Construction of a Polish building academy (Q115561): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): Type of operation 2. The ‘Polish construction academy’ project is aimed at 144 adults in Opolskie Province, which are interested in acquiring the professional qualifications needed to practise the profession of electrician, with additional specialisations in the installation of fibre-optic networks or the installation of photovoltaic systems. The project is a response to the real needs raised by employers on this type of workers, which is based,...) |
Property / summary | |||
Type of operation 2. The ‘Polish construction academy’ project is aimed at 144 adults in Opolskie Province, which are interested in acquiring the professional qualifications needed to practise the profession of electrician, with additional specialisations in the installation of fibre-optic networks or the installation of photovoltaic systems. The project is a response to the real needs raised by employers on this type of workers, which is based, inter alia, on the list of deficit occupations in the war in Poland for 2014. As a result of courses to obtain and supplement the knowledge, skills and qualifications which are in line with the Ministry’s Regulation of 11 January 2012 on lifelong learning in out-of-school forms, the problem of shortages of skilled electricians in the region will be addressed. European Union regulations relating to the sustainable environment and development relating to food and technology. The implementation of the project will help to reduce the problem of the availability of training for the K/M area. (English) | |||
Property / summary: Type of operation 2. The ‘Polish construction academy’ project is aimed at 144 adults in Opolskie Province, which are interested in acquiring the professional qualifications needed to practise the profession of electrician, with additional specialisations in the installation of fibre-optic networks or the installation of photovoltaic systems. The project is a response to the real needs raised by employers on this type of workers, which is based, inter alia, on the list of deficit occupations in the war in Poland for 2014. As a result of courses to obtain and supplement the knowledge, skills and qualifications which are in line with the Ministry’s Regulation of 11 January 2012 on lifelong learning in out-of-school forms, the problem of shortages of skilled electricians in the region will be addressed. European Union regulations relating to the sustainable environment and development relating to food and technology. The implementation of the project will help to reduce the problem of the availability of training for the K/M area. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 08:32, 10 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Construction of a Polish building academy |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
370,209.0 zloty
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435,540.0 zloty
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85.0 percent
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1 September 2016
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31 October 2017
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Typ operacji 2. Projekt "Opolska akademia budowlana" skierowany jest do 144 osób dorosłych z terenu woj. opolskiego, które zainteresowanie są nabyciem kwalifikacji zawodowych niezbędnych do wykonywania zawodu elektryka budowlanego z dodatkowymi specjalizacjami w zakresie montażu sieci światłowodowych lub montażu systemów fotowoltaicznych. Projekt jest odpowiedzią na realne zapotrzebowanie zgłaszane na tego typu pracowników przez pracodawców, które wynika z listy zawodów deficytowych w woj.opolskim za 2014r. W wyniku realizacji kursów umożliwiających uzyskiwanie i uzupełnianie wiedzy, umiejętności i kwalifikacji zawodowych, zgodnych z Rozporządzeniem MEN z dnia 11 stycznia 2012 r. w sprawie kształcenia ustawicznego w formach pozaszkolnych, zniwelowany zostanie problem deficytu wykwalifikowanych elektryków w regionie. Regulacje unijne w zakresie zrównoważonego środowiskairozwojusieciszerokopasmowychmająistotnywpływnastaływzrostpopytunaopolskimrynkupracynaelektrykówbudowlanychzdodatkowymispecjalizacjami.Projekt adresowanybędziedodwóchkategoriigrup:(1)elektrykówbudowlanychzuprawnieniamidlagrupyIlubII,którzychcąuzyskaćkwalifikacjedlawyższejgrupyIIlubIIIwrazzdodatkową specjalizacjąoraz(2)osób,którechcądopierouzyskaćuprawnieniaelektrykabudowlanegodlagrupyIwrazzdodatkowąspecjalizacją.Takprzyjętakonstrukcjaszkoleńzawodowychbędzie miaławymiernyefekt,gdyżpozdaniuUPbędąposiadalipełneuprawnieniaEiDdladanejgrupyorazbędąmogliwykonywaćinstalacjeświatłowodowezapomocąspawarekświatłowodowych Fujikura lub montować panele fotowoltaiczne. Realizacja projektu przyczyni się do ograniczenia problemu dostępności szkoleń dla K/M z obszarówwiejskich. (Polish)
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Type of operation 2. The ‘Polish construction academy’ project is aimed at 144 adults in Opolskie Province, which are interested in acquiring the professional qualifications needed to practise the profession of electrician, with additional specialisations in the installation of fibre-optic networks or the installation of photovoltaic systems. The project is a response to the real needs raised by employers on this type of workers, which is based, inter alia, on the list of deficit occupations in the war in Poland for 2014. As a result of courses to obtain and supplement the knowledge, skills and qualifications which are in line with the Ministry’s Regulation of 11 January 2012 on lifelong learning in out-of-school forms, the problem of shortages of skilled electricians in the region will be addressed. European Union regulations relating to the sustainable environment and development relating to food and technology. The implementation of the project will help to reduce the problem of the availability of training for the K/M area. (English)
0 references
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