Preventive measures for the early detection of colorectal cancer for Łódzkie Province. (Q103297): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): At the M. Kopernik in Łódź, the project will support and complement the screening programme for early detection of colorectal cancer in order to increase the reporting of prevention to preventive research. the applicant has decided, after analysing the degree to which research has been made, to include the population in sparsely populated areas in at least 60 %. Participants will be all persons aged 50-65, regardless of their family interview, t...) |
Property / summary | |||
At the M. Kopernik in Łódź, the project will support and complement the screening programme for early detection of colorectal cancer in order to increase the reporting of prevention to preventive research. the applicant has decided, after analysing the degree to which research has been made, to include the population in sparsely populated areas in at least 60 %. Participants will be all persons aged 50-65, regardless of their family interview, those aged 40-49 who have primary relative (parents, brothers and sisters, children) who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer; persons aged 25-49, families in which a large colorectal colorectal cancer (HOPCC) has occurred. Within this group of persons, it is necessary to confirm the recognition of the presence of the HNPCC family from genetic advice on the basis of compliance with the so-called “Amsterdam” criteria and possible genetic research. The actions set out in the project will focus on removing barriers to access to preventive research. Reaching out to people from sparsely populated areas will contribute to the objective of increasing participation in the preventive populations in war. The partner will carry out an educational activity of a local nature (workshop for medical staff POZ) on the implementation of preventive actions for early detection of colorectal cancer. The project participants will have to carry out the research into the best in the region of WWCOI WWCOI in Łódź. Participants will be provided with anaesthesia/sedation, as well as travelling to and from the study (or reimbursement of the cost of travelling), providing information on the preparation for testing, transferring the cleansing agent. The actions to be implemented in the project respect the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, the principle of sustainable development and the principle of universal design. (English) | |||
Property / summary: At the M. Kopernik in Łódź, the project will support and complement the screening programme for early detection of colorectal cancer in order to increase the reporting of prevention to preventive research. the applicant has decided, after analysing the degree to which research has been made, to include the population in sparsely populated areas in at least 60 %. Participants will be all persons aged 50-65, regardless of their family interview, those aged 40-49 who have primary relative (parents, brothers and sisters, children) who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer; persons aged 25-49, families in which a large colorectal colorectal cancer (HOPCC) has occurred. Within this group of persons, it is necessary to confirm the recognition of the presence of the HNPCC family from genetic advice on the basis of compliance with the so-called “Amsterdam” criteria and possible genetic research. The actions set out in the project will focus on removing barriers to access to preventive research. Reaching out to people from sparsely populated areas will contribute to the objective of increasing participation in the preventive populations in war. The partner will carry out an educational activity of a local nature (workshop for medical staff POZ) on the implementation of preventive actions for early detection of colorectal cancer. The project participants will have to carry out the research into the best in the region of WWCOI WWCOI in Łódź. Participants will be provided with anaesthesia/sedation, as well as travelling to and from the study (or reimbursement of the cost of travelling), providing information on the preparation for testing, transferring the cleansing agent. The actions to be implemented in the project respect the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, the principle of sustainable development and the principle of universal design. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 10:14, 6 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Preventive measures for the early detection of colorectal cancer for Łódzkie Province. |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
1,662,396.0 zloty
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1,955,760.0 zloty
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85.0 percent
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2 January 2019
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31 December 2020
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WWCOiT im. M. Kopernika w Łodzi realizując projekt podejmie działania wspierające i uzupełniające Program badań przesiewowych dla wczesnego wykrywania raka jelita grubego nastawione na zwiększenie zgłaszalności na badania profilaktyczne.Wnioskodawca po analizie stopnia zgłaszalności na badania w woj.łódzkim zdecydował,iż projekt obejmie ludność powiatów obszarów słabo zaludnionych w min. 60%. Uczestnikami będą wszystkie osoby w wieku 50-65 lat niezależnie od wywiadu rodzinnego,osoby w wieku 40-49 lat,które mają krewnego pierwszego stopnia (rodzice,rodzeństwo,dzieci),u którego rozpoznano raka jelita grubego;osoby w wieku 25-49 lat, z rodzin w których wystąpił dziedziczny rak jelita grubego niezwiązany z polipowatością (HNPCC). W tej grupie osób konieczne jest potwierdzenie rozpoznania przynależności do rodziny HNPCC z poradni genetycznej na podstawie spełnienia tzw. kryteriów amsterdamskich i ewentualnego bad.genetycznego. Działania założone w projekcie będą koncentrować się na eliminowaniu barier w dostępie do badań profilaktycznych. Dotarcie do osób z terenów słabo zaludnionych przyczyni się do celu jakim jest zwiększenie uczestnictwa w bad. profilaktycznych mieszkańców woj.łódzkiego. Partner przeprowadzi działania edukacyjne o charakterze lokalnym (warsztaty dla personelu medycznego POZ) z zakresu realizacji działań profilaktycznych dla wczesnego wykrywania raka jelita grubego. Uczestnicy projektu będą mieli wykonane bad. kolonoskopowe w najlepszym w regionie ośrodku onkologicznym jakim jest WWCOiT w Łodzi. Uczestnikom zapewnione zostanie znieczulenie/sedacja, a także dojazd na i z badania(lub zwrot kosztu dojazdu), udzielanie informacji na temat przygotowania do badania, przekazanie środka przeczyszczającego. Działania przewidziane do realizacji w projekcie są zgodne z zasadą równości szans i niedyskryminacji, zasadą zrównoważonego rozwoju i zasadą projektowania uniwersalnego. (Polish)
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At the M. Kopernik in Łódź, the project will support and complement the screening programme for early detection of colorectal cancer in order to increase the reporting of prevention to preventive research. the applicant has decided, after analysing the degree to which research has been made, to include the population in sparsely populated areas in at least 60 %. Participants will be all persons aged 50-65, regardless of their family interview, those aged 40-49 who have primary relative (parents, brothers and sisters, children) who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer; persons aged 25-49, families in which a large colorectal colorectal cancer (HOPCC) has occurred. Within this group of persons, it is necessary to confirm the recognition of the presence of the HNPCC family from genetic advice on the basis of compliance with the so-called “Amsterdam” criteria and possible genetic research. The actions set out in the project will focus on removing barriers to access to preventive research. Reaching out to people from sparsely populated areas will contribute to the objective of increasing participation in the preventive populations in war. The partner will carry out an educational activity of a local nature (workshop for medical staff POZ) on the implementation of preventive actions for early detection of colorectal cancer. The project participants will have to carry out the research into the best in the region of WWCOI WWCOI in Łódź. Participants will be provided with anaesthesia/sedation, as well as travelling to and from the study (or reimbursement of the cost of travelling), providing information on the preparation for testing, transferring the cleansing agent. The actions to be implemented in the project respect the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, the principle of sustainable development and the principle of universal design. (English)
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