“Increase in the competitiveness of the company Fr Later Sp. z o.o. by implementing innovation in high voltage power line installation with real-time installation checks” (Q118065): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The project aims to ‘strengthen the competitive position of the company Fr Later Sp. z o.o. and increase its level of innovation, based on the implementation of product innovations resulting from the R & D performed’. The strategic objective set out above will be achieved through the purchase of the fixed assets needed to provide an innovative service for the installation of the operating lines and the OPGW using the new generation of voltage ro...)
Property / summary
The project aims to ‘strengthen the competitive position of the company Fr Later Sp. z o.o. and increase its level of innovation, based on the implementation of product innovations resulting from the R & D performed’. The strategic objective set out above will be achieved through the purchase of the fixed assets needed to provide an innovative service for the installation of the operating lines and the OPGW using the new generation of voltage rolls for the WN line with real-time assembly control. This service has been developed on the basis of the R & D work carried out by the Applicant on its own, which directly contributes to its unique characteristics, parameters and functionalities, showing a significant advantage over the solutions currently available on the market for the construction of telecommunications and electricity lines. The implementation of this project will allow the implementation in the economic activities of the Later Sp. z o.o. economic activities which have not been known and have not been applied to date, both on the regional, national, European and global markets. The characteristics and functional characteristics of the project result, thanks to real-time installation checks, will: to minimise physical checks during assembly operations, minimise the damage to the work cables, the OPGW and the high temperature range, reduce time in the cable installation, increase the safety of the installation of the operating cables and the OPGW, extend the lifetime of the installed operating cables and the OPGW. The diversification of the Company’s existing offer and the placing on the market of the new service will result in an increase in the level of competitiveness and of the innovativeness of the company, of increasing the percentage of new customers on the Polish and European markets and of further development investments. (English)
Property / summary: The project aims to ‘strengthen the competitive position of the company Fr Later Sp. z o.o. and increase its level of innovation, based on the implementation of product innovations resulting from the R & D performed’. The strategic objective set out above will be achieved through the purchase of the fixed assets needed to provide an innovative service for the installation of the operating lines and the OPGW using the new generation of voltage rolls for the WN line with real-time assembly control. This service has been developed on the basis of the R & D work carried out by the Applicant on its own, which directly contributes to its unique characteristics, parameters and functionalities, showing a significant advantage over the solutions currently available on the market for the construction of telecommunications and electricity lines. The implementation of this project will allow the implementation in the economic activities of the Later Sp. z o.o. economic activities which have not been known and have not been applied to date, both on the regional, national, European and global markets. The characteristics and functional characteristics of the project result, thanks to real-time installation checks, will: to minimise physical checks during assembly operations, minimise the damage to the work cables, the OPGW and the high temperature range, reduce time in the cable installation, increase the safety of the installation of the operating cables and the OPGW, extend the lifetime of the installed operating cables and the OPGW. The diversification of the Company’s existing offer and the placing on the market of the new service will result in an increase in the level of competitiveness and of the innovativeness of the company, of increasing the percentage of new customers on the Polish and European markets and of further development investments. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 08:43, 10 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
“Increase in the competitiveness of the company Fr Later Sp. z o.o. by implementing innovation in high voltage power line installation with real-time installation checks”
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    514,475.0 zloty
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    123,474.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    973,545.0 zloty
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    233,650.8 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    65.0 percent
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    1 October 2019
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    30 June 2020
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    Celem projektu jest „Wzmocnienie pozycji konkurencyjnej firmy ZBR Later Sp. z o.o. i podniesienie poziomu jej innowacyjności, w oparciu o wdrożenie innowacji produktowych, będących rezultatem przeprowadzonych prac badawczo-rozwojowych”. Sformułowany powyżej cel strategiczny przedmiotowego projektu, zostanie osiągnięty poprzez zakup środków trwałych niezbędnych do świadczenia innowacyjnej usługi montażu przewodów roboczych oraz OPGW z wykorzystaniem nowej generacji rolek instalacyjnych dla linii WN napięć z kontrolą montażu w czasie rzeczywistym. Przedmiotowa usługa opracowana została na podstawie prac B+R realizowanych samodzielnie przez Wnioskodawcę, które przekładają się bezpośrednio na jej unikalne cechy, parametry oraz funkcjonalności, świadczące o znaczącej przewadze nad dostępnymi obecnie na rynku rozwiązaniami wykorzystywanymi przez podmioty świadczące usługi związane z budową linii telekomunikacyjnych oraz elektroenergetycznych. Realizacja przedmiotowego projektu, pozwoli na wdrożenie do działalności gospodarczej ZBR Later Sp. z o.o. rozwiązań nie znanych oraz nie stosowanych dotychczas, zarówno na rynku regionalnym, krajowym, europejskim, jak i światowym. Charakterystycznymi cechami oraz funkcjonalnościami właściwymi dla rezultatu projektu, dzięki kontroli montażu w czasie rzeczywistym, będzie: zminimalizowanie fizycznej kontroli podczas prowadzonych prac montażowych, minimalizacja uszkodzeń przewodów roboczych, OPGW oraz wysokotemperaturowych, skrócenie czasu znalezienia uszkodzenia podczas instalacji przewodów, zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa instalacji przewodów roboczych i OPGW, przedłużenie żywotności instalowanych przewodów roboczych i OPGW. Dywersyfikacja dotychczasowej oferty Spółki i wprowadzenie na rynek nowej usługi skutkować będzie podniesieniem poziomu konkurencyjności oraz innowacyjności firmy, zwiększeniem procentowego udziału i pozyskaniem nowych klientów na rynku polskim i europejskim, a także podejmowaniem dalszych inwestycji rozwojowych. (Polish)
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    The project aims to ‘strengthen the competitive position of the company Fr Later Sp. z o.o. and increase its level of innovation, based on the implementation of product innovations resulting from the R & D performed’. The strategic objective set out above will be achieved through the purchase of the fixed assets needed to provide an innovative service for the installation of the operating lines and the OPGW using the new generation of voltage rolls for the WN line with real-time assembly control. This service has been developed on the basis of the R & D work carried out by the Applicant on its own, which directly contributes to its unique characteristics, parameters and functionalities, showing a significant advantage over the solutions currently available on the market for the construction of telecommunications and electricity lines. The implementation of this project will allow the implementation in the economic activities of the Later Sp. z o.o. economic activities which have not been known and have not been applied to date, both on the regional, national, European and global markets. The characteristics and functional characteristics of the project result, thanks to real-time installation checks, will: to minimise physical checks during assembly operations, minimise the damage to the work cables, the OPGW and the high temperature range, reduce time in the cable installation, increase the safety of the installation of the operating cables and the OPGW, extend the lifetime of the installed operating cables and the OPGW. The diversification of the Company’s existing offer and the placing on the market of the new service will result in an increase in the level of competitiveness and of the innovativeness of the company, of increasing the percentage of new customers on the Polish and European markets and of further development investments. (English)
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