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(Created claim: summary (P836): In the previous project Procurement-driven Innovation for Regional Growth, it has been noted that there is a will among contracting authorities to change their way of procuring, but that there is no knowledge of how, something that is related to today’s systems and structures. There is a strong correlation between sustainable business and soft values, where everyone’s needs are utilised before demands. But there is a built-in problem in today’s...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
In the previous project Procurement-driven Innovation for Regional Growth, it has been noted that there is a will among contracting authorities to change their way of procuring, but that there is no knowledge of how, something that is related to today’s systems and structures. There is a strong correlation between sustainable business and soft values, where everyone’s needs are utilised before demands. But there is a built-in problem in today’s procurement procedure of numerical evaluation criteria that make it difficult to satisfy needs and good business. There are no models to describe how soft values affect the sustainability of purchases of goods and services in the short and long term. This knowledge could form the basis for risk analyses in how purchases can guide decisions on how to weight and prioritise in the challenges. This means that you must be able to count on these soft values. Being able to cost the different parameters of the concept of sustainability could mean that soft values are given a completely new meaning and value meter for public sector organisations. Objectives Overall targets: Creating growth for SME companies in the region through a changed approach to public procurement, which also leads to increased impact and outcome of public procurement from a sustainability perspective. The goal of the project: Generate a new dimension of sustainability within the public procurement process, where soft values are a natural value meter on a good business for all involved and that leads to Regional growth in the short and long term. The project has changed the structure and implemented a new approach to public procurement in the Region and the process has been initiated in several of the county’s municipalities. Some milestones – More public procurements have been carried out in such a way that more micro and SME companies can participate. (4-6 public procurements have been carried out as case/pilots in the project). — Increased collaboration between the public sector and the private sector and create a test environment for companies. Approximately 25 meetings/dialogues have been carried out during the project period. — New measurement variables have been developed for soft values in the evaluation of criteria for public procurement. — Model for national/health economic parameters has been developed that will provide a basis for decisions ahead of public procurements. — Gathering knowledge and dissemination of results nationally and internationally. Increased knowledge of structure and female entrepreneurship in public procurement. Some expected results at project conclusions – The target groups are gradually gaining an increased network, through conscious work with contact-creating activities of different kinds. Knowledge of why new ways of working and knowledge of sustainable purchasing/procurement processes are important to be able to do sustainable business. — The knowledge of the public actors regarding SMEs‘/innovators’/micro-company’s preconditions, requirements and needs for real participation in the public transaction. — Areas that are important development areas for public business from a client perspective are made visible to the different companies. — Increased knowledge of what life cycle assessments can mean to make public business sustainable. Increased knowledge about how companies run by women experience public business – Increased knowledge among companies, regions and municipalities about public procurement opportunities to drive development and innovation. Expected long-term effects – Closer collaboration between municipalities, region and regional companies have been established. — Extended network of different competences nationally and internationally has been created. — Increased knowledge of Regions and municipalities in the industries affected in cases/pilots. — Created experience of the working method and examples that can be used for dissemination regionally and nationally. Increased knowledge about the economic effects of sustainable procurement from an economic, social, gender and environmental perspective in the Region. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In the previous project Procurement-driven Innovation for Regional Growth, it has been noted that there is a will among contracting authorities to change their way of procuring, but that there is no knowledge of how, something that is related to today’s systems and structures. There is a strong correlation between sustainable business and soft values, where everyone’s needs are utilised before demands. But there is a built-in problem in today’s procurement procedure of numerical evaluation criteria that make it difficult to satisfy needs and good business. There are no models to describe how soft values affect the sustainability of purchases of goods and services in the short and long term. This knowledge could form the basis for risk analyses in how purchases can guide decisions on how to weight and prioritise in the challenges. This means that you must be able to count on these soft values. Being able to cost the different parameters of the concept of sustainability could mean that soft values are given a completely new meaning and value meter for public sector organisations. Objectives Overall targets: Creating growth for SME companies in the region through a changed approach to public procurement, which also leads to increased impact and outcome of public procurement from a sustainability perspective. The goal of the project: Generate a new dimension of sustainability within the public procurement process, where soft values are a natural value meter on a good business for all involved and that leads to Regional growth in the short and long term. The project has changed the structure and implemented a new approach to public procurement in the Region and the process has been initiated in several of the county’s municipalities. Some milestones – More public procurements have been carried out in such a way that more micro and SME companies can participate. (4-6 public procurements have been carried out as case/pilots in the project). — Increased collaboration between the public sector and the private sector and create a test environment for companies. Approximately 25 meetings/dialogues have been carried out during the project period. — New measurement variables have been developed for soft values in the evaluation of criteria for public procurement. — Model for national/health economic parameters has been developed that will provide a basis for decisions ahead of public procurements. — Gathering knowledge and dissemination of results nationally and internationally. Increased knowledge of structure and female entrepreneurship in public procurement. Some expected results at project conclusions – The target groups are gradually gaining an increased network, through conscious work with contact-creating activities of different kinds. Knowledge of why new ways of working and knowledge of sustainable purchasing/procurement processes are important to be able to do sustainable business. — The knowledge of the public actors regarding SMEs‘/innovators’/micro-company’s preconditions, requirements and needs for real participation in the public transaction. — Areas that are important development areas for public business from a client perspective are made visible to the different companies. — Increased knowledge of what life cycle assessments can mean to make public business sustainable. Increased knowledge about how companies run by women experience public business – Increased knowledge among companies, regions and municipalities about public procurement opportunities to drive development and innovation. Expected long-term effects – Closer collaboration between municipalities, region and regional companies have been established. — Extended network of different competences nationally and internationally has been created. — Increased knowledge of Regions and municipalities in the industries affected in cases/pilots. — Created experience of the working method and examples that can be used for dissemination regionally and nationally. Increased knowledge about the economic effects of sustainable procurement from an economic, social, gender and environmental perspective in the Region. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In the previous project Procurement-driven Innovation for Regional Growth, it has been noted that there is a will among contracting authorities to change their way of procuring, but that there is no knowledge of how, something that is related to today’s systems and structures. There is a strong correlation between sustainable business and soft values, where everyone’s needs are utilised before demands. But there is a built-in problem in today’s procurement procedure of numerical evaluation criteria that make it difficult to satisfy needs and good business. There are no models to describe how soft values affect the sustainability of purchases of goods and services in the short and long term. This knowledge could form the basis for risk analyses in how purchases can guide decisions on how to weight and prioritise in the challenges. This means that you must be able to count on these soft values. Being able to cost the different parameters of the concept of sustainability could mean that soft values are given a completely new meaning and value meter for public sector organisations. Objectives Overall targets: Creating growth for SME companies in the region through a changed approach to public procurement, which also leads to increased impact and outcome of public procurement from a sustainability perspective. The goal of the project: Generate a new dimension of sustainability within the public procurement process, where soft values are a natural value meter on a good business for all involved and that leads to Regional growth in the short and long term. The project has changed the structure and implemented a new approach to public procurement in the Region and the process has been initiated in several of the county’s municipalities. Some milestones – More public procurements have been carried out in such a way that more micro and SME companies can participate. (4-6 public procurements have been carried out as case/pilots in the project). — Increased collaboration between the public sector and the private sector and create a test environment for companies. Approximately 25 meetings/dialogues have been carried out during the project period. — New measurement variables have been developed for soft values in the evaluation of criteria for public procurement. — Model for national/health economic parameters has been developed that will provide a basis for decisions ahead of public procurements. — Gathering knowledge and dissemination of results nationally and internationally. Increased knowledge of structure and female entrepreneurship in public procurement. Some expected results at project conclusions – The target groups are gradually gaining an increased network, through conscious work with contact-creating activities of different kinds. Knowledge of why new ways of working and knowledge of sustainable purchasing/procurement processes are important to be able to do sustainable business. — The knowledge of the public actors regarding SMEs‘/innovators’/micro-company’s preconditions, requirements and needs for real participation in the public transaction. — Areas that are important development areas for public business from a client perspective are made visible to the different companies. — Increased knowledge of what life cycle assessments can mean to make public business sustainable. Increased knowledge about how companies run by women experience public business – Increased knowledge among companies, regions and municipalities about public procurement opportunities to drive development and innovation. Expected long-term effects – Closer collaboration between municipalities, region and regional companies have been established. — Extended network of different competences nationally and internationally has been created. — Increased knowledge of Regions and municipalities in the industries affected in cases/pilots. — Created experience of the working method and examples that can be used for dissemination regionally and nationally. Increased knowledge about the economic effects of sustainable procurement from an economic, social, gender and environmental perspective in the Region. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 29 April 2021
Revision as of 21:10, 29 April 2021
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English | No label defined |
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6,647,552.0 Swedish krona
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13,295,106.0 Swedish krona
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0.5 percent
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1 November 2019
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28 February 2023
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Gävleborgs Läns Landsting
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I det tidigare projektet Upphandlingsdriven Innovation för Regional Tillväxt har man kunnat konstatera att det finns en vilja hos upphandlande myndigheter att förändra sitt sätt att upphandla, men att det saknas kunskap om hur, något som hänger ihop med dagens system och strukturer. Det finns ett starkt samband mellan hållbara affärer och mjuka värden, där allas behov tas tillvara inför kravställandet. Men det finns ett inbyggt problem i dagens upphandlingsförfarande av numerära utvärderingskriterier som försvårar för att tillfredsställa behov och goda affärer. Det saknas modeller för att beskriva hur de mjuka värdena påverkar hållbarheten i inköpen av varor och tjänster på kort och lång sikt. Den kunskapen skulle kunna ligga till grund för riskanalyser i av hur inköpen kan styra besluten hur man kan vikta och prioritera i utmaningarna. Det innebär att man måste kunna räkna på dessa mjuka värden. Att kunna kostnadsätta hållbarhetsbegreppets olika parametrar skulle kunna innebära att mjuka värden ges en helt ny betydelse och värdemätare för offentliga verksamheter. Mål Övergripande mål: Att skapa tillväxt för SME företag i regionen genom ett förändrat arbetssätt inom offentlig upphandling, som också leder till ökad effekt och utfall av offentliga upphandlingar ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Projektets mål: Generera en ny dimension av hållbarhet inom den offentliga upphandlingsprocessen, där mjuka värden är en naturlig värdemätare på en bra affär för alla iblandade och som leder till Regionaltillväxt på kort och lång sikt. Projektet har förändrat strukturen och implementerat ett nytt arbetssätt för offentlig upphandling i Regionen och processen är påbörjad i flera av länets kommuner. Några delmål - Fler offentliga upphandlingar har genomförts på ett sådant sätt så att fler micro-och SME företag kan delta. (4-6 offentliga upphandlingar har genomförts som case/piloter i projektet). - Ökad samverkan mellan offentlig sektor och privat sektor samt skapa en testarena för företag. Ca 25 antal träffar/dialoger har genomförts under projekttiden. - Nya mätvariabler har tagits fram för mjuka värden i utvärderingen av kriterier för offentlig upphandling. - Modell för samhälls/hälsoekonomiska parametrar har tagits fram som blir ett underlag inför beslut inför offentliga upphandlingar. - Inhämtning av kunskap och spridning av resultat nationellt och internationellt. - Ökad kunskap om struktur och kvinnligt företagande i offentlig upphandling. Några förväntade resultat vid projektavslut - Målgrupperna får successivt ett ökat nätverk, genom medvetet arbete med kontaktskapande aktiviteter av olika slag. - Kunskap om varför nya arbetssätt och kunskap om hållbara inköps/upphandlingsprocesser är viktiga för att kunna göra hållbara affärer. - Kunskapen hos de offentliga aktörerna beträffande SME företagens/innovatörernas /microföretagens förutsättningar, krav och behov för att på riktigt kunna medverka i den offentliga affären. - Områden som är viktiga utvecklingsområden för offentliga affärer ur ett beställarperspektiv synliggörs för de olika företagen. - Ökad kunskap om vad livscykelanalyser kan betyda för att få den offentliga affären hållbar. - Ökad kunskap om hur företag drivna av kvinnor upplever offentliga affärer - Ökad kunskap hos företag, region och kommuner om offentlig upphandlings möjligheter att driva utveckling och innovation. Några förväntade effekter på lång sikt - Närmare samverkan mellan kommuner, region och regionala företag har etablerats. - Utökat nätverk med olika kompetenser nationellt och internationellt har skapats. - Ökad kunskap hos Region och kommuner inom de branscher som berörts i case/piloter. - Skapat erfarenhet av arbetssättet och exempel som kan användas för spridning regionalt och nationellt. - Ökad kunskap om ekonomiska effekter av hållbar upphandling utifrån ett ekonomiskt, socialt, jämställt och miljömässigt perspektiv i Regionen. (Swedish)
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In the previous project Procurement-driven Innovation for Regional Growth, it has been noted that there is a will among contracting authorities to change their way of procuring, but that there is no knowledge of how, something that is related to today’s systems and structures. There is a strong correlation between sustainable business and soft values, where everyone’s needs are utilised before demands. But there is a built-in problem in today’s procurement procedure of numerical evaluation criteria that make it difficult to satisfy needs and good business. There are no models to describe how soft values affect the sustainability of purchases of goods and services in the short and long term. This knowledge could form the basis for risk analyses in how purchases can guide decisions on how to weight and prioritise in the challenges. This means that you must be able to count on these soft values. Being able to cost the different parameters of the concept of sustainability could mean that soft values are given a completely new meaning and value meter for public sector organisations. Objectives Overall targets: Creating growth for SME companies in the region through a changed approach to public procurement, which also leads to increased impact and outcome of public procurement from a sustainability perspective. The goal of the project: Generate a new dimension of sustainability within the public procurement process, where soft values are a natural value meter on a good business for all involved and that leads to Regional growth in the short and long term. The project has changed the structure and implemented a new approach to public procurement in the Region and the process has been initiated in several of the county’s municipalities. Some milestones – More public procurements have been carried out in such a way that more micro and SME companies can participate. (4-6 public procurements have been carried out as case/pilots in the project). — Increased collaboration between the public sector and the private sector and create a test environment for companies. Approximately 25 meetings/dialogues have been carried out during the project period. — New measurement variables have been developed for soft values in the evaluation of criteria for public procurement. — Model for national/health economic parameters has been developed that will provide a basis for decisions ahead of public procurements. — Gathering knowledge and dissemination of results nationally and internationally. Increased knowledge of structure and female entrepreneurship in public procurement. Some expected results at project conclusions – The target groups are gradually gaining an increased network, through conscious work with contact-creating activities of different kinds. Knowledge of why new ways of working and knowledge of sustainable purchasing/procurement processes are important to be able to do sustainable business. — The knowledge of the public actors regarding SMEs‘/innovators’/micro-company’s preconditions, requirements and needs for real participation in the public transaction. — Areas that are important development areas for public business from a client perspective are made visible to the different companies. — Increased knowledge of what life cycle assessments can mean to make public business sustainable. Increased knowledge about how companies run by women experience public business – Increased knowledge among companies, regions and municipalities about public procurement opportunities to drive development and innovation. Expected long-term effects – Closer collaboration between municipalities, region and regional companies have been established. — Extended network of different competences nationally and internationally has been created. — Increased knowledge of Regions and municipalities in the industries affected in cases/pilots. — Created experience of the working method and examples that can be used for dissemination regionally and nationally. Increased knowledge about the economic effects of sustainable procurement from an economic, social, gender and environmental perspective in the Region. (English)
29 April 2021
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