicznych o dużym potencjale wpływu na rynek beneficjenta – 4 dni 5. ocenę poziomu wykorzystania wzornictwa w przedsiębiorstwie wnioskodawcy oraz jego potencjału w tym zakresie – 4 dni 6. zdefiniowanie problemów wzorniczych w firmie – 4 dni 7. możliwości rozwiązania problemów wzorniczych– 5 dni 8. rekomendacje dalszych szczegółowych działań– 5 dni (Polish)
    0 references
    As a result of the project, a design audit will be carried out, determining the analysis of the company’s activity in terms of its potential and design needs. The company sees great opportunities in starting production of machinery for horticulture using current design. Audit firm "Soul & Mind Group" Sp. z o.o. represented by: Maciej Zaremba; Jacek Kall; Bartłomiej Janiszewski; Bartłomiej Mikosz; Marcin Konicki will carry out a design audit: 1. Design analysis: • in terms of product offer- 13 days • in the field of business model- 3 days • in the field of technology- 5 days • in terms of organizational structure- 3 days • in the scope of communication processes- 6 days • in terms of marketing strategy- 7 days • in terms of definition and characteristics of customers and competition and key industry trends-6 days • in terms of design management needs- 9 days • in terms of offer in terms of the use of design and market potential of the beneficiary – 8 days overall description of the company’s design potential – the overall characteristics of the company in the context of the company’s design potential in the context of at least the company’s key characteristics in terms of products, technology, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days‘marketing strategy – a general description of the company’s environment in terms of design and market potential – a description of the company’s design potential in the context of at least the company’s performance in the context of the company’s performance in terms of 6 key business characteristics, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days 3. general description of the company’s environment in terms of design of the company, including at least 4 days in the context of the company’s performance in terms of the company’s performance in terms of products, technology, organizational structure, customer communication processes, 4 days’ marketing strategy. (English)
    7 July 2021
    0 references


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